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Victor's words made me feel calm enough to go back to Yanni's penthouse. I don't regret sleeping with Victor, I just wished he would've stayed home so it would be easier to lie. I know I'm horrible for saying that but I don't know what else to do.

Yanni's door is in front of us but before I could move, Victor knocked. I wanted to hide behind him and cower like a guilty child but Yanni opened the door before I could do so or run.

He was the exact same height as Victor and had a look of rage on his face when he saw him standing behind me.

"H-Hi, Yanni....I came to get my stuff," I said without looking into his eyes.

"May we come in, my dear brother?" Victor asked.

Brother? He hates when I call Yanni his brother.

"She may come are not welcomed." Yanni stood grinding his teeth.

"Well, she's not going in there without me. So play nice."

"You kidnapped her and held her hostage for three fucking days...but you want me to play nice? I should rip your head off your shoulders right now."

"I dare you to try."

My hands were beginning to sweat along with my arm pits....This cannot be happening right now.

"Umm...guys please don't. I just want to get my stuff, I need to call my family and roommate."

I walked past Yanni but before I could go toward his room he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest. I began to hug him back, missing his scent and warm embrace.

"I missed you so much. I'm happy you're ok." He held me tight.

Victor stood unamused at his brother's gesture. "Imani, you should get going now."

"Don't rush her.....actually you can leave. I can take things from here."

Victor chuckled. "Bullshit....I'm not going anywhere."

I think the only reason they haven't killed one another right now is because I'm here. But I felt my nerves taking over again.

"Guys please. I didn't want you two to argue....I should've come by myself."

Victor walked toward me and grabbed my hand. "Why sweetheart? I'm just trying to be consistent since you didn't come by yourself earlier." He kissed my hand, smirking in the process.

My mouth dropped open. Oh no, no, no, no....

I felt my heart drop to my freaking feet. I could feel Yanni's eyes staring at me, burning a hole in the side of my face. I think I'm going to pass out.

"WHAT?!" Yannis growled and I felt my legs wanting to give out.

"Yannis? Honey, you didn't tell me you were having company, I would've left." A robe-wearing, redhead stood next to Yanni.

Yanni closed his eyes, cursing himself for forgetting about the woman being there. He was so caught up in our shenanigans, he forgot about his own.

"Oh, hi...I'm Imani. It's so nice to meet you." I was so happy to see this woman that I have never met before in my life.

"Carrie, likewise." She put out her hand and shook mine.

"Well, I'm going to get my stuff now." I power walked to his room.

Victor smiled and took a seat on the sectional sofa. "Your girlfriend is cute, brother."

"She's not my girlfriend," Yannis spoke through clenched teeth.

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