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Yannis watched as Imani walked toward the cafe. She had on a yellow knee length dress that complimented her beautiful brown skin and hugged her curves. She had on black buckle stiletto heels, her hair was straightened, flowing down her back and her full lips were covered with burgundy lipstick. She tucked her hair behind her ear and the reflection from her diamond earring sparkled in the light.

Elle est tellement belle (She's so beautiful)

His phone began to ring.

"What's up?"

"Hey, where are you? You left before eating breakfast," Carrie said.

"I wanted to get an early start. Is everything ok?"

"Yes, but I wanted to get a little time in before Carly woke up. You know I love our morning sessions."

Yannis rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well sorry, I wanted to see this property before everyone else showed up."

"I forgive you. You better make it up to me later."

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later and kiss Carly for me."

Yannis hung up just in time to see Imani walk out the cafe with a little bag and green smoothie in her hand.

Being mind linked to Victor, the day he saw Imani at the park, I couldn't get her image out of my mind. I could smell her scent through him and she smelled more amazing than I remembered. I've been watching her every morning for the past three days just so I can see her pretty face.

I care about Carrie, I love my daughter and I will never leave my pack but Imani has to be in my life some way, somehow....if she's not, I'm going to go fucking crazy.

Yannis heard tapping on the passenger side window.

He rolled the window down. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Victor smiled. "I should be asking you the same thing."

He opened the door and got into Yannis' car.

"I didn't say you could get in."

"Quit acting like you hate's getting rather old."

Yannis looked at him. "Who is acting?"

"Anyway, I have a question. A few months back the female pack members were in full blown heat and I had to go stay at a hotel. But you didn't seem affected at all. Why is that?"

"When's the last time you fully shifted?" Yannis asked.

"When we fought at Crestdale..why?"

"That's why.."


"You don't spend enough time in your wolf form. How are you supposed to know how to handle your wolf's nature if you're never a wolf?"

Victor sat back, listening to his brother.

"I shift about 3 or 4 times a week. And I used to purposely go around females in heat just so I could learn how to fight my wolf's urges. The first few times I wasn't successful...."

Victor lifted one eyebrow. "A few times?"

"Ok about 10 or 20....but I eventually learned how to control myself and now the urges are less severe. My body still heats up, I may even get a little hard but I don't act on it."

Victor shook his head. "I thought the less I shifted the less my wolf would take over me. Doing that just made me more weak to his urges."

"Exactly...look, start going running with me. We'll go out tonight...if you're not scared."

"Oh, please....I'll be there. I thought the reason you weren't affected was because you let Carrie claim and mark you."

Yannis laughed. "Absolutely never going to happen."

"Why not?" Victor asked.

"Why haven't you?"

Victor didn't answer, then Yannis changed the subject.

"So, you still didn't answer my question. Why were you here?"

"You first..." Victor answered.

Yannis looked forward. "I wanted to see Imani....that's all."

"Well, it's obvious we both have been tremendously missing her. And while pining over my sweetheart....I realized we haven't done our taxes or next year's budget for the Guardian estate. And we may need an accountant."

Victor looked at his brother as a smile formed across his face.

Yannis tilted his head back in laughter.

"Great idea, brother."


Victor sat in his office looking online to find the number he wanted. He looked through the website and dialed the number.

"Account Liberty, how may I help you?" A woman answered.

"Good Morning, who can I speak to about hiring an on site accountant?"

"Good morning, Sir. That would be Jeremiah James, hold please."

The phone rang twice. "Jeremiah James speaking."

"Hello, Mr. James, I need to hire an on site accountant."

"I can help you with that, Sir. May I ask who I'm speaking to?"

"Victor Arquette."

"Thank you, Mr. Arquette. How long were you requesting services for?"

"I'm thinking, a few months. Depending on the quality, it may be for a longer period. Do you have specific terms you accommodate?"

"Yes Sir, it can be a one day service up to a few years of service. It's whatever you require."

"What's the longest term that can be contracted at a time?"

"Two years, then you have the option to renew for the same term or different."

"Do we get to choose the accountant?"


" brother is my business partner and he's very particular about who handles our finances. We are the owners of the Guardian Gated Community."

Jeremiah's eyes lit up. "Oh wow, I heard that's a very exclusive community and members only."

"Yes, so you can understand why we're so picky."

"Absolutely Sir. I will need an email so I can personally send over a list of our accountants with their credentials. When you are ready, we can set up a meeting for you to pick the accountant of your choice."

Victor gave his email then wrote down some notes.

"Thank you for your time. I will be in touch soon."

"It was my pleasure, Mr. Arquette. I'm sure I have someone that fits your needs."

Victor smiled. "I'm sure you do too."

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