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It's been three weeks since Nathan told me I'm pregnant and the doctor confirmed what he said was true. But this morning when I woke up, I definitely knew without a doubt that I was going to be a mother.

It felt like I had cramps and I went to use the bathroom. After I was finished, the cramps instantly went away but a little flutter was felt across my abdomen. When I looked down, there it was....a round belly. The doctor told me what to expect carrying a werewolf's child but that all went out the window as I rubbed my further along looking stomach. Dr. Levers knew my background and assured me because I was a Crescian my pregnancy was not high risk.

My fourth month looking belly was not there before I went to bed last night and freaking out was the first thing I did but then I heard a familiar voice.

"Hi, Sweetie..."

"Mommy?" I thought I was seeing things. "What are you doing here?"

My mother was standing before me and I froze in shock. She began to walk towards me and I tugged at my nightgown, trying to hide my stomach.

"I was worried about you and wanted to see your face. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, just a little tired."

My mother took my hand and walked me back into the room. We both sat down on the lounge chair in front of the window. I didn't know what to say to her, it's been a while since we had a one on one talk.

"This place is quite lovely. Nathan has a beautiful home and Oliver is so polite."

"Yeah, it's really nice here."

"That's a beautiful ring," she smiled.

Growing up, I always admired my mothers beauty and grace. Her full lips, the shape of her eyes, her beautiful umber skin and long lashes. How she wore her waist length sisterlocs in elegant hairstyles. She was my blueprint of femininity...she still is to this day.

I looked at my left hand. "Oh yeah, thank you. He did really well."

"So, when is my grandbaby due?"

My eyes began to water...I wanted to sob and tell her everything but I kept my composure as my tears did their own thing.

"Nathan told you?"

She held my hand. "No, Goddess Mother did."

My eyes widened.

"Your sister has been keeping me updated on your romantic encounters. But unlike Miah, I chose not to get involved. I knew everything was going to happen as it was supposed to."

" know what I am?" I wiped my tears.

"Of course, baby. You and Miah got the Crescian bloodline from me...and I know all about Palesa. She was my daughter in Feloya as well."

I felt like I was dreaming. Looking into my mother's eyes I could see the shimmers of gold in them that I never noticed before and now I had a million questions to ask her.

"You and Miah can heal people too?"

"Yes, but I wanted to live as normal as possible in this life, so I asked Goddess Mother to block my abilities. But Miah can read minds and see others' past."

That explains a lot. I knew my sister wasn't a good way.

"What about Lucas and Jeremiah?"

"Nope, both are completely human like your father. Thank Goddess."

I chuckled then laid my head on her lap, putting my feet up as she began stroking my hair. It was so relaxing feeling my mother's touch and hearing her voice.

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