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Victor sat in his bedroom watching Imani sleep. After his encounter with his old pack members, he knew that wouldn't be the end.

Imani saw everything. I can't get over the look on her face, it was more than was pure terror.

She fainted after seeing Victor kill those wolves and he prayed he didn't traumatize her. He loved Imani so much and wanted to protect her. Threats of Monty trying to take her sent his wolf into a rage.

He didn't want to but called Yannis to inform him of the situation. Since both of their former packs were involved it was needed.

"Do you ever knock?" Victor asked as Yannis walked into the bedroom.

"As you can see, no." Yannis walked over to Imani. He grinned at how beautiful she looked and missed kissing her lips.

He thought about the time he made love to her in the morning and afterwards, enjoying her talk about her love of butterflies as he got ready for work.

If I were a butterfly, what would I be?

Hmmm.....a Morpho Rhetenor.

And why is that?

Your eyes and hair.

Yannis looked up the species of butterfly on his phone.....he smiled.

That's a good looking butterfly.

Imani's face lit up. Yup, you should feel honored. I think butterflies are the elite insects of the bug world.

Yannis laughed to himself as he reminisced. Victor cleared his throat, interrupting his thoughts.

"Oh, um, so how long has she been out?"

"She awoke shortly right after she fainted but was still off balance. Once we got home I advised her to lay down for a while. She's been sleeping for about an hour."

Yannis touched her cheek then Victor gestured for him to follow him out of the room so they could talk.

They both made their way down the stairs and sat down. Before Victor could speak, Yannis went first.

"So, the Crestmont pack is still looking for a Crescian after all these years?"

"Yes..Zyndale too....Leo was with Monty and Roe."

Yannis sat back at the information. "Why did you take her in that area?"

"We weren't in the pack area. We were on a date, on our way to Perle dorée (Golden Pearl) and they intercepted us."

"A date?" Yannis raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, that's what men do with their women...take them on dates. Which it's obvious, you didn't do that with her." Victor got up to pour himself a drink.

"Well, you did and you see what happened." Yannis got up to do the same.

"Jealousy isn't a good look for you brother."

Yannis laughed. "So you really think she's your woman?"

"She is and speaking of your woman, how's Carrie?"

Yannis gave Victor a side eye then changed the subject.

"I assume you killed them?"

"Of course...but now they know I've been around a Crescian. They're going to come looking for her."

"Did you shift?"

"Fully shift? Oh god no. I haven't done that in years. Just the first stage."

"Not me."

Victor looked at Yannis. "You shifted recently?"

"I shift all the time. I like to go for runs in Bay forest." Yannis said nonchalantly.

"Well, Imani saw me tonight. Ma douce chérie (my sweet darling) fainted once I looked at her."

"Hi guys." Both of them quickly turned their head toward the soft voice.

"Sweetheart, how are you feeling?" Victor immediately went to her.

Imani stared at him then in a panic checked his body for wounds.

Victor grinned and let her. "Darling, I'm fine...see."

He showed his arms and lifted his shirt. She nodded, pulling it back down.

"I forgot you can heal fast....Are you one too?" She looked at Yannis.

"One what?" He asked, smiling.

"I don't know...whatever he is.." She looked at Victor then whispered. "Honey, what are you?"

Honey?....She's been around him too long. Yannis wasn't happy with her pet name for his brother.

"Well, that's why I called Yannis so we both can explain to you what we are. I don't want you to be afraid of me."

Imani touched Victor's face. "I'm not afraid of you, I love you." Victor smiled then kissed her forehead.

"And Yanni.." Imani continued, making Yannis smile too.

Victor gently grabbed her hand and they both sat on the main sofa.

Yannis got up to sit on the other side of Imani, causing Victor to look at him..."You didn't have to move."

"Whatever," Yannis answered, then took a sip of his drink.

"This is nice." Imani giggled, enjoying herself being sandwiched between them.

"Oh you like sitting between us, huh?" Yannis smirked.

She nodded and Yannis put his arm on the back of the couch behind her.

"You can start..." He said to Victor who was annoyed at his arm placement.


Victor and Yannis have been reincarnated ten times. Out of all those times, only once have they not been werewolves.

Being a werewolf slowed down their aging which made dying of old age almost unheard of.

They wouldn't have had ten life cycles if they didn't meet an early demise...which was usually them killing each other.

Their mother Estelle pleaded on many occasions for them to stop breaking her heart with their fighting. Then one day she started giving them the cold shoulder when they fought each other.

They hated when she ignored them and she took full advantage of it this life cycle.

Yannis and Victor were both destined to be Alphas once they reached eighteen and since this life cycle caused them to be fraternal twins, they had to fight for the spot as Alpha of the Onyx pack.

And although a then eighteen year-old Yannis pointed out he was still the oldest by ten minutes, the challenge still stood. He had to defeat his brother and Estelle was absolutely against it.

Coming from old money, she purchased 1,000 acres of land and had her son's form their own packs and they defeated anyone who challenged them.

Yannis formed Zyndale on 500 acres and Victor formed Crestmont on the other half. The name ideas came from their mother's maiden name....Estelle Zyndale Cresmont.

Wolves from all over joined both packs. Some were kicked out of their former packs, rejected by their mates or left on their own to find a better place to raise their pups.

All werewolves were welcomed as long as they followed the pack rules.

Within two years of the packs being formed, Victor and Yannis found their mates and everything went according to plan......until Ameena arrived.

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