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Victor parked across from the cafe Imani frequents. He could see her through the window, sitting at a table. He made his way across the street and once he caught her eyes, she smiled.

He walked in and she got up from the table giving him a hug.

My date with Nathan was amazing. Once we established some things and I accepted what we both were feeling, it was smooth sailing. I think I can be friends with Victor and Yanni with no problem now.

Imani didn't feel the same uncontrollable arousal like before, the sensation was there but very subtle.

"Hello darling."

"Hi Victor, you look handsome as usual."

"And you...beautiful as expected."

"Aww, thank you."

He smiled listening to her giggle. He felt a different energy from her....a calm energy. She didn't seem nervous or anxious.

They sat down and immediately started talking like they never were apart.

Victor realized, having Imani at the Guardian was very selfish on their part. She couldn't have felt comfortable with him and Yannis' current situations.

"Thank you for meeting me, Imani. I truly am grateful."

"Oh, you don't need to thank me. We are still friends, right? Unless, your mate told you not to be."

Victor sighed.

"Speaking of her...It wasn't fair for me to have you come to our pack territory. That situation had to be a lot for you to handle. I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me."

Imani smiled. "Already forgiven."

Such a sweetheart....He smiled in return.

"Oh, I bought something for VJ and Carly..."

Imani grabbed a big toy store bag beside her. She pulled out two Tonka dump truck toys.

"You got them both Tonka Trucks?" Victor laughed.

"Well, I actually got Carly the Tonka Truck and was gonna get VJ a baseball and mitt...but I didn't want them to get jealous of each other."

"Smart woman." Victor wanted to kiss her among other things.

His instincts were screaming for him to devour her on top of the cafe's table, but he didn't want Imani to think all he wanted from her was her body. He also enjoyed the comfortable and friendly mood Imani was displaying.

"Sooo, what's it like being a Dad?"

"It's great but takes a lot of patience."

"Do you want to have more?"

Victor leaned forward. "It depends, are you available for the next 3 months?"

Imani giggled. "Three months?"

"Yes, that's how long pregnancies with pups are."

"But....I heard human females were at high risk carrying a pup."

"Yes, but you have Crescian blood....and when Palesa was pregnant with our child she carried fine."

Imani's smile went away. "Oh, I forgot about that...sorry."

"Oh, no worries. That was the past."

"Victor, I'm really proud of you."

Hearing those words from Imani made his heart fill up. He felt like he didn't deserve such kind words from her after breaking her heart before.

"Imani, I love you...you do know that, right?"

She smiled. "I love you too."

Although Imani said I love you back, it didn't feel like the same love Victor was professing.

A chair was grabbed as Yannis took a seat at the table with them.

"Sorry I'm late. Had a little situation at the gas station."

Victor rolled his eyes and Imani laughed.

"I don't remember inviting you."

"That's because you didn't, I invited myself."

"Hi Yanni...I'm so happy to see you." Imani gave him a hug.

"Hello, Canelle. We should go to the restroom....I can show you how happy I am to see you too."

Victor looked at his brother. "Absolutely the fuck not..."

Imani laughed, missing their interactions.


The next day Victor and Yannis stood outside watching the ground get dug up for the new playground.

"Did you notice anything different about Imani yesterday?" Victor asked.

"No, she was her usual sweet bubbly self, but I do notice something else..." Yannis eyes looked forward.

Victor followed his gaze to Carmen and Richard, obviously flirting with each other.

"That's to be expected...they're sleeping together."

"Really?" Yannis looked at his brother.

"Yes, hidden cameras, my dear brother."

"Oh, I forgot about those.....guess they did too."

"Yup, but I'm happy for her. Plus, she's not clinging on to me anymore."

"Aren't you going to say anything? You know how mother is about reputation."

Victor shrugged. "I really don't care."

Yannis placed his hand on Victor's shoulder.

"Welcome to my world, brother. It's great isn't it?"


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