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Imani sat on the bed, then laid back down as sleep took over her body. She felt light as a feather that was floating in the breeze. When she opened her eyes, she was lying on a soft round bed covered in red silk. The walls of the room looked like tree bark with green vines spreading in different directions.

Beautiful red roses and yellow lilies clustered around the vines, making Imani stare in awe.

She sat up and looked around. The smell of fresh land made Imani close her eyes and take a deep breath in. The pureness of the air opened up her lungs, and when she opened up her eyes, the most beautiful woman she had ever seen stood in front of her.

"Hello, Imani....I am Palesa," the woman spoke.

Palesa stood 6 feet tall in height. Her body was shaped with the same curves and contours that Imani possessed, and her hair was protected in four long braids that touched her lower back.

Palesa's skin was dark as a beautiful night sky. Her eyes were like gold with full peach lips that always looked ready for contact. A sheer gold cloth hugged her body with gold rings covering her upper arms and gold bracelets hanging on her wrists.

Imani stared with her mouth open....she couldn't speak. With no warning, she burst into tears, letting her emotions take over. She was clueless at what was going on, and the confusion began to take its toll on her. Palesa sat next to Imani, embracing her, caressing her hair, and gently wiping her tears.

"I don't understand what's going on. Why is all of this happening to me?" Imani spoke.

"You are the purest form of myself. You come from a bloodline of strong healing Crescian women."

She sat up looking at Palesa. "I do?....Wait, did you say I am you?"

Palesa gave her a nod and smile. "Yes, you are me reincarnated. Usually, we know early who we are by the time we can consciously form thoughts and speak, but for some reason, you....way after mating age, didn't remember."

"Does that mean there is something wrong with me?"

"Oh no, never. You're just a late bloomer," Palesa said, tapping the tip of Imani's nose with her finger, and Imani smiled.

"You are in your second decade?" Palesa asked.

Imani looked confused. "Second decade?"

"Yes...what is your age?"

"22....oh, sorry, I get it now." Imani giggled.

Palesa smiled, then touched her face. "You have shared your body with Yannis."

"You know Yanni? Wait, you can tell that?!" Imani's eyes were wide.

"Yes, I know him. I can smell his scent and see his energy on you....which means Victor hasn't gotten to you yet." Palesa got up and walked towards the vanity and sat down.

"I had dreams about Victor calling me your name....does Yanni know that I was you?"

"I'm sure he does. I'm sure they both do. I have a very long history with the two of them. Each time I am reborn is different. In a life cycle, I may encounter one of them, both or not at all."

Palesa looked at the confusion on Imani's face. "They have both been my lover....either one at a time, both or not at all. It's whatever the Goddess Mother decides. My main purpose is healing, bringing to life creatures or people with purpose, giving good health, and making sure prophecies are fulfilled."

"You have superpowers?" Imani asked.

"I have healing powers, yes," Palesa answered.

"Victor wants to hurt Yanni. He said he has to pay for his sins." Imani looked down at her hands.

Palesa sighed. "Yes, they have always been at each other's throats since the beginning. Their mother must be restless with their bickering."

"They are brothers?! Why does Victor want to hurt his own brother?" Imani was determined to know.

"They are brothers who share the same mother but different fathers." Palesa turned to face Imani and told her Yannis and Victor's history.

Although Victor and Yannis were born to the same woman, they had very different life experiences. Yannis was the son of King Harald, a viking warrior. King Harald quickly fell in love with Estelle, and they conceived Yannis in their first encounter. King Harald was killed in battle, and Estelle was taken captive by King Alexander, an anglo-saxon. Once Yannis was born, Alexander set his sights on the beautiful ice blue gray eyed Estelle, waiting just long enough for her to heal so he could take her for his own. Then, just like the last, Victor was conceived.

King Alexander promised to take care of Yannis as his own. And he did, but when Yannis got older, not only did he learn that Alexander wasn't his father, but he was the one who was responsible for the death of his real father. This caused Yannis to become withdrawn, which caused the bond between him and his brother Victor to become non-existent.

Estelle told Yannis about his father and the kingdom he once ruled. Yannis left to go to his father's homeland at 15 yrs old. Years went by, King Alexander was killed in battle, and Victor was crowned the new king. Wanting to know how his father died, he learned the King of the Viking warriors was responsible. When Victor went to avenge his father's death, Yannis stood before him as the king responsible.

Imani sat listening to every word that Palesa spoke. Hearing that they were brothers with a tormented history saddened Imani's heart. She understood the reason for both of their anger but wished something could stop the continuing battle they had with each other.

"Don't be sad, love. These men have lived many lifetimes. Their hate for one another isn't as potent as it was many, many years ago. I do believe they've grown to enjoy the competition they have with each other." Palesa put a little gloss on her lips.

"I know. I definitely enjoyed it." She smiled.

Imani looked up. "You did? Why?"

"You'll find out very soon."

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