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Imani's legs were stuck in place, Yannis was so close to her. His ice blue gray eyes pierced into her as she inhaled his cologne.

He is so gorgeous.

"You look and smell delicious." He wasted no time burying his face in her neck.

"Yanni, what are you doing? I have to go." She tried pushing him back but it was like pushing a brick wall.

Mmm...I missed her calling me Yanni.

He moved from her neck and stood an inch from her face.

"Come with me, so we can talk and catch up."

I missed him so much, but I can't. I have to stay professional.

He smiled. "I'm so happy to see you. Are you happy to see me?"

"Yes," Imani said softly as his lips came closer to hers.

His eyes turned yellow and he kissed her...a whimper slipped her full lips. His body pressed against her and Imani could feel his hardness on her stomach.

"Yannis?! Did you hear me calling you?!"

He growled at his mother's intrusion while Imani was thankful for it.

"What do you want, mother?" He asked, still staring into her eyes.

Imani's body was shaking as he bit his bottom lip.

"Your daughter is asking for you."

"Tell her I'm on my way..."

Estelle frowned. "Tell her yourself!" She stood there waiting.

"It's been such a long time, Canelle (cinnamon)."

He put his mouth next to her ear. "I can't wait to make you scream my name again."

Imani's breath trembled as he walked away.

I don't think I can wait either.


Later that evening, Victor sat in his office talking to a contractor. All his meetings were productive and Yannis was able to sell one of their investments to a high bidder.

"The blueprints will be reviewed tomorrow and I will let you know if we approve. Yes, thank you. Enjoy your evening, Ted."

Victor hung up and leaned back in his chair. He stared at the empty desk in the corner, a smile crept onto his face. Imani was everything he remembered and more.

She's matured a lot but still holds this pureness within her. That bubbly personality hasn't left either. How is she able to be so sexy and innocent at the same time?

Victor's happy thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of his office door being slammed shut.

"I want her gone! You need to find another accountant."

He sighed.

"Are you listening to me, Victor?!"

"Carmen, you need to calm down. Why do you want me to find another accountant?"

"Hellooooo....she's your ex! I know she's here just to try and get you back."

"That is not true. Imani is here to fulfill a contract of service....that's it."

Carmen's anger began to surface as her wolf began to stir.

"You think I don't see how you are around her? The way you look at her?"

Victor didn't answer.

"I'm not going anywhere, so go a head...fuck her and get it over with. Then I want her gone."

He laughed. "You're ridiculous....."

"You're weak! You look like a love sick puppy around her, she's not even your mate!"

"And you're supposed to be?"

There was a pause...then Carmen continued.

"What about VJ? What about our pack? If they knew you were ruining their future by being infatuated with this weak human..they would lose confidence in your leadership."

"VJ, our pack and you, are very well taken care of. Imani being here is not going to change that. And she's not a weak human, Crescian blood runs through her veins."

Carmen's eyes turned red. "If you don't get rid of her.....I will."

Victor got up and walked up to Carmen, touching her cheek. He gave her a soft smile then kissed her.

She began to calm down savoring the touch of his lips.

He stared into her eyes. "And if you hurt Imani, I will kill you."

With those words, Victor walked out of his office, leaving Carmen frozen in place.

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