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Victor and Yannis walked out of the ladies room trying to be discreet as some women began to come down the hall in search of relief. They took the back way out so no eyes would catch them leaving the premises.

"Yannis Cordier!"

A woman's voice shouted behind them in the empty lot. They both turned around seeing a face they didn't recognize but the voice sounded familiar.

"Who are you?" Yannis asked.

"Wow....I should be offended, but knowing how you treated my sister, I'm not surprised you don't remember me."

They both stared at her with little interest...following where Imani was going was their priority.

"I was told you were responsible for her death."

Yannis decided to entertain the woman's conversation as Victor stood in observation.

"Not sure who you're talking about..."

"Well damn, how many of your mates have you killed, Mr. Cordier?"

The realization hit him. "Tammy...long time no see."

She smirked. "It's Sabrina now...."

"Ok, that we've got that out of the way, what do you want?" Victor interrupted.

She remembered the first time she met them and how jealous she was of her sister and Allison. The brothers were even more handsome than she remembered.

"Hello to you too, Victor. I want your brother's head on a to join him?"

"Your move, Tammy....I'm waiting." Yannis calmly stood.

I hate that fucking name....Too many painful memories of me and Teresa struggling, trying to make ends meet. The abuse from our father and me being left behind once she met Yannis. Now she's dead all because of him....I begged you not to leave me, Teresa but you were so in love and what has that gotten you....rejection and death!

Sabrina felt her body heat up in anger as the yellow glow in her eyes became seen. She knew she wouldn't win against an Alpha but she was willing to take her chances....Yannis killed her sister and revenge was all she could see in front of her.

"Brother, we don't have time for this...we need to find Imani." Victor said, impatiently walking away.

Sabrina instantly calmed down hearing Victor's words, earlier she wondered what their reasons were for being at the party but figured they were business acquaintances.

What is their interest in Imani?

Yannis followed his brother, leaving Sabrina standing alone. She was now more curious about Imani's life than ever before. Nathan Spear was enough to drive her obsession but Victor and Yannis were the cherries on top.

"Honey....I was looking all over for you. Why are you out here by yourself?" Jeremiah asked.

Sabrina rolled her eyes before turning around.

"Oh, I saw some old friends of mine and had a little chat."

"There's been a little commotion inside. Someone damaged the ladies room and my sister left not feeling well. We're shutting the party down early."

"Oh no, sorry to hear that. I hope she's ok."

Jeremiah grinned. "Thanks...let's get out of here. We can have our own party at my place."

Sabrina took his hand and walked back into the venue with her mind assessing all the info she got from this interesting evening.

It's definitely more to Imani than I thought....what is she hiding?

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