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I came home with a bouquet of yellow roses and smelled the food Imani was cooking in the crockpot. The roast was done....I smiled and turned it off.

Ma douce fille (My sweet girl)…

As usual, she was on my mind while I was away. I was ready to live out the thoughts that I’ve been having all day about her.

I know I filled her up before leaving this morning, but more of Imani is never too much for me. I can still hear her cries as she rode on top of me, shaking and trembling, digging her nails into my chest.

Oh Victor! Baybeee…..

Then my hips thrusting upward causing her to give me everything…..her climax, screams, shutters and tears. I am truly addicted to pleasing her.

I went into the bedroom and she wasn’t there. My heart felt like it was going to stop. I called out for her but there was no I called Yannis.

“Is Imani with you?” I asked, dreading the answer.

“What? No….”

I threw my phone and went downstairs. One of my men, Rocco, stood in the living room.

“What’s wrong, boss?” He asked.

The annoyance and anger caused me to pull out a gun and shoot him in the arm. Rocco yelled in pain causing all the other four men to run into the house.

“Boss?” Dave, Vince, Dylan and Jeff all looked confused.

“Where is Imani?” I asked, my rage increasing by the second.

“Max said she was with your brother,”  Dylan answered.

Fucking idiot!

I shot him in the leg, now his yells filled the room. The other three men looked at me with panic.

“She’s not. You all were supposed to protect her while I was gone. Now she is gone….Where were you all while she was being taken?”

My wolf started to stir and my eyes began to glow red. I watched  the men begin to cower. The sight of them was disturbing me more and more every second.

I growled. “What am I paying all of you for?”

Dave answered, his voice cracking. “Boss, like we said...we thought Imani was with your brother.”

Wrong answer….I shot him in the head.

Through the smell of blood, I also smelled the sweat and fear coming from their bodies.

“Where’s Max?” I asked.

Vince was terrified but answered. “He said he was going to handle some business for you.”

Yannis came into the house ready for carnage. “Why are they still breathing?”

The men that were still alive, held their hands up in surrender.

“It looks like we have a traitor among us, brother.”

Yannis looked at the men as his eyes began to glow red and a growl left his mouth.

He and I proceeded to rip them to shreds.


Imani sat at the dinner table looking down at her plate. With no appetite and her cheek sore, she took small bites to not upset Alpha Steven.

“How are you enjoying the meal?” Steven asked.

Imani gave a soft smile. “It’s good.”

She unconsciously tapped her foot, feeling his stare on her. He was about to speak and then someone came into the dining room.

“Sorry to interrupt, Alpha, but you have a visitor.”

“Tell them I am trying to enjoy dinner with my mate. They need to call first and make an appointment.” He continued eating his food.

“It’s Mr. Maxwell, Alpha..”

Steven stopped eating. “Tell him to make it quick.”

Imani didn’t recognize the name but she definitely did the face.

That’s one of Victor’s men….

“Hey Alpha, I’m in deep shit. Those fucking psychos just killed all my crew and I know they’re coming for me next. I need somewhere to lay low for a while and some protection.”

Imani pretended to eat her food while she listened to their conversation. She felt an anger build inside her, knowing he was the reason she was able to be taken.

“That wasn’t part of our deal, Max.”

“But I just need to lay low for about a week or two and then I’m out of here.”

“You know I don’t want humans living amongst my pack. It’s unnatural.” Steven sipped his drink.

“Um, I don’t know if you noticed but your little girlfriend over there is human.”

Steven gave him a look that made Imani scared for the man. She sat still waiting to see Steven’s reaction.

With the speed of lightning, Steven had Max suspended in the air by his throat. Then he let him go, letting him drop to the hardwood floor.

Steven sat back down. “Richard, escort Max to one of the guest rooms.”

Max stood trying to catch his breath then walked out not saying a word.

“I apologize for that darling. Now where were we?...Oh yes, I had one of the females go shopping for you and had the clothes put in the closet in my room...I’m sorry our room.”

Imani, learning from her mistake earlier, nodded her head at everything he said, whether she heard him or not. Soon a blonde woman came into the room. She was pretty but her eyes had a tremendous amount of sadness in them.

“Alpha Steven, everything has been set for tonight. Is there anything else you need?” She asked, not looking directly at him.

Imani sat wondering what she was talking about. She looked at Steven and he smiled at the woman’s words.

“Thank you Allison, that’ll be all.”

Later that evening, Imani sat looking out Steven's bedroom window. She prayed that Yannis and Victor would find her or someone would help her escape. She knew the latter was wishful thinking since the whole pack looked terrified of Steven.

“Imani, come here.” Steven asked once he came into the room.

He took her hand and walked her into the bathroom. Inside there were candles lit and rose pedals placed in the water of the tub.

He began unzipping her skirt and Imani tensed up. He slowly undressed her shaking body.

“I want you to get in the tub and wash those scents off of you. It’s very strong, I could barely finish my food earlier.”

Imani looked at him confused, but did as he said.

He walked out of the bathroom, leaving the door open. She could see him taking off his shirt and her heart began to race. Closing her eyes, the words of Yannis and Victor telling her about the packs invaded her thoughts. Then Max came into her mind.

I remember when Victor hit Max in the face the day I first met them. Max seemed to carry disdain for me ever since that day.

“How’s that washing going?”

Imani opened her eyes to a naked Steven standing in the doorway. The tears filled her eyes and she fought to not cry out loud.

“It’s going fine.” She looked down, washing her arms and neck.

“Move a little faster, ok?”

“Yes Sir.”

He grinned. “Good Girl.”

Steven walked back into the room and Imani let her tears flow quietly.

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