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Loud animal shrieks of pain, growls and snarls were the soundtrack outside.

"Everyone upstairs now!" Darla's husband yelled.

Me, Darla and their two kids ran upstairs locking ourselves in one of the bedrooms.

Suddenly, all the sounds were gone outside. My heart was pounding as I prayed that all three of them were okay.

My phone buzzed.

Where are you? Nathan texted.

I was about to answer, then he called...

"I'm inside of your temporary home and you are not here..."

My voice shaked. "I'm at Guardian Gated Community....they are being..." before I could finish.

"On my way."

I was relieved knowing Nathan was coming. But scared because I didn't want him getting hurt if the rogues were still out there.

The bedroom door suddenly burst open and we all screamed to the top of our lungs.


I saw Yanni standing in the doorway and immediately ran to him. He held me close and kissed my face, blood from his clothes now covered mine.

"Are you okay, Canelle?"

"Yes." My voice shaked.

"Is everyone else good?"

Darla and the kids said yes and we all went back downstairs. It looked like a pet cemetery outside....Werewolf parts were thrown everywhere.

"I thought they turned back into human form after death?"

"Not always. These rogue's human life force left them long ago." Yanni held my hand.

A few minutes later I was inside Yanni's house drinking some water. Thankfully, this night was slowly letting go of my nerves.

He changed his clothes and came back into the living room. I was given some of Carrie's clothes to wear....she was still recovering at the Medical Center.

Victor walked in and I stood up and hugged him. Soon Yanni was behind me.

I let go of Victor. "Is everyone in the pack okay?"

"Yes. I'm just happy you're ok, sweetheart."

"Me too." Yanni followed.

My eyes watered thinking about how close to death I was.

"Thank goodness, you both got to me in time."

"We would never let anything happen to you, Canelle."

I closed my eyes as a familiar sensation came over me. Body heat in front of me and behind me came closer. When my eyes opened Victor touched my face then kissed me as Yanni kissed my neck.

In an instant, I moistened below and moaned as my body accepted the feeling. They both growled while Yanni slowly moved his hand up my shirt, massaging my breast and Victor slid his hand down my tights.

I thought my desire for them was gone....I was wrong again.

"Victor...Yanni....I can't." A soft cry left my lips.

"Yes you can," they both said in unison.

Yanni turned me towards him, kissed me, then sucked and licked my hard nipples. Victor continued to rub his fingers against my wet clit and kiss my neck.

"Did you miss us, sweetheart?"

I moaned in response.

"Answer him, Canelle."

Victor inserted his fingers inside me and Yanni's tongue swirled around my nipple, while his hand softly rubbed the other.

"Yes! Oooooh fuuuuck..." I moaned louder and they groaned in approval.

Suddenly, a strong tingling feeling took over me and I broke out of Yanni and Victor's web and spell. They both looked at me like I was their first meal in years.

"What's wrong?" They both asked in unison.

They were breathing hard as their yellow eyes sent chills down my spine. I fixed my clothes and shook my head.

"I'm sorry...I can't do this." I moved away from them.

"We won't hurt you, Canelle."

"We'll be gentle." Victor followed.

I went and opened the door as Nathan was walking up the steps....I ran towards him.

"Are you okay?" He held me tight.

"Yes, honey..I-I'm fine. I just want to go."

Victor and Yannis stood on the porch staring at Nathan.

I was not expecting my exes to meet my new man....at all.

"Who are your friends, Kitty?"

Oh God...please not now.

"They're old friends I did some accounting for....I'm really tired babe. I'll explain what happened here later....let's go home."

I looked up at him, praying he would listen. My heart was racing, I couldn't handle another werewolf debacle.

Nathan leaned down to kiss me, Victor and Yanni growled and my heart sank.

They walked closer to the steps and Nathan walked toward them. I quickly grabbed his hand and squeezed, bringing his attention back to me.

Finally, we walked towards our cars; he helped me get in mine then got in his and I followed him out of there. My hands shook while I held on to the steering wheel then relief slowly came over me.

Thank Goodness.


I knew those men were Estelle's sons and saw the way they stared at Imani.

I really enjoyed seeing the rage in their eyes when I kissed her lips. It was wishful thinking that they would attack me...Maybe another time.

Imani was very nervous when we got home and told me everything that happened with the rogues attacking the Guardian pack. As long as she wasn't harmed, I didn't care.

I heard the shower running and decided to join her. Her energy felt off and I knew it had something to do with her exes.

Just knowing she was here made my arousal peak with no effort and I watched her silhouette through the foggy glass. It was hard to sneak up on her since her body told her when I was near.

Once I was inside the shower, I fucked Imani hard against the wall. Her legs wrapped around my waist; the sound of her cries and water hitting our bodies made me slow down to savor the look of ecstasy on her face. She felt absolutely fucking amazing.

I pushed deep inside of her, causing my name to screech from her lips. I kissed her then let her down and put her face against the marble tile.

Ramming myself back inside her, Imani clawed at the shower wall. She cried and I fucked her harder as my hand squeezed her soft breast.

"You're mine and only mine."

"Y-Yes!! Baybeee pleeeease...I-I...c-can't...t-take anymore," Imani cried in surrender just like I wanted her to.

My beast took over and my canines elongated while I pounded into her and I could see the crescent birthmark on her neck. My teeth sank into it and Imani's scream sent a rush down my spine as she came hard and I came harder, releasing inside of her.

I groaned loudly and for the first time my legs weakened.

I've never felt such euphoric pleasure or truly enjoyed someone's company and body until Imani came into my life.

Her blood trickled down between our bodies then washed down the drain....the sweet taste caused me to lick my lips.

Imani went completely limp in my arms......Mission accomplished.

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