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Estelle and Gavin stood in the Great Room of Nathan's mansion. Admiring the size and decor of the room, they discussed the different portraits of Nathan's family and ancestors.

They heard of his recent encounter with Yannis and Victor and wanted to make amends before he retaliated. Estelle was at her wits end with Yannis and Victor. She felt like no matter how much progress her sons are having, Imani always seems to be the reason for their distraction.

Gavin looked at his sister. "Those sons of yours are very hard headed."

"Tell me something I don't know..." Estelle answered.

"Hello, Ms. Estelle, Sir Gavin. Have a seat."

They both greeted Nathan then sat down, noticing the unusual lightness in his energy.

"We wanted to apologize for my nephew's recent behavior. Their mother and I had no clue what they were planning. I hope you can let this go since no one was hurt."

Nathan grinned.

"You've kept your end of the bargain and I am truly grateful. Both of their behavior is a great disappointment to there anything we can do to make amends and stop retaliation?"

"I'm not going to retaliate...."

Estelle and Gavin looked at one another surprised. Now they realized the lightness wasn't a figment of their imaginations.

"Don't look so shocked. I'm not as evil as you both think I am."

They looked at Nathan with their eyebrows raised.

Nathan smirked. "Ok, maybe I am....but this incident isn't worth retaliation. I have more important things to focus on."

Their relief could be felt through the room. " to share." Estelle sat forward.

"My engagement to Imani....."

Estelle laughed in joy while Gavin smiled, slightly worried about the news getting back to his nephews.

"Oh, congratulations! I hope I get an invite since I had a little part in you meeting your bride to be."

"I'm not sure if that would be good for you....but I'll be sure to send you one. And although I am forgiving at this moment, their deaths will surely be on sight if I see them around Imani again."

And there it is the familiar darkness we've come to know Nathan for. Gavin thought to himself.

"We both understand and we will keep this news here and let it go no further," Gavin said and Estelle agreed.

"Imani Spear ....Sounds quite lovely don't you think, brother?"

Gavin nodded.

Oliver came into the room handing Nathan a manilla folder. He whispered in his ear and Nathan nodded.

"I have something for you both.."

He gave Estelle the folder. "Someone in your pack is responsible for the rogue attack on the Guardian Gated Community."

Gavin sat up, knowing Nathan's words to be true. He has never been wrong with his accusations and he could tell his sister knew the same.

Estelle opened the folder....

Oliver mind linked with Nathan...Well, Mr. Spear...this is about to get very interesting.

Nathan grinned.....Interesting indeed.


Carrie sat playing with Carly in her playroom. Her recovery was finally over and she was excited to be with her daughter. Normally werewolves healed quickly but her wounds were infected with an unknown poison. The medical center is still running tests on their findings.

She got wind of Yannis and Victor getting into an altercation with Imani's new boyfriend and couldn't help but be annoyed with Yannis behavior. Rather than argue, she kept her disappointment to herself. She was just happy to still be alive and be with her daughter.

"Hey Carrie, you're looking amazing." Carmen came into the room with a platter of different types of cookies.

Carrie looked up toward the voice. "Thanks have you been?"

"Great..keeping myself busy." She sat the platter on Carly's dresser.

Carrie knew about Carmen and Richard sleeping together. She was a little surprised that Victor didn't care but then again, she was sure Imani had something to do with him feeling that way.

"Good for you..." Carrie grinned.

"Do you wanna go shopping later...we haven't been in a long time."

"No, I'm going to stay here with Carly and spend time with her. But have fun."

Carmen looked at Carrie trying to hold back her annoyance. She's been cooped up in the house for almost a month.

"Come on, Carrie. What are you afraid of that's keeping you inside?"

"Nothing is keeping me inside, I've been through a lot and I just want to relax...why does that bother you so much?"

"You relaxing doesn't bother me's just the only thing you do that bothers me. I know you've been through hell...losing a pup and almost losing Carly, but you need to live a little."

"Don't tell me what to do. You have no idea what I've been through."

Carmen rolled her eyes. "Whatever...."

"Fuck you, Carm...just leave."

"No, fuck you! You didn't even want the baby anyway, so why are you so distraught?....I'm out of here."

Carmen stormed out and Carrie sat shaking her head. She wasn't mad at what her friend said....she was mad that her friend was right.

I didn't want to have another child and was relieved when the doctors said I miscarried....but now all I feel is guilt.

Carrie wanted to call Imani and thank her for saving Carly's life but something kept her from picking up the phone. She didn't want to admit it but she hated that Yannis still had feelings for her. Even with his own family and Imani being in a new relationship, that still didn't stop him from wanting her.

"Wish the rogues would have gotten Imani instead," She said out loud as a smirk formed on her face.

A deep voice answered. "Well, that's good to know."

"Daddy!" Carly ran to her father and gave him a hug. I'm no better than Carmen.

Carrie tried to save face. "Yannis, I didn't mean...."

"Don't even bother," he interrupted, then walked out the room with Carly.

Carrie got up and looked out the window in defeat. She decided she would just take a nap and apologize to Yannis when he returned. Laying on her bed, her phone began to ring.

Far from sleepy, she answered her phone. "Hello."

"Hello, is this Carrie?"

"Yes, it is. Who am I speaking to?

She sat up waiting for an answer.

"You probably don't know me, but I'm a friend of Carmen's."

"Okay. Who are you and why are you calling me?"

There was a pause.

"My name is Allison, leader of the Dade pack. I was wondering if we can talk?"

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