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We watched as Imani walked away with a man we didn't know. She looked relieved to be in his arms and when he kissed her, I wanted to rip his head off.

Even though he asked Imani for our identity, I got the feeling he knew who we were. The smirk on his face seemed to taunt and dare us to react with our impulsive nature. The terror in Imani's eyes and her interjecting is what kept us from tearing him apart....she's already been through enough tonight.

Victor and I knew the man was obviously a werewolf but something else lingered within him. We were curious about where he came from and how he met Imani.

"Alphas, you're ok?" Richard and his father ran towards us.

"Yes, we're fine....why?" Victor asked.

"That man that just don't know who he is?" Gavin asked.

"Imani's new friend...and?" I said as we all walked into my home.

I could still smell her sweet scent in the air and by the look on Victor's face, he could too. Telling Imani we wouldn't hurt her was somewhat untrue and I honestly don't think she would've been able to handle both of us together. I've been wanting her again for so long, I wouldn't have been able to hold back. I hate to admit it, but Imani leaving was probably the best idea.

" should always know your enemy's next move...."

"What are you talking about now, Gavin?" Victor sat on the couch.

Gavin laughed. "You two can't be serious....That man was Nathan Spear."

That name usually didn't bother us but knowing that he was with Imani sent us into a rage I haven't felt in a long time. The smirk on his face now made sense and I'm wondering if he had something to do with the rogues that attacked us earlier.

Victor stood up, his eyes glowing red and his canines ready for blood. I did the same wanting to hold Spear's decapitated head in my hands.

"Now, now...nephews. I know you love Imani but you both need to think this through first. Nathan is an Elder, he holds a lot more power than you two."

"Fuck him...he's dead." Victor and I walked toward the door.

He opened the door to our mother holding my nephew. Victor slowly calmed down as VJ reached for him.

My mother walked in handing VJ off. I stared at her, sensing her rage still on ten.

She stared back trying to be the brave woman she was but could barely look me in the eyes.

"Nathan Spear is with Imani. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that....would you mother?"

Something was tugging at her and I could clearly see what it was.....guilt.


It was a calm day at Account Liberty as Imani sat entering in new hire information. Today was her parent's 30th Anniversary and her siblings wanted to do something special for them. Her parents were currently away celebrating but her sister Miah was planning a wonderful party at the exquisite Lux Hotel for when they returned. Imani already picked out her gown and was excited for the upcoming weekend.

Her cell phone rang and she smiled, seeing 'Mr. Spear' come across the screen.

"Hi Honey.." she answered, already blushing.

"Hi, are you busy?" He asked.

"For you I'm not. How's your day going?"

"It's going well...I was thinking about kidnapping you from work today..."

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