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A month goes by, and Imani has been happily working nonstop at Roulette. The smell of the food, the crowded and busy atmosphere was like a high. It started to be missed once she wasn't there for more than a few days.

Customers sat in small amounts as the bar began to close up, and tables were being wiped off. Chairs were flipped onto table tops as the floors were swept and mopped. Servers sat in the back, counting up tips replaying the night they had in their conversations.

Imani sat inside her own mind, wondering what happened to Yannis. He hasn't come to Roulette nor texted her since her graduation. The thought made her yearn to see those intense blue gray eyes dig into her soul.

What is wrong with you? Stop being so thirsty. That man isn't thinking about you.

Her inner words snapped Imani out of her daze. She began collecting her things, ending her shift. She said her goodbyes and headed out of the building.

A running black Mercedes Benz sat in front of the building, Imani looked but continued to make her way past the vehicle.

"Hello Imani."

That voice, the accent. She immediately turned around. Yannis sat with the car window down, looking at her with a smile. He began to get out of his car. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as the excitement made her heart pound in her chest. Why was she so happy to see him?

"H-Hi Yanni," her tiny voice said as she watched him walk towards her.

He wore a black business suit, white button-up without the tie. As he walked closer, the bigger he got. Once in front of her... she looked up to meet his eyes. The same eyes that looked into her very being, it felt like he could see her thoughts and desires.

"How have you been?" Yannis looked down at her, towering her 5 foot 3 frame.

The lip gloss on her full lips glisten in the parking lot lights. "I..I've been fine, how about you?" Her breath quickened and clashed with her shaky voice.

"I've been ok. I'm definitely better now that I see you." Yannis touched her chin. "Are you going home for the evening?"

She kept her eyes on his. "I don't have to." Imani felt her hands get clammy.

"Have dinner with me." His ice blue gray eyes pierced into her.

Imani took out her phone. "It's 12:49 a.m.," she said, then looked at him.

"Then we'll have breakfast." He lifted her hand to his lips.

At that moment, impulse came over Imani. She did not want to leave his presence. Her body told her to stay close to him, and she listened. She inhaled and breathed in his cologne that invaded her nose from his closeness.

"Okay," was the last word she spoke before Yannis took her hand, leading her to the passenger side of his car.

Imani began to think of all the excuses she could give to her parents if they knew what she was doing right now. She barely knew this man but sat in the passenger side of his car, not knowing the destination. Classical music played as she inhaled the new car smell mixed with Yannis' cologne.

"Um, is Yannis your real name?"

He smiled. "Yes, it's Yannis Cordier. How about you?"

"Imani James." She smiled back.

"How old are you? I'm 22," she continued.

"29." His phone buzzed, and he answered. "L'avez-vous trouvé?...vérifier ses comptes." (did you find him/check his accounts)

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