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Our son's birth was one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever had. It was also the first time I saw Nathan get emotional. I had minimal pain, no long labor....three pushes and our son, Ethan Iman Spear, was here.

I have never known a love like this before. You are my world and the most important person to me. Mommy loves you, Ethan.

Mentally speaking to my son, I felt he could hear me and the smile Nathan had on his face...I was beginning to think he could hear me too. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he could. Nathan tends to not tell me certain things...I guess to hide that he was a hybrid or have the upper hand.

Everything about our son made my heart melt. His tiny hands and feet, his baby sounds and soft skin. I was absolutely in love.

"Are you ready to go?" Nathan asked, standing in the doorway.

I held Ethan staring into his eyes, he has the same color eyes as his father. "Yes, I am ready."

We walked into the main area and were greeted by Queen Ebele and Palesa....Hasani wasn't there. I figured him being King made him very busy so I didn't take it personally.

"You know I am here if you ever need me," Palesa said, kissing my forehead.

"Thank you."

"Well ladies, thank you for your hospitality and making sure Imani and my son were safe, I am forever in your debt," Nathan said with a bow.

Both Palesa and Queen Ebele nodded.

"We are ready to go now." Nathan put his arm around me and smiled at our son.

I love my little family.

A swirl of clouds formed and all three of us entered. I forgot that my entrance into Feloya was from Yannis' penthouse. Thankfully, neither of them were there.

Nathan stood in front of me. "How are you feeling?" His eyes trailed to my lower region back up to my eyes.

I was already completely healed the day after I gave birth...Thank God for this Crescian blood. It's been a week, but I wasn't going to tell Nathan, he'd figure it out for himself. My focus was Ethan and making sure he was happy and healthy.

The giggle I tried to hold in came out abruptly and Nathan smiled. Soon his lips were against mine and my body reacted as it always has when I was with him...uncontrollably.

He carefully took Ethan out of my arms and placed him softly on the sectional, making sure he was secure. Then he walked back towards me.

"Nathan, let's wait until we get home." Just that easily, I was ready to give in to him later.

"Sorry...I can't wait, Kitty." He grabbed me close to him and kissed me with hunger.

I moaned but tried to lower my voice to not wake the baby. He lifted me up, putting my legs around his waist. I undid the button of his pants as he kissed my neck and sat me on the stool that stood next to the kitchen island. My core was pulsating and begging for him to plunge his erection inside of me.

"Take it, Nathan...please." I could've come from his stare alone and he instantly obliged my request.

The sensation of him entering my soft wetness, sent me over the edge and it took everything in me not to scream.

Fuck! That feels so good.

Nathan smiled. "You like that, Kitty?"

"Y-Yes Sir," I moaned into his chest trying to muffle the sound.

Nathan thrusted into me and gradually his pace quickened. My eyelids grew heavy as I felt my climax building up inside of me. His consistent strokes caused my legs to tremble and I gripped my arms around Nathan's neck, letting the euphoric waves crash through me.

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