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It was early morning and the Guardian Gated Community was just getting their day started. The playground was scheduled to finish today and many of the children were beyond excited.

Yannis sat in his study room talking on the phone with a fellow Alpha and ally.

"When did it happen?"

"A few weeks ago," Alpha Michael answered.

Yannis just learned about Alpha Norman's death and began to get agitated by this lone wolf Nathan. Being that Norman was a loyal ally, the news stung even more.

"What was the reason?"

"His mate was accused of stealing money from the bank she worked at. Nathan is the owner and of course, Norman stood up for his mate...."

"Was Nathan justified for putting Norman's mate on trial?"

"According to the Elders, he was. Unfortunately, Norman didn't agree which led to his ending."

Yannis could understand Norman taking up for his mate, any Alpha would....right or wrong. He began to get annoyed at the thought of Nathan Spear throwing out his own idea of justice and wanted to meet with him one on one.

All I need is a few minutes with him.

He wanted to make sure that Nathan killing Norman was justified and not because he was the Guardians ally.

"Is everything ok on your end?" Yannis asked.

"Yes, everyone is well. I hope I didn't ruin your day with the news."

"No, I appreciate you telling me. We will meet up soon, Michael. Take care."

"You too."

Carrie walked into the study room. She looked flushed in the face.

"Hey babe, do you want to see the playground before the unveiling?"

"Yeah, are you okay?" Yannis asked.

"Yeah, I'm great."

Yannis got up to leave but he heard a quiet pulse. He looked at Carrie then walked closer to her.

"Are you pregnant?"

Carrie became flustered and tripped over her words. She stopped, soon realizing her defeat and gave him a nod.

"Oh, so you really are."

"I was going to tell you. I was just waiting for the right time."

Yannis gave her a hug. "That's great news, Carrie."

"Is it?"

"Yes, of course. Why wouldn't it be?

Carrie looked away.

"Are you not happy?"

"Yeah, I just wasn't expecting to get pregnant so soon after Carly."

"Well at least they won't be too far apart in age."

Carrie smiled then gave Yannis a kiss.

They made their way to the playground where Victor and Carmen were standing. Once they agreed everything was to their liking, Carmen and Carrie went to get all the children.

Yannis and Victor smiled and laughed at the herd of little ones screaming and running toward the huge playground in delight.

Each one ran up to the both of them, thanking or giving hugs for the new playground. Adult pack members watched their children play and talked amongst each other.

Soon the happiness displayed in front of them was cut short when lightning shot through the sky followed by thunder and dark clouds.

The winds picked up causing Carmen, Carrie and other pack members to gather the children off the playground and get them into their homes. A loud crash rang out in the dark skies causing some to run and others to duck for cover.

Victor and Yannis stood on guard, smelling a scent other than the brewing rain.

That's when they saw five pairs of red glowing eyes.


Imani pulled up to Bria's home after work and it's been a week since she talked to her. It was the day after Kenneth's funeral and there were a few cars in the driveway. Imani contemplated whether or not she was going in there.

I really want to support Bria but I don't want any drama.

Things really haven't been the same for Imani, since Bria said those mean things to her that day. But happy memories of her friend gave Imani motivation to go see her.

She got out of her car and walked up towards the door. Before she could knock, someone was coming out.

"Oh, hey Imani."

"Mike! Oh wow, how have you been?" Imani was surprised to see Bria's ex fiance'.

"I'm doing great. How about you?"

"I'm good."

Mike came out and shut the door behind him.

"How is she?" Imani asked him.

"She's doing better than expected. I know she really wants to see you, though."

Imani looked discouraged and Mike noticed.

"Look, I don't know exactly what happened to make you stop talking to her and I'm sure you had a valid reason. But she misses you."

Imani gave a soft smile. "Thanks Mike."

They exchanged hugs and Mike went on his way. Imani walked into the house ready for what was inside.

A few people sat in Bria's living room, while others ate at the dining table. Once Bria saw Imani she ran towards her immediately pulling her into a hug.

Imani's heart broke hearing Bria cry but it wasn't about Kenneth.

"I am so sorry for treating you that way. I don't know what came over me, I was a complete bitch and I'm so so sorry, Mani...I love you so much."

Imani embraced Bria back, thankful that she came to her house.

She could easily doubt Bria's sincerity or question if Kenneth wasn't dead would she be apologizing. But Imani's heart wouldn't let her deny that hearing those words and hugging her best friend felt good.

"It's okay Bree. I love you too."

Later they sat on her couch catching up and exchanging comforting words. A relief set inside Imani as she held Bria's hand. Soon Imani's phone buzzed.


"I'm sorry to bother you, Imani. Can you please come to the Guardian?" Yannis asked.

It sounded like he was crying, which was her first time ever hearing.

"Yanni? Y-Yeah, I'm on my way. What's wrong?"

"It's Carly....she won't wake up."

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