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Imani didn't show up for work today.

Victor and Yannis called her a few times, but she didn't answer.

When they reached out to Account Liberty, they were told that she was on sick leave and one of their top accountants would be there in the morning as her replacement.

Victor and Yannis didn't believe it and declined their services.

"I thought everything was going well. What made her want to quit all of a sudden?" Victor asked his brother.

"Your guess is as good as mine. Carrie said they had a nice lunch together yesterday, and Carly loved her," Yannis answered.

"You two are absolutely clueless."

"Not today, Gavin." Victor leaned back on Yannis' couch.

"Listen, I apologize for my rudeness when I first arrived. This time, I'm not here to cause any trouble, just here to help."

Yannis and Victor looked at him.

"Would this accountant happen to be the Crescian I spoke of before?"

"Yes...and?" Victor answered.

Gavin smirked. "Why would she waste her time with men who already have mates and children? From looking at her, I'd say she could easily get any man she wants."

Yannis and Victor remained silent.

"I also spoke to her a few times, Imani really is a sweet young lady. Even Richard has taken an interest in her. Just between us, I didn't even think he liked women."

Victor and Yannis grinned.

"They would make a lovely couple. With their genetics alone, my grandchildren would be superior."

Victor and Yannis both growled.

"Oh, calm down. It doesn't hurt to wonder."

"In her case, it does." Yannis growled.

"Well, even if it's not my will be someone else. Let her move on and give a worthy man an opportunity to make her truly happy and give her a family of her own. Besides, you both already have mates and little crumb snatchers....stop being greedy."

Gavin walked out of the house. Victor and Yannis looked at each other.

"Finally, he's gone," Yannis said.

"He's annoying, but he's gotta point."

"I'm not letting her can though, brother. I'd support that."

Victor smirked. "Of course you would. But that's not happening."

Ignoring their Uncle's advice, they continued their earlier conversation and made their plans.


Nathan Spear stood on the balcony of his colonial style mansion, waiting for his guest to arrive. The view was impeccable, so he didn't mind the delay.

"Sir Nathan, Ms. Estelle Zyndale-Crestmont has arrived."

"Thank you. Bring her inside the great room."

The servant bowed and did as he was told.

When he entered, Estelle was sitting on his venetian inspired lounge chair. She still looked exactly as he remembered when he was a young boy.

"Ms. Estelle, thank you for coming."

"It involves my sons, of course I would be here." She sipped the tea that was given to her.

Nathan nodded and took a seat.

"I have an issue with your sons on how they handled the discourse they had with my brother. Things should have been taken to the council if your sons felt my brother was an unfit alpha."

"You think that's why they killed your brother?" Estelle gave a chuckle.

"I'll try not to take your laughter as disrespect, but you're pushing it."

"You don't scare me, Nathaniel. You're only an elder because your grandfather passed. Remember who you are talking to."

"I know who I'm talking to, Ms. Estelle. And you not being scared won't stop me from ripping out your intestines."

Estelle's heart raced at his words and gaze. She took a sip of her tea. Aware of his past count of corpses.....humans and werewolves alike, she decided not to engage.

Nathan gritted his teeth. His crystal light gray eyes calmed as he took a deep breath.

"You must know the reason for them attacking my brother. But, the reason doesn't matter, I will avenge his death."

Estelle looked into his eyes. Nathan was serious and meant what he said. She knew that the Crestmont name couldn't handle the uproar and scandal of another pack battle. Victor and Yannis worked so hard and built a beautiful, safe haven for their pack.

"What would you want more than the death of my sons?"

"Absolutely nothing."

Estelle sighed. "Well, I'm sure you know, I'm not going to let you harm my children and if after I make this offer to you and you still seek their blood then so be it...we will battle."

A confused look showed on Nathan's smooth, clean, shaven face.

"A human woman was the reason for your brother's death, but this human has Crescian blood."

Nathan's eyes showed his interest, and he leaned forward.

"Both of my sons were very enamored by her. And from what I hear, your brother was too...Hence the battle at Crestdale."

"I thought the Crescians were extinct."

"That's what they want you to think, but they reincarnate themselves and roam around hidden in plain sight."

"Are your sons still with this woman?"

"No, but they are trying to get her back. Even with mates and children, they still want her."

"She's either very special or they're very weak."

"Why don't you see for yourself. You're very handsome like my sons, I'm sure you can get Imani to desire you."

"Imani is her name?" Nathan gave a grin.

"Yes, you seem to like it."

"I do... but I'm not looking for a mate."

"Neither were my sons. But yet they were both willing to share her."

"I see....but I am her alleged kidnappers brother."

"She won't know that unless you tell her."

It's been a while since I had some fun. He thought to himself.

Nathan smirked. "Okay, send me her information."

Estelle got up and nodded, internally excited about getting rid of Imani and keeping the Guardian pack safe.

"Oh, and there's a saying about Crescian women."

"I'm listening...."

"If you become her desire, she'll become your addiction," Estelle said, then walked out.

Later that evening, Nathan's curiosity took over. His phone buzzed, the message was from Estelle. Attached to the message with Imani's full name and work address was her picture.

Nathan sat forward in awe. A smile appeared on his face.

Ready or I come.

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