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It was day three and I was busy finishing the numbers for the budget set for the Guardian Estate. Victor and Yannis had plenty of money, stocks and assets to fund whatever project they wanted to create. They could build another little city if they wanted too.

"Hi Imani, how's everything going?"

"Oh, hey Carrie! Things are going great. I'm actually done with my data entry work."

"That's awesome. It's almost 1pm, do you wanna grab some lunch with me? The dining hall kitchen is still open."

After my little run in with Carmen, I could use some friendly contact. I didn't see her at all yesterday, thank God.

"Sure, let's go."

Before we went to the dining hall, Carrie went to get Carly from the school daycare. She looked so adorable in her striped shirt and light green overalls. Her hair was pulled up into two ponytails.

"Hi Carly, I'm Mani." I usually tell little ones Mani, it's easier for them to say.

"Hiiiii!" She waved at me with her rosy cheeks.

"Carrie, she is absolutely beautiful."

"Aww, say thank you, Carly."

"Tank yooouu!" Her little voice said to me.

Ugh, she is so adorable!

As we made our way into the dining hall, Carmen walked up towards Carrie.

"Hey, Carrie, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure....Imani, can you watch Carly real quick?"

"Yeah, of course."

Carmen gave me a cold look and walked away with Carrie. I knew my job here wasn't going to be that easy, but I can quit at any point I don't feel safe.

Carrie looked in my direction and Carmen whispered in her ear.

"Here Mani...sheepy." Carly gave me her doll baby. I took it and pretended to put it to sleep.

"Sorry about that." Carrie was back.

"Carmen isn't too fond of me, if you haven't noticed."

Carrie grinned. "She's just being overly's a werewolf thing."

"Oh, I thought it was a crazy woman thing."

"That too."

We both laughed and it felt good to let my guard down.

"And who may you be?" A man asked me.

"Imani James."

"I'm Yannis and Victor's Uncle, Gavin."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir," I said, putting my hand out for a shake.

He shook my hand. "Beauty and manners. Hopefully you'll rub off on some folk here." He looked at Carrie then walked away.

"Ignore him, we all do," Carrie said and I giggled.

We ate our food and made our way toward the main houses. Carly reached for me to hold her hand and my heart began to melt.

"Kids are a great judge of people's energy, especially pups. You have really good energy, she feels safe with you." Carrie caressed Carly's head.

"Good, that makes me very happy."

"DADDEEEE!!!" Carly let go of my hand and went running toward Yanni.

"There's my pretty girl!" He picked her up and her giggles warmed my heart.

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