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Yannis and Victor sat in the conference room with their Beta and Gamma. They were recapping the Peace Treaty Summit in France.

"Only four of the Alphas agreed to allyship with us? That's a pretty low number," Gamma Bradley said.

"It could've been none of them," Yannis replied.

"You said another Alpha persuaded their rejection?" Bradley asked.

"Yes, Nathan Spear. But I looked him up and he doesn't even have a pack. Why would he care who becomes our ally?" Richard was confused.

"He labeled the Alphas of The Guardian his enemies. And anyone aligned with you will be labeled the same." Gavin walked in and took a seat.

"His enemies? We don't even know him." Victor leaned back in his chair.

Gavin raised an eyebrow. "Alpha two remember him don't you?"

Victor and Yannis looked at each other.

"Steven was his brother. I'm sure you all can understand where he's coming from."

"Ok, so we killed his brother and for good reasons. But why are all the other Alpha's so loyal to him? Is it land, money, connections?" Victor asked.

"Fear...nothing else. You don't know when he's coming....he just strikes without warning."

"Where is he located?" Yannis asked.

"Oh, I have his information right here." Richard gave Yannis the paper.

"If we are such a threat to him. Why hasn't he attacked us yet?" Victor asked.

The many lives that Yannis and Victor have lived gave them more than enough knowledge in dealing with enemies. They've been through worse and weren't a bit afraid of the mysterious Nathan Spear.

"I'm sure your mother has something to do with that. Estelle's status and place in our society still holds some weight. "

"Sorry to interrupt..." Carmen walked in holding VJ.

"I'll be with you in a moment," Victor said.

"Oh, I actually need Richard for something."

Richard looked at Victor surprised.

"Can you show me how to work the new projector screen? It's movie night for the kids."

Victor sat back. "You can go, we're done here." He told Richard.

"Great, thanks Richie." Carmen kissed his cheek and walked away.

The rest of the men got up from their seats and walked out giving the room to Victor and Richard.

"Victor, I didn't know she would...."

"Do you love her?"


Victor stared at him and Richard could see in his eyes that he knew about him sleeping with Carmen.

"Oh no, what happened was a mistake, it wasn't planned." Victor could see the fear on his cousin's face.

"Richard, it's ok.....I'm not upset. This is actually the happiest I've seen her in a while."

Victor got up and Richard followed.

"But, I'm not trying to continue what truly was a mistake."

"Richard....Carmen is very aggressive when it comes to getting what she wants. If you don't make your intentions clear, things will get very burdensome for you. So just be careful."

Richard looked lost. "What do I tell her?"

"Tell her you don't want anything serious and make sure you mean what you say."

"Okay....Victor, I truly am sorry," Richard said with remorse.

Victor gave him a smirk. "Just consider this your payback for Amy."

"Amy? Wait....what?"

"It'll come to you."

Victor patted Richard on the back leaving him in confusion.


Imani stood on the balcony, sipping peppermint tea. She smiled and giggled thinking about Nathan. Her body softly hummed as she healed the aches and soreness he caused.

She went to her purse to check her phone, there were 10 missed calls from Bria. Imani didn't want to get her hopes too high, but she called her back.

"Imani! I've been calling you!" Bria was crying.

"Calm down, Bree. I wasn't near my phone. What's wrong?"

"Ken's dead!! He was in his house the whole time!"

More of Bria's sobs came through the phone. "They found him with his stomach slashed open!"

Imani was shocked by what Bria was saying.

"Why would someone do that to him? I don't understand..." Bria continued to cry.

Imani felt no sadness but she didn't feel great either. She was worried about Bria's mental state.

"I was banging on his door, yelling at him and calling him names because I thought he was ignoring me. But he was dead....He was fucking dead!!!"

"Listen, Bria, is there anyone that can be with you right now?"

"Yes, I'll call my sister," Bria said through sniffles.

"I will come see you when I get back in town, ok?"

Imani heard more sniffles before Bria answered. "Okay."

They both hung up.

The news slowly started sinking in...I can't believe Kenneth is dead. Who did he piss off?

Nathan walked into the bedroom.

"We need to talk, Kitty."

"Oh okay..." She immediately put her phone down.

Nathan sat and laid back on the bed, Imani snuggled up to him, laying her head on his chest. She thought about the night he got her away from Kenneth and the relief that washed over her with just the sound of Nathan's voice. She felt so at peace and safe with him.

"You're living here with me," he said.

Imani sat up.

"Live with you? Well, Nathan...I'm not sure if..."

"I wasn't asking, Imani."

She looked at him surprised. "Oh, sorry...I didn't think you would want me here so soon."

"You're my mate...why wouldn't I? Plus, I really like having you here."

Nathan's crystal light gray eyes pierced into hers. Imani felt her heart race then she felt something else.

Nathan sat up on his elbows. "Are you turned on, Kitty?"

Imani gasped. "No!....yes.."

Nathan smiled then bit his bottom lip. Suddenly, the news of Ken's death popped up in her mind.

"Um, Nate...honey?"

Nathan pulled her towards him. "Yes?"

"Do you remember the creep at the costume party named Kenneth?"

Imani wasn't fond of Kenneth but she would have never wished death on him.

"No, why?" He kissed her neck as his hand moved between her thighs.

"Mmh! N-Nevermind." Imani moaned, feeling Nathan's fingers slowly slide inside her.

She quickly forgot what she was thinking.

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