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Yannis picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. He laid her on the bed, sat up, and began to touch her opening. He groaned at how wet she felt on his fingers, then took the same hand, stroking his huge member. Imani's body shook at the sight of his size, but she was ready.

Yannis moved over her, kissing her softly while rubbing the tip of his erection around her opening. He slowly entered her, but the sensation he felt was so good that he couldn't slow down.

Her nipples touched his lips as he softly licked, then sucked them. Imani moaned at the blissful sensation. He thrust forward, entering her halfway, then continued the same motion until he filled her completely. Imani yelled, digging her nails into his back. Her lips quivered while tears spilled from her eyes.

"I know, baby. It's ok." Yannis kissed her while playing with her wet clit and continued moving inside of her.

The pain turned into a pleasure that Imani had never known she could feel.

"Ah! Ah! Mmhmm." Her cries and moans filled the room.

Yannis kissed the tears on her face and continued to move in and out of her slippery center until he felt her opening clench his manhood.

"YANNI!!" Imani's body trembled while she came, screaming out his name. He soon came after then laid beside her, holding her close to him.

"Are you ok?" He asked, caressing the side of her thigh. Imani felt sore, but she nodded her head so he wouldn't worry.

Yannis watched her as her breathing calmed down. "You may not understand what you're feeling right now, and I don't expect you to. But I want you to know whether you have feelings for me or not, whether you love me or not....I need you to know that I love you, Imani....I will always love you."

She felt her heart and mind ease at the words Yannis spoke to her. She's never been in love before and didn't know what the feeling would be like.

Is it the overwhelming need to be close to him, to make him happy, to satisfy him and protect him? The presence of fear, worry, and doubt was gone.....this is love, and it felt so natural...so good.

Was it cliche to fall in love with the first man you've shared your body with?.....No. Imani thought to herself.

She realized she was overthinking, then Yannis began speaking again.

"What's going on in that beautiful head?" He asked, still caressing her thigh.

Imani looked at him. "I love you too, Yanni. I feel like I always have. Even though this was my first time, I felt like we've been together before......like deja vu."

He smiled. "I feel the same way, Canelle."

Yannis softly kissed her forehead, and they both laid snuggled, falling into a peaceful sleep.


"It was Jorge, they found him in the alleyway, behind Chino's barbershop," a huge dark-haired man informed the room.

Five men sat in the room with dark walls, four cloth chairs spaced out around a small wooden table. A desk sat in front of a wall that had a huge mirror, and a pool table stood to one side of the room. A china cabinet filled with bottles of liquor was on the other side.

A blonde haired man sat at the desk listening to the men speak about the death of one of his men. He was very handsome, clean-shaven, mid back length hair, and ice blue gray eyes. A tattoo peeked up the side of his neck as he took a sip of his drink.

"Victor, do you want us to go get him?" A big heavy set man said.

"Yes, and I'm coming with you," he answered. All the men looked at each other pleased.

"We'll get him early in the morning. He won't be expecting anyone." Victor grabbed the gun out of his desk drawer, thinking of how he was going to torture Yannis Cordier.


The next morning, Imani sat in Yannis' living room eating fruit and watching the Cartoon Network. She had off the next few days and planned on spending those days with Yannis. Wearing his shirt, she sat there smiling, I have a boyfriend now....this is crazy.

Imani reached for her bottle of water, then winced from the ache of last night and early this morning before he left for work. She was hoping he would give her a break tonight to recuperate.

Soon, there was a knock on the door. Imani knew not to answer when Yannis wasn't home, so she just continued looking at the television. Then, a loud crash came as the door was rammed open. She screamed in horror as a group of men rushed through the penthouse, guns in hand.

One of the men grabbed Imani by the hair, pulling her onto her feet. She cried as the pain from his grip stung her scalp.

"Look what we have here. A little treat.....Mr. Cordier has been enjoying himself." He stared at Imani, his eyes trailing up and down her body.

"What is your name, little girl?" Victor asked as he walked around the kitchen, then looking in the fridge.

"Imani," she said softly as her voice began to tremble.

Victor immediately looked in her direction. Her voice sounded so familiar. He felt a tingle in his gut. He walked toward her as the man still had a tight grip on her hair. Victor stared at her moving closer, then he moved her hair from covering her face.

Imani stood there with tears coating her cheeks as her lips quivered from fear.

"Let go of her," Victor told the man, but the man still held his grip, confused at his request.

Victor punched the man in his face. "I told you to let her go.....did I stutter?" The man fell to the floor.

"No, boss, my apologies." He got up and walked away, covering his bloody nose.

Victor's face softened. "Come here Imani, did we scare you? I do apologize. We are looking for Yannis.....do you know where he may be?"

She looked up towards him, still shaken. "No, Sir."

"No, no, no, call me Victor. We're going to take a little ride, just you and me. You are so beautiful." His accent softly coated his words while he touched her face.

Imani sat in the back seat of the Rolls Royce phantom as Victor stared at her. His gaze made her feel exposed, and she tried pulling the shirt down over her knees. He didn't give her time to put more clothes on or grab her phone.

Where is he taking me? Those men stayed at Yannis' place, probably to wait for him. What are they going to do to him?

"What are you thinking about over there?" Victor asked.

Imani remained quiet, not looking in his direction. Victor put his hand on her knee.

"Are you ignoring me, Imani? That's not nice." He smiled.

Completely terrified, she still didn't speak.

"It's ok, you'll talk later.....I promise."

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