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The air was buzzing as the upcoming anniversary party drew near. Imani's brother, Jeremiah and his now fiance Sabrina pulled up to the Lux Hotel waiting for valet to take over.

"You look absolutely stunning tonight." Jeremiah complimented.

"Thanks honey, but are you saying I don't look stunning any other time?" She smirked.

"Of course not." Jeremiah kissed her cheek.

They walked into the grand lobby which was already filled with ball gowns and tuxedos everywhere. The music from the main hall could be heard as people trailed in couple by couple.

Sabrina looked around the crowd admiring their taste in fashion and etiquette.

These are my kind of people. This is definitely where I belong...

Jeremiah held out his arm and she latched on as they walked into the ballroom hall. The decor was of silver and black with hints of red from roses placed on each of the 40 black cloth covered tables.

A server offered them a glass of champagne and Sabrina was happy to indulge. She saw Miah walking around greeting guests and Lucas talking to some big shot CEO's.

"I'll be right back, baby." Jeremiah kissed her cheek and made his way over to his brother.

As she sipped her drink she noticed someone that made her senses go heywire and blood run cold at the same time. Her boss walked in holding Imani's hand.

Jeremiah's sister is with Mr. Spear?

Her eyes stayed focused on the couple. Imani looked tiny next to Nathan and his long jet black hair, crystal light gray eyes and cold demeanor drove Sabrina wild.

"My parents are on their way inside." Jeremiah cut off her stare.

"Hey, isn't that your sister Imani?"

"Oh, yeah it is...let's go say hi." Jeremiah grabbed her hand.

And here I thought this night was going to be boring.

The excitement in Sabrina grew higher as they walked closer to the couple of her focus, but then she caught sight of someone else.

No fucking way.


It was the night of my parents 30th Anniversary party and everything was going so well that it kind of scared me a little bit.

My thoughts went back to me introducing Nathan to my family and everyone was so welcoming to him. It was the best I've felt in a very long time and I was happy my family and him were getting along.

Nathan seemed to draw attention like he usually did with just his presence and I realized just how well he adapts during these social gatherings. I also learned that every woman that saw him was instantly willing to risk it all, single or not. Some blatantly flirted with their significant other by their side...My brother's fiance was a prime example.

Sabrina claimed Nathan was her boss, but he had no clue who she was, being he owned the company but had other's managing day to day operations. My sweet brother continued to act oblivious to her fangirl behavior and I wanted to tell him to grow some balls.

No longer wanting to witness my brother further be disrespected, Nathan cut the greeting convo short and pulled me onto the dancefloor with the other slow dancing couples. We swayed our bodies to beautiful strings of violin music playing as the lights dimmed. It gave a romantic feeling in the atmosphere while Nathan held me close and kissed my forehead.

I love him so much.

After our dance, I quickly walked to the ladies room and Nathan stood talking to my brother Lucas. I went into the stall and handled my business, enjoying the relief of my bladder emptying.

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