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Yannis and Victor are werewolves.....real werewolves....actual living breathing werewolves.

I repeated the thought in my head and it didn't scare me at all. I feel safe and protected with them and knew they would never hurt me.

I also thought about everything they told me last they became Alphas and eventually rejected their mates and packs.

Slowly, I began to accept the fact that I was now being hunted. But I knew as long as I was with one of them, my safety was guaranteed.

The warm water pressure from the shower head felt like heaven to my tense muscles. I pretended to wash away the memory of last night, imagining it going down the drain with the dirt from my body.

I did my usual morning routine then put my hair up in a big afro puff, leaving out some curls at my temples.

I went to the guest room to find something to wear. Looking out the window, I saw some of Victor's men standing outside. I wonder if they're werewolves too....

They both left last night after Yanni received a phone call from their mother. I also wondered what she was like but I'm terrified to meet her.

As I continued to dry off, Yanni walked into the room, locking the door.

Uh oh.......

I stood there unable to move, he grabbed me and kissed me, satisfying the urge of what I wanted to do last night when I saw him.

He took off his shirt. "Y-Yanni, we can't do this...Victor's going to catch us."

"I don't care." He turned me around, my backside now towards him.

I squeezed the towel in my hand as his fingers played with my already moist clit and his other hand rubbed my nipples.

"Yanni please..."

He softly sucked my neck. "Please what?"

I didn't answer....

I heard his belt buckle as he stripped off his pants. "Answer me, Canelle (cinnamon)."

All I could do was moan as his fingers moved faster....but then he stopped.

No, please keep going....


"All you have to do is say the words. Please what?" He asked again, I felt his hardness pressed against my back.

"Yanni...please fuck me." I was shocked at my response but couldn't take it back.

My words started something I couldn't really handle. All I heard was a growl as Yanni bent me over the bed and slammed into my soaked opening. I screamed from pleasure and pain as he rammed into me.

" feel so good, Canelle (cinnamon)." Yanni groaned in my ear.

"You want me to stop?" He asked me.

"Nooooooo," I cried and gripped the covers as his hips began to move in circles.

My body's juices dripped down my legs as my senses went into overload. I gripped the covers again and pulled away from his thrust....he pulled me back.

"Are you trying to run from me?"

He pounded harder making me scream, climax and collapse in surrender.

I felt his manhood pulse inside of me as he released.

"You can run all you want, baby. But I'll always get you."


After my encounter with Yanni, I stayed in bed trying to get my bearings back.

Bzzz....Bzzz...Bree was texting me. She's probably wondering how my date went.

Hey Mani, some woman came to the house this morning asking about you. Not judging or anything but she looked a little crazy, so I told her you didn't live here. Let me know you're ok.

I didn't want to worry Bree, so I texted her that I was ok and that the woman was probably trying to sell me something. I told her my date went great and that I will talk to her later.

The thought of a random person showing up at my home for me, is starting to raise my anxiety.

I hated lying to Bree but I wanted her as far away from my drama as possible. I love her and I don't want my best friend getting hurt because of me.

"Hello, sweetheart. Are you ok? You've been in bed most of the day?" Victor's beautiful face peeked in the door.

"Yeah, I just didn't feel like getting up yet. Something smells really good." I started to get out of bed hoping my legs were back to normal.

"That smell is the reason I came up here. I got you something to eat. I know we didn't make it to the restaurant for our date so...I decided to bring the restaurant to us." He smiled.

Why does he have to be so sweet after what Yanni and I just did.....ugh!

I took his hand and went to see what he was talking about. The table was fully set with fine dining plates, utensils and wine glasses. Candles and roses were placed romantically in different parts of the dining room and a violinist......this man has a freaking violinist playing to the side.

"Wow, did all of this for me?"

"Of course, darling. You don't like it?"

"I love it....but I don't deserve this."

"My love, of course you do."

Victor pulled me into him and kissed my lips so softly. I began to shake and tears fell from my eyes.

"I can't. Victor, you shouldn't have done this....I'm so sorry."

I ran back upstairs into the room and cried into the pillow. I felt absolutely horrible.

I put on some flats and grabbed my purse....I need to leave. Victor deserves better than me....he's such a good man.

"This is about Yannis isn't it?" His voice said behind me.

I looked at him and he was grinning.....I was so confused.

"You think I don't know that you love my brother? Or that you recently had sex with him?" He touched my face.

"I-I don't understand..."

"Sweetheart, if you being with my brother was a deal breaker for me....I wouldn't have dealt with you from the beginning."

He got closer to me..."I don't care what you do with long as you continue doing what you do with me."

I was shocked....I just stared at him letting his words sink in.

"And it's more than just sex for me....I really like being with you, Imani."

"I like being with you too."

"Honestly, if anyone should be is him. I randomly inserted myself in your life....figuratively and literally." He smiled and I laughed.

"Can we finish our date now?" He asked, wiping my tears.

Before I answered, I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed tight.

"Victor, I love you so much."

He held my face in his hands and put my focus on him ...."I know and you're going to love me even more tonight."

He gave me the sweetest, soft kiss and we went downstairs to finish our date.

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