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"Is there a reason why you were eavesdropping on me yesterday?" I asked Diana.

She gave the usually nonchalant attitude to blow over what I was asking her. Her new interest in me being with Imani was becoming obvious which was making me suspicious.

"I wasn't eavesdropping, Nathan. I was just waiting my talk to you."

I ignored the slick comment and moved on, not wanting her to get the wrong idea or think I would play along.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I sat down at my desk.

She smirked at her comment being ignored then sat down in the chair in front of my desk.

"It seems we are getting some push back on our new bank location. The people in the town have petitioned for the rejection of the permit."

"Why is that?"

"Some have heard about the other side of Nathan Spear. Your no nonsense reputation and being a mean and evil man has finally caught up with you." Diana smirked.

"It's always been with me. So who is in charge?"

"I am."

I looked to see a husky man standing in the doorway of my study room. When he walked in, two other men followed. I had no idea who these men were and I felt myself get excited and I smiled.

"Welcome gentlemen. How can I help you?"

I saw Oliver standing behind them...they must not be a threat if he allowed them inside. But I hoped I was wrong.

"I think you need my help more than I need yours, Mr. Spear. You want this new bank of yours built in the heart of my city and I'm waiting for you to convince me of why I should let you."

I looked at Diana. "Did you know they were coming?"

"Maybe." She grinned.

"And what is your name, Sir?" I asked the man.

"Thomas Ricker."

I noticed the name right away. He was in the lower ranks of my brother's pack. My photographic memory showed me the list of betas, gammas, omegas, soldiers and others in leadership.

You let my brother get killed. The words played in my mind.

"Your name sounds familiar, Mr. Ricker. Would you happen to know a Steven Spear?"


I clenched my teeth at his disrespect but stayed calm. Quick kills get boring to me sometimes and I learned to savor certain situations.

"So you have no clue of your former Alpha Steven?"

"He was no Alpha of mine."

"Why is that?"

He looked confused. "Why do you care...he's dead."

"Why so defensive....It was a simple question."

His eyebrows furrowed. "My Alpha would have survived."

My body began to heat up as my nails dug into my palms, calming down my rage.

"What do you want Mr. Ricker?"

"Well of course the usual property tax for the building being on my land and 50 percent of the fees and charges that will be put on my people in the town."

"That's not going to happen," Diana interrupted.

"Then there won't be a bank....sorry for wasting your time."

He turned to walk out with his men following him.

"There will be a bank and I'm willing to give you 10 percent. Whether you take the offer or not....the bank will be there."

He looked at me as if I slapped him in the face. Diana looked surprised that I even offered that much. But I wasn't giving him anything...just entertaining myself.

"You don't scare me Spear, so if you think you can intimidate me, you're sadly mistaken."

I love it when people aren't afraid of me or claim they aren't. I saw all three men's eyes begin to glow red and the fangs hang out of their mouths.

Diana sat back as Oliver slowly closed and locked the door of my study room. One of them looked back and Oliver smiled politely, showing his sharp fangs.

Sitting in my chair, I felt the burning sensation of another blood circulating through my veins. The looks on the men's faces showed they could now see what I truly was as my eyes turned black as an abyss and my fangs along with my nails grew longer.

Now standing from my chair, I felt Diana smiling at me and I could smell her arousal at the thought of me ripping the men apart. She always got turned on at the sight of other's blood being spilled.

Thomas Ricker and his men looked at me in horror.

"V-Vampire? I thought you were a werewolf.....Wait!...Y-You're a fucking Hybrid....." His voice trembled in fear.

Diana's laughter filled the room, enjoying the men's screams as I smiled and one by one, Oliver and I enjoyed taking their warm blood.

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