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"Mommy, I'm thirsty," Imani's niece patted her mom's leg.

"Go ahead sis....I'll watch her while you go to the car," Imani told her sister-in-law.

Sujin nodded and walked away.

"You wanna sit here and wait or go with Auntie on the slide?"

"Go on slide, Auntie!"

Imani smiled and took her niece, Mila to the slide. She cheered her on and slid down with her a few times.

"Look, mommy has your juice."

Mila ran toward Sujin and Imani stood and watched.

"Pardon me....but you look so familiar."

"Carrie? Oh wow...it's Imani." She put her hand out for a shake.

"That's it! That name was on the tip of my tongue. How have you been doing?" Carrie asked, receiving her hand.

"Great!" Imani smiled.

She's even more beautiful than I remembered. Imani thought to herself.

"Are you here with your kids?" Carrie asked curiously.

"Oh, no kids. I'm here with my niece and sister-in-law."

"Oh okay, how sweet."

"How about you?" Imani asked.

"Here with my daughter and a few pack member's kids."

"Oh wow! You have a daughter. Carrie, that's awesome."

"Thanks! Yeah, Yannis and I were surprised at how quick I got pregnant."

Imani's heart dropped, she knew it was a possibility but the feeling still hurt.

Soon the same woman that she saw with Victor a few months ago, walked towards them, obviously pregnant. She felt her insides twist and her breath shake.

Carrie introduced them. "Oh, Carmen, this is Imani. She is an old friend of Victor and Yannis."

"Nice to meet you." Carmen smiled.

Victor and Yannis claimed their mates, they've really moved on. Don't cry, this is what you wanted for them.....you better not freaking cry!

Imani fought back her emotions, smiling and shaking Carmen's hand.

"Nice to meet you too and tell them congratulations on everything. I'm very happy for them."

I feel sick, I need to get away from here.

"Well, Victor's here if you want to tell him yourself," Carmen said, looking for him.

Imani felt her anxiety begin to rise. "Oh no, that's ok."

Before she could run off, Victor walked towards them. Imani looked up in a trance while he stood next to Carmen as she rubbed her big belly.

"Look who we found, Victor," Carrie smirked.

"Hello, Imani. How have you been?" His ice blue gray eyes stared into hers. Victor inhaled her scent and it made his mouth water.

My sweetheart, Imani.

Carmen felt uneasy at Victor's gaze towards Imani. He seemed to be in awe of her....Carmen held onto his hand in response, but Imani remained his focus.

Imani couldn't talk....she just stared, feeling like her world was crashing down around her once again. Then she felt little arms wrap around her leg.

"Auntie Mani, go on seesaw!"

She snapped out of her trance then looked down at her niece.

"Sure, baby. Let's go."

Imani brought her focus back to them. "It was nice meeting you, Carmen. And Carrie, take care."

She walked away not saying a word to Victor.


Imani stood in the shower hoping the water would wash away the pain in her chest. She was tired of crying and wanting them, knowing they can't be together.

This is what I wanted....for them to follow their purpose and be happy. But why does it hurt so much?

Imani looked in the bathroom mirror at her red puffy eyes. Her mind, body and heart were weak and once her head touched her pillow, Imani was fast asleep.

Waking up, a breeze rushed over her naked body while she stretched. When she opened her eyes, she felt calm and refreshed. The view from the window in front of her showed Feloya's beautiful sky.

Imani walked over to see the beauty before her. She took a deep breath of the clean air and exhaled.


A deep, soothing voice said behind her. Imani turned around and was greeted by Hasani standing fully naked in front of her. His locs were much longer than the last time she saw him.

"Come to me, Imani."

She walked toward him and stood with her eyes closed. Hasani put both his hands into her soft cloud of tight curls and began to massage her head.

Imani's head tilted back in pleasure, she opened her eyes and looked up, directly into his golden ones.

"Your worth cannot be changed or faltered. The value and power you possess is absolutely priceless....do you understand me?"

"Yes." She said softly.

"Good and don't ever forget, Imani."

Hasani kissed her lips softly then she laid on her stomach on top of his bed. He massaged Imani's body from her feet to the top of her head. With her back now laying against the round bed, her wetness covered the silk black sheets underneath her.

Imani spread her legs, welcoming Hasani's touch and body.

"So you're finally ready for me?" He asked, laying between her legs.

"Yes, I'm ready."

Hasani sucked and licked her nipples then moved up to her lips and his eyes glowed as he slowly entered inside of her. The deeper he went, Imani saw stars. He held her hands above her head, intertwining her fingers with his as he completely took over her body.

"Let me have you, Imani," he whispered in her ear, then kissed her softly.

She let go of all her worries and cried out as he went deeper. Imani trembled uncontrollably while euphoric sensations ran all through her body.

"Oh my God! Hasani! Yes!" Her eyes rolled back into her head.

He smiled, letting her hands go. He kissed her neck. "Good girl."

Both of their bodies glowed as Imani wrapped her arms around his neck, receiving every thrust Hasani gave. Soon she came until she had nothing left to give, he soon followed after her.

She laid in his arms, her body humming as it healed her sore parts.

"Do you think Palesa will be upset with me?" She asked.

"Of course not, she actually wanted this to happen sooner, before your heartbreak."


"Yes, but I knew you were too innocent and loyal for that to happen. It just shows how different you two really are."

"Palesa knew all along I would get hurt."

"Imani, the pain you go through in life will either break you or make you stronger. Palesa and I know, stronger is the only choice you have, it's who you are."

Imani took in everything Hasani said to her. He made her feel safe and content with him...she missed having that feeling.

"Do I have to go home now?"

"No, you can stay as long as you wish." He kissed her forehead.

Imani snuggled into his chest.

"But, I have to warn you, I'll want to be inside of you a few more times," he said, smiling.

Imani bit her bottom lip then smiled. "Okay."

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