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The next night, Bria and I walked into a huge mansion for the costume party. Speakers blasted rock music while people danced and others drank on the side and mingled. There were a lot of people there but it didn't feel crowded.

Bria had on the nurse costume that I wasn't brave enough to wear. And she looked freaking amazing. The white outfit, bright red lipstick, fishnet stockings and bright red stilettos made heads turn.

My cheetah catsuit hugged every curve on my body while the tail hung over my backside. I heard a few guys and girls meow at me as I walked made me laugh.

I fully did my makeup. I painted whiskers on my face and put on black lipstick as the finishing touch. My cat ears headband sat right in front of my big afro puff of curls.

"Whoa, some people went all out for their costumes," I said and Bria agreed.

We danced most of the night and I let the music take over my body. It felt good not worrying about anything and just living in the moment. A few hours went by and Bria was still on go.

"Hey, you want another drink?" She asked.

"No, I'm good. Are you ok?" Just when I asked, one of Bria's favorite Metal band songs came on.


She yelled with her hands making the devil horn signs. I laughed, loving this side of her.

She went back to the middle of the floor and went crazy with thirty other people.

I went to get some fresh air and walked outback. There was a huge lighted swimming pool and a waterfall, where a couple of people were out there relaxing, some even were swimming.

The heels of my black ankle boots clicked on the stone ground as I went to the empty gazebo. Solar lights were on each side of the pathway leading to it. I stood in the opening, the inside was filled with soft cushion seating and pillows. The floor had black fur, it looked inviting and comfortable. Lights were strung all over the outside.

"We should go inside."

My heart dropped. I turned to see Kenneth looking at me up and down. He had on a construction worker's costume with the hardhat, reflective vest and tool belt. I went to walk away and he stood in my path.

"Kenneth, please move. I need to make sure Bria's ok."

"She's fine. I just checked on her and she sent me to look for you."

"Okay, well I'll go show my face then."

He wouldn't move out of my way. My heart started beating faster as he walked closer to me.

"Please move, Kenneth. This isn't funny."

"I'm not trying to be funny. Why do you keep running away from me?"

"I don't feel comfortable...excuse me."

He still wouldn't move. When I tried to go around, he blocked me again.

"I just wanna make you happy, Imani. I know I could if you would let me."

"I'm not interested, Kenneth."

"Oh, really? But you'll live with two men and let them fuck you and do whatever they want to you with no problem."

My eyes grew wide.

How does he know that? Bria doesn't even know.

"Yeah, I know. You were messing with two men at the same time. But I don't care about that, Imani. That just let's me know you aren't as innocent as you act." He bit his bottom lip.

I felt my eyes begin to water.

"Now...can you stop this little act and give me what I want? I promise you won't be disappointed...ask Bria." He smirked.

He walked closer and I backed away...then out of nowhere.

"There's my little kitty."

A deep voice said a few feet away.

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