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Ameena was a witch reincarnate of Palesa, who had more life cycles than Victor and Yannis. Prior to Ameena, Palesa had not been with Victor or Yannis for thousands of years....she almost completely forgot they existed.

When she was called to help the Zyndale pack after an attack, she noticed them right away. They always looked exactly the same every time she saw them and unlike them, Palesa took on many different forms.

Ameena was escorted onto Zyndale territory. There was the main house, where the Alpha and his mate lived and many other smaller homes, which she assumed were the rest of the pack.

The guide informed her that the school and hospital was shared with the Crestmont pack which piqued her interest. She's never heard of different packs coexisting so close to each other.

Once Ameena walked into the hospital, she was met by many stares.

She was 6 ft tall, taller when wearing heels, slim with blonde hair that drapped past her bottom. Her deep blue eyes matched her blue lipstick as her stiletto black boots clicked on the linoleum floors.

Her flowy blue dress had deep splits on both sides, showing off her creamy long legs as she walked.

"The first patient is in here, Ms. Ameena." The nurse on duty informed her.

After removing a deadly poison from three of Zyndale's pack members, Ameena got ready to make her way back home, but was told that the Alpha wanted to meet her and thank her for kindness.

When she saw Yannis, a smirk formed on her face.

She met his mate, Teresa, along with his Beta and Gamma.

Teresa was blue eyes, long luscious brown hair, tan skin and a fit body. But the green monster (jealousy) showed on her face as she watched Yannis talk with Ameena.

Now, Victor who seemed very enamored with his mate Allison, didn't bat an eye until Ameena spoke.

Allison was also beautiful with the same color hair as Victor, light brown eyes and a petite body. She came off sweet and docile but Ameena saw nothing but pure hate in her eyes.

After Ameena left, Victor was the first to reach out...then Yannis came for an unexpected visit.

Crestmont's Beta got wind of this and both of their mates had someone following them. Once they had evidence of Victor and Yannis communicating with Ameena, she was captured and put on trial for casting spells on their Alphas.

Teresa and Allison believed that their mates would never take interest in another woman unless they were under the influence of dark magic.

After being beaten and tortured, they tied her to a stake to be burned alive in the presence of both packs.

The Alphas knew nothing about Ameena being captured but were asked to meet their Beta's on neutral territory.

When they arrived, they saw a crowd that consisted of both their packs and four Alphas from outside packs.

"What is going on?" Victor asked.

The crowd split like the red sea and standing in front of Ameena, who was bloody, bruised and soaked with gasoline, was their mates, Teresa and Allison.

"Yannis and Victor, we know what's been going on with you two and this witch. And before we watch you two ruin everything that you worked so hard to build, we're going to get rid of the problem," Teresa said.

"We love you both too much to just sit and let you sabotage yourselves like you both have been doing. This is an intervention and we're going to end this today," Allison said after.

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