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After getting rid of Ken, Imani went back to her conversation with Bria. They sat eating junk food and watching the latest episodes of their favorite show.

Oh wait, I forgot to text Yanni. Imani grabbed her phone, sent the text, and sat back down, finishing her conversation with Bria....bzzz bzzz. Her heart jumped, and she grabbed her phone.

"I want to see you tomorrow." Yannis texted her back. Imani smiled.

"What are you smiling about? Is that him?" Bria got excited.

She looked at Bria, trying to hide her smile with her hands. She felt so giddy at the thought of seeing him again.

"He wants to see me tomorrow, but I have to work."

"So?! You can see him afterward. I mean, that's how you ended up at his place last night." Bria gave a sneaky grin.

She's right he did come to my job. Imani decided to be proactive.

She texted him back. "I can come over after work."

"Sounds good. Enjoy your evening, Imani, I know I'm going to enjoy mine tomorrow."


I'm walking in a forest, a sheer black cloth wrapped around my body. My feet pressed against pigmented green grass with colorful flowers spaced out in clusters. The breeze feels cool against my skin, the air is so fresh, clean...I stop. I close my eyes as I take a deep breath in, taking the air into my lungs...mmmmm, feels so good. I open my eyes and I see a man, I don't know who he is... but he seems to know who I am. When I turn to walk away, he begins to talk.

"You can't keep saving him. I will find him and kill him for good." The man stared at me with a look of hunger. He had white shoulder-length hair, with the same color eyes as Yannis. I had no idea what he was talking about.

"You look as if you don't know what I speak of......I know it's you...I know it's you, Palesa. I will kill him for destroying my family...our family." He begins walking toward me, I look up at him. He lifts his hand to touch my face.

Imani wakes up out of her sleep. She looked around as if she was expecting to see the white-haired man standing in her bedroom. She laid back down and tried to return to her slumber before heading into work, but the image in her mind kept her from falling back to sleep. The white-haired man spoke with conviction, but his eyes seemed to show longing in its gaze. She wondered who he was, but most importantly, why was I dreaming about him?

She walked into Roulette, the usual atmosphere taking place. Servers ran around, taking orders, having quick conversations, while passing by tables. A few hours later, Imani was at the end of her shift. Nervous butterflies filled her stomach thinking about seeing Yannis later. She answered the text Bria sent her..

"I know you're on the pill to regulate your cycle, but do you have condoms for tonight?"

"Who said anything about having sex? We're just spending some time together, and besides, I barely know him." Imani sent the text.

"Puhlease! You knew him even less when you went home with him the other night. Look, it's me you're talking to, I will not judge if you decided to get drilled tonight ; )" Bria answered back.

Imani laughed. "Well, I appreciate that bestie, love you."

"Love you too <3" -Bria replied.


Across town.........

Two figures stood in the back of a barbershop. "Lls en enverront plus pour vous," (they will send more to get you) a man said through tight lips as Yannis held him in a choke hold.

He struggled unsuccessfully in Yannis' grip. Crack! Yannis snapped the man's neck.

Yannis watched the man's arms fall limp to his sides, then he let his body fall to the cold, wet ground. He stood over him and smirked at the man's last words. "J'en suis impatiente." (I look forward to it)

He walked away speed-dialing a number. "Tu devras faire mieux que ça." (you'll have to do better than that) He hung up and made his way home.


Imani drove thinking about the dream she had of the white-haired man. He was very handsome and seemed familiar to her, but he was a complete stranger at the same time. Luckily, she saw the same parking space open that she had before. She pulled in and sat still clouded by the image of the man in her dreams.

He called me Palesa.

She replayed the voice in her mind. The noise from a car alarm broke her out of her thoughts. She grabbed her bag and made her way up to Yannis.

She knocked on the door, then noticed that it wasn't all the way shut.

"Hello?.....Yanni?" Imani walked in, shutting the door behind her. She looked around, then called for Yannis again. She walked toward the kitchen and saw a note on the island counter.

Hello Canelle, make yourself at home.

Imani smiled, wondering where he was hiding.

He wouldn't leave the door unlocked if he wasn't nearby... right? She thought to herself.

She walked into the bedroom, and Yannis' black t-shirt lay on the bed waiting for her.

Imani took off her clothes so she could take a shower and get comfortable. The warm water eased the muscles in her body, giving her a rejuvenating feeling when she got out of the shower. She dried off, looking in the foggy bathroom mirror.

Wiping the fog off the mirror, she brushed her teeth, lotioned her body, and made her way into the bedroom to put on his comfy t-shirt.

I wonder where he is?

She went to grab the shirt off the king-sized bed, but a pair of tattooed muscular arms wrapped around her while lips kissed her neck. She instantly knew it was Yannis as she inhaled his scent and leaned into him, feeling his hardness against her back.

Completely naked, he turned her towards him, kissing her lips with a hunger he had never felt before. He wanted to devour every inch of her body, the need possessed his every movement, and his only goal was to make her scream in ecstasy.

"Did you miss me?" Yannis lips inches from hers.

"Yes," Imani softly replied. Her eyes glossed over as her soft center moistened and ached for him.

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