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After passing their inspections, Victor and Yannis could now focus on lighter things. The playground for the pups was the first on the list, so they both decided to spend time looking over the blueprints.

"This will be a nice size playground, what do you think?" Victor asked.

"I think it should be a little bigger, maybe add one or two obstacle courses."

"Obstacle courses? They're playing, not training for the army. "

Yannis shrugged. "Just trying to make it interesting for them. Kids get bored easily."

As they continued talking, the smell of flowers flowed around them in Yannis' office. They quickly became alert but not from danger.....from excitement.

"Hello gentlemen."

"Palesa, this is a surprise. It's been a long time," Victor said.

"It's good to see you," Yannis joined in.

Palesa smiled and walked toward the lounge chair. Her gold flowy dress was now showing her growing belly.

"Oh, congratulations," Victor said, surprised.

"Same to both of you...I guess we've all been quite busy. My first one grew so fast, I wanted another one." Palesa rubbed her belly.

Yannis and Victor stared at how beautiful she is and how gentle her voice was talking about her children. Then like a switch, her focus was on them, the smile and softness left her face.

"What are your reasons for bringing Imani here?"

They both looked at each other, then back at Palesa.

"We needed an accountant and Imani is qualified," Victor answered.

Suddenly a shock went through both their bodies, causing them to tense as if being tased. She then stopped it.

"What the hell was that for?!" Yannis yelled, breathing heavily.

"Don't fuck with me, gentlemen. I am way older and I've experienced way more than the both of you. You're both being greedy and selfish bringing her here."

Victor spoke. "What? We love her..."

"Oh, is that what made you break her heart......love?"

They both were silent.

"You both are bringing Imani into a hostile environment....Your cold Mother, dreadful Uncle and most importantly, YOUR MATES!....you call that love?"

Palesa leaned back and rubbed her belly.

"Ok, I'm calm now...I lost control for a second."

Yannis and Victor both sighed in relief. It's been a long time since they've seen her angry.

"We're not bringing her here to hurt her, Palesa. Imani is very special to us and..."

Palesa interrupted. "Yes, I know you two without a doubt love Imani. The fact you're willing to infuriate your mates and mother, just to have her around....you both are hopelessly in love."

"My relationship with Carrie is business. There's no reason why she would have an issue with me pursuing Imani again."

Palesa smirked. "Ah, so that is why you're bringing her here....both of you are trying to win back her heart."

"I love Imani and I've never stopped. I'm willing to do whatever it takes for her to trust and talk to me again....at least be friends," Victor said.

Palesa rolled her eyes. "Imani's heart is too pure to not love both of you...although I wish otherwise."

They both smiled.

"I don't want a repeat of Crestmont or Crestdale."

"Palesa, that will never happen again...we will protect her with our lives."

"Well, if it does...Goddess Mother will wipe you and your entire bloodline from existence. There will be no need for your reincarnations."

"And that's fine....there's no reason to live if there's no Imani. And whoever tries to harm her will be destroyed, no questions asked," Yannis said.

"That goes for family and mates too," Victor continued.

Both of their eyes turned red at the thought of someone hurting Imani.

A bright smile formed on Palesa's face.

"That's all I needed to hear.....enjoy gentlemen."


Later that evening, Victor stood in the nursery holding his son. VJ was growing so fast and Victor didn't want to miss this time in his son's life.

"Before I know it, you'll be walking already," Victor said softly to his baby boy as his eyelids got heavy.

VJ was fast asleep and Victor placed him in his crib. He was thankful his son slept through the night and only cried when hungry or in need of a diaper change.

Once Victor was in his room, he removed the shirt off his greek god-like body and got ready to get in his bed. Arms wrapped around his waist from behind...he smirked.

"What are you still doing up?" He asked.

"Waiting on you." Carmen's hand slid into his pajama pants.

Victor pulled her in front of him and kissed her neck.

"Wait...I'm in control this time." She smiled.

Carmen pushed him onto the bed then put him inside her wet mouth. Once he was erect, she got on top and slammed him inside of her. Victor laid back allowing Carmen to please herself. She growled and rode him as her wolf urges took over.

Imani played inside Victor's mind and he gripped Carmen's waist, moving her up and down faster. Carmen's eyes rolled back as she began to climax.

"Mmmm..that was amazing." She leaned forward kissing the tattoo on Victor's neck.

"Good to know."

Carmen began grinding on top of him again. Victor groaned, squeezing her hips. She leaned down kissing him then licked his neck again. The lick turned into sucking, soon he felt her teeth prick his skin.

"What are you doing?"

"What?" She continued.

Victor moved her off top of him and pulled up his pajama pants.

"Don't ever do that again."

Sadness filled Carmen's eyes. "Honey, where are you going?"

Victor got up, going into the bathroom. She could hear the shower now running.

Fuck, why won't he let me?

Carmen laid back in the bed. Victor not allowing her to mark him was starting to take over her daily thoughts.

He stood in the shower, letting memories of Imani bring him to climax. He whispered her name as he stroked himself, releasing underneath the shower pressure.

Afterward, he began to lather soap all over his body. As he rinsed off a smile formed on his face at the thought of seeing her again.

Goddess Mother, please allow me to have Imani's heart again.

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