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I awoke in a familiar surrounding. I sat up with Victor and Yannis on each side of me, both sleeping. My stomach growls from hunger caused them to both open their eyes.


Victor stretched. "It's okay. You both must be starving." He said, looking at my stomach.

I gave him a nod and he helped me out of bed as Yanni rolled over. We were in his penthouse where it all started. I smiled thinking about the first night I stayed over and the first time meeting Victor.

"What are you thinking about?" Victor asked me.

"The past and how we all met."

"Yeah, things have really changed since then." He smiled, rubbing my stomach.

I instantly started to cry. "I miss Nathan..I need to see him and know that he is okay."

"We have to wait, Canelle. I can't risk you going back and those witches are still there," Yannis said, walking into the kitchen.

The power those witches had were scary and I didn't want to risk hurting my baby. But I couldn't stop thinking about what they may be doing to Nathan.

"I will make some phone calls then Yannis and I will go check for ourselves in a few days."

"A few days?! What if he's hurt?" I continued to cry.

They both didn't speak and I felt myself get weary with dread.

"You two have to go and help him...please."

Silence still surrounded me....I felt like I was alone and no one cared about my sorrow or feelings. Then I remembered, Yanni and Victor hated Nathan and my words were falling on deaf ears.

"Oh my God...you both want him to die, that's why you're not going to help him!"

I felt like I was going to vomit and couldn't stand to look at them another minute. I ran back into Yanni's room and locked the door.

"Canelle, please open the door. You have to understand where we're coming from. Nathan is not a good man and whatever happens to him... is his karma."


I screamed to the top of my lungs, wishing I could just disappear away from both of them. A pain ripped through my stomach, making me hold my belly in discomfort. I decided to lay back down on the bed and cry myself back to sleep.

My body felt like it was floating as a calm feeling came over me. I exhaled and inhaled slowly, intaking the pure air into my lungs. A hand touched my face and I opened my eyes.


"Hello, Imani."


"Nathan!...Nathan! Where are you?!" I opened my eyes at the sound of Imani's voice calling me.

I was standing completely naked with both of my arms tied up...a chain hanging from the ceiling wrapped around both my wrists. Deep bloody slashes were all over my chest that slowly began to heal. Melinda cut off part of my tongue and it took a little longer to grow back but it's finally back to normal. I was inside my underground dungeon and wondered if those witches were still around.

My dungeon was my private dwelling that no one knew about. The ones that did know didn't live to talk about it. Now I'm experiencing my own cell of torture as if I set myself up to suffer at my own creation.

When I closed my eyes I saw Kitty and continued to hear her calling me. Regret tried to take over me for letting her leave with Cordier and his brother but I knew they wouldn't hurt Imani or let anyone else harm her. I'll be sure to thank them before I kill them.

Once Imani was out of my sight everything went black. I started to lose track of time while I was being tortured and my blood was being consumed by the three witches....I was determined to get free and get to my love and son.

The heavy door began to open and to my annoyance one of the witches walked inside...naked.

"You're awake....I came back just in time for round two."

Disgust filled my stomach and I promised myself when I got free Melinda is the first one I kill.

"I don't really like Vampires but since you're part werewolf, I made an exception....You having a huge dick helps too." She smirked.

I could hear her pulse and see the blood veins protrude through the side of her neck. My fangs slowly extended...I was thirsty for blood.

"I think my sisters may have fallen in love with you after just one fuck...silly girls." She stood in front of me and licked my chest.

I tried erasing the thoughts of them paralyzing my entire body with spells the past few days. All three fucked me while I couldn't move and had no control over my body or functions...it was infuriating watching them take turns cumming on top of me.

"Where's Oliver?"

"The old man?...He's a little out of commission at the moment."

My anger began to rise inside of me. I knew he was still alive but not knowing his state of health bothered me.

Melinda roughly grabbed my cock and I waited for her to finish whatever she was about to do. When I looked past her, an unfamiliar woman stood in the doorway. Thinking I was hallucinating, I closed my eyes but once opened again...she was still there.

Her eyes glowed in gold and her skin was onyx dark and looked smooth as silk. Then I remembered a place I traveled to before where I caught a glimpse of a few women with the same beautiful appearance.

Her unique features....Is she a Crescian?

She lifted her hand and the chains around my wrists came loose while my cock was in Melinda's mouth. I quickly attacked, ripping her throat out with my teeth. She gasped for air as blood sprayed everywhere including my chest and face. My rage wasn't done until I tore her head completely from her torso then watched the rest of her body fall to the floor. The woman walked up the steps out of the dungeon and I followed, leaving bloody footprints as I walked.

Melinda's two sisters sat in my living room talking and laughing without a care in the world. Empty bottles of wine and champagne cluttered the table and floor. My walk-in fireplace was lit up and reflected off their skin. Thirst made my fangs grow longer and I licked Melinda's blood off my lips.

The sister's joyful laughter all came to an end when I threw Melinda's head onto the table in front of them, knocking over a few empty bottles of wine.

They screamed and the Crescian lifted her hand once again..I realized she was blocking their spells from affecting me while holding them in place.

Oh how the tables have turned...

I enjoyed tearing into Danzi and Sesha's flesh, drinking their warm blood and watching the terror and tears in their eyes. After quenching my thirst, I snapped their necks and threw their bodies into my oversized grandeur fireplace.

Watching their bodies burn satisfied me to no end and whatever they did to me no longer mattered.

"You are Imani's mate."

"Yes, I am. Is that why you helped me?" I stared into her golden eyes.

She smiled. "Of course, and you are the father of her child. He has Crescian blood."

The woman began to walk away.

"What is your name?" I asked. Her eyes reminded me of my Kitty's.


And just like that she was gone.

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