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Elder Nathan sat reading the file on his brother Steven. After the investigation on his death was closed, the documents were sent to his next of kin. He read statements given by a few surviving pack members.

"They killed my brother over a mere human and a pack that they didn't even want?"

"The pack claimed that the human girl was kidnapped by Alpha Steven and they were being treated unfairly and abused by him also," his assistant answered.

"I don't care about that! Steven was a savior to that pack and they turned their backs on him! All these false accusations of abuse, is utter nonsense. They just didn’t like discipline...those Alphas before Steven made that pack weak."

Nathan Spear was very handsome but didn’t resemble his brother Steven. His long jet black hair was pulled back into a low ponytail. His crystal light gray eyes and golden tan skin made him look otherworldly.

Nathan walked around the room thinking of the demise that his brother faced. This was the first time hearing the reason for his brother's death. He remembered Steven talking about helping an abandoned pack of wolves needing an Alpha. Nathan didn't think his brother was walking into his own death.

"Sir, is there something you need me to do?" The man asked.

"Find out where Victor and Yannis Crestmont is located. I have a lot of questions that need answers."

"Yes, Elder."

It really doesn't matter what they say…..they're not getting away from me alive.


Imani drove up to the gates of the Guardian Gated Community. She prepared her notes and most importantly her mind for this job with Victor and Yannis. She wore a light blue blouse and black pencil skirt with black heels. Her hair was pulled up into a bun as she wore her cat eye shaped eyeglasses.

"State your identity," the security guard said through the intercom.

"Imani James."

The gates began to open...she took a deep breath and drove through.

Ahead of her were modern built homes, beautifully kept lawns, driveways with clean cars, children riding bikes on the sidewalk and playing on their lawns. Imani drove for 10 minutes, and at the end of the cul-de-sac were two big houses.

It's like a movie...everything looks perfect.

She parked her car and grabbed her briefcase...checking the inside.

Laptop, phone, both chargers, notebook, pens, work I.D. and policy manual. Ok, I'm ready.

Imani got out of the car and felt someone standing behind her.

"Good Morning."

Victor stood smiling at her, enjoying what he saw and her scent. He wore dark gray dress pants, black button up and black loafers.

He looks exactly the same as when I met him the first time. So beautiful….

"V-Victor...Good Morning." She closed the car door.

He walked closer. "Was the address easy to find?"

"Yes Sir, it was, thank you."

He grabbed the briefcase from her hand. "Imani, you don’t have to call me sir."

She smiled. "Sorry, force of habit. So where am I setting up?"

"Follow me."

Victor made small talk as he showed her around. A few yards behind the main houses were the school, medical center, courthouse and town hall. It was like it's own city.

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