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Yannis pulled her close. "Ma douce fille (my sweet girl). No need to be sorry, it's ok." He kissed her forehead.

"We don't have to have sex. I just want to spend time with you." He caressed her cheek.

"But I want to, I want to be yours." Imani looked at him. Her words said one thing, but her body was shaken at the thought of making love.

"The first time I laid eyes on you, you were already mine. Come on, let's go to bed." Yannis picked her up, taking her into his bedroom.

He laid her on the bed, enjoying her brown thighs peeking from the blue t-shirt she wore. Yannis crawled toward her on the bed, he kissed her lips softly then he moved down, opening her legs to put his warm mouth on her delicate clit.

"I need to taste you."

Imani moaned at the sudden warmth of his mouth. The sensation was immediate as he licked and sucked her pearl. She arched from the pleasure his mouth was giving her. He reached up under the t-shirt and squeezed her breast, then caressed her nipples.

" taste so good." He continued swirling his tongue.

"Yanni! Yanni!" Imani twisted the black sheets in her fists.

"Does that feel good, baby?" He asked, then circled his tongue.

"Yes, oh Yanni..yes." She moaned out.

Yannis smiled then slowly put two fingers inside of her again and moved in and out of her. Imani jerked forward letting out a cry.

He sped up the movement of his fingers and Imani began to lose it. "Cum for me, Canelle."

Yannis put his mouth back on her clit and added pressure from his tongue as he moved on it.

"Oh god, Yanni!" Imani moved her hips against his mouth.

She reached her climax, causing her legs to flutter open and shake as Yannis held her hips still. Her moans and shudders were music to his ears.

"I could listen to you all day, baby." Yannis kissed her inner thighs and made his way up to her mouth, giving her a kiss.

"Now get some sleep." He covered her with the comforter, and Imani gave in to her slumber.


It was the afternoon when Imani awoke from her sleep. She smiled, feeling refreshed after sleeping like a rock. Her arms stretched, touching the sides of the empty sheet next to her.

Where is Yanni? She thought to herself and got out of bed to see where he was in the penthouse. To her sadness, he wasn't there.

On the kitchen counter, there was a variety of sliced fruit and three muffins all covered with saran wrap. She indulged in some of the fruit and made her way back into the bedroom. Her work clothes sat folded nicely on the dresser near the walk-in closet.

Imani grabbed her phone and saw she had a few text messages. A couple from Bria, who was freaked out she didn't come home last night and then one from Yannis. She responded back to Bria, letting her know she was ok, then immediately read Yannis' text.

"Hello beautiful, sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up. I had to take care of some business. I had your car brought to your location, in case you needed to leave. I hope that's ok. You are more than welcome to stay until I get back. But if you're not going to be there, text me to let me know you made it home safe. I look forward to seeing you again."

Imani smiled, thinking about the night she had with him. She got dressed, made his bed, grabbed her things, a muffin, and made her way to her car. He made sure to have it parked where it's the first car she would see. She pressed the unlock button, and a giggle escaped her lips. Her phone began to buzz. It was Bria.

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