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I looked out the window then stood in the mirror again for the 12th time. I kept checking my dress and hair wondering if I picked the right outfit to wear. Nathan was on his way and I was trying to calm my nerves.

Usually, I would talk to Bria and we would laugh, slowly calming my anxiety.....but that's not happening. I haven't even spoken to her since the party.

The night I laid in my bed after Nathan dropped me off, I realized that I felt a tingle in my spine, right before I heard his voice. It was like my body sensed his presence before my eyes and ears did. I didn't notice at the moment, being that my fear of Kenneth was in front of me.

My phone began to ring and I was surprised to see Victor's number. I decided to answer.


"Hello, sweetheart. Thank you for finally answering."

An instant giddiness came over me at the sound of his voice.

"Hey Victor, how have you been?"

"I've been okay....I could be alot better and I think you know how."

I stayed quiet for a moment.

"How's the baby?" I tried changing the subject.

"He is well....I miss you, Imani. I want to see you when I get back in town."

No, don't you start. I chastised my lower region.

"Can I see you? I just want to talk."

I went to look out the window....I saw a black SUV pull up.

Nathan's here.


"Okay? Alright...I'll see you soon, sweetheart."

I hung up not realizing what I just did, but I was anxious to go on this date and the jitters in my stomach didn't help.

The tingles returned as I made way downstairs to the door, Nathan was getting out of his truck. He walked around to the passenger side and stood waiting for me, as I walked out. He looked like an absolute dream.

Closing the door behind me, I walked towards him, pacing my steps so I don't trip or fall.

He was wearing a dark burgundy suit with a black turtleneck and black loafers. His long jet black hair hung past his shoulders, complimenting his golden tan skin.

The closer I came to him, his height towered me as his crystal light gray eyes made me curious of what he may be. Being around Yanni and Victor, I started picking up on who may or may not be a werewolf.

I'm so nervous....I hope I don't embarrass myself.


I pulled up to Imani's home. I haven't been able to not think about her since the night I dropped her off. She walked out as soon as I got out of my truck.

She must have been looking out the window cute.

I got out, standing by the passenger side to open the door for her and she smiled.

"Thank you."

"You look absolutely beautiful," I said to her, meaning it.

Imani looked amazing, she wore a black form fitting dress, red heels with lipstick and nails to match. Her curly hair touched her shoulders, framing her face perfectly.

I could tell she was very nervous as she blushed saying thank you. Getting inside my truck, her scent pleased my senses causing my hunting instincts to kick in.

"Did you have a good day, Imani?" I asked, driving away from her home.

"Yes sir.....I-I mean, Nathan."

I smiled, enjoying her soft little voice. "It's okay, that'll come in handy sooner than later."

Her mouth opened as she looked at me with fear and curiosity....I gave her a glance then continued to look forward.

My plan was to drive into the city but decided to take another way. So, I veered off, taking the scenic route.

Opening the sunroof, it was night outside and the sky looked alive. Imani looked beautiful as the moonlight reflected off her skin.

"Is there anything you want to ask me?"

"Um, where are we going?" She asked in a bubbly voice.

"To dinner, of course. Unless you mean afterward..." I looked at her.

She looked away not answering and I smiled.

"What do you do for a living?" I asked, trying to calm her nerves.

"Accounting assistant and you?"

"I own a few banks and an oil company."

"Oh wow, that's amazing!"

After those words, she had a look of worry on her face as she stared out the window.

"Imani, what do you really want to ask me?"

She looked surprised.

"I don't want to sound crazy...."

"I'm listening...."

There was a pause.

"You wouldn't happen to be a werewolf or know any.....would you?"

I pulled over to the side of the road.

Being that she was a Crescian, her question didn't surprise me. Imani unbuckled her seatbelt and moved to the edge of the seat, looking around. I could sense her fear as I turned to face her.

I looked into her pretty light brown eyes and she locked into my stare.

Her eyes are an open book of poems, her lips are the juiciest fruit from a tree, her skin is enticing like wanting to lick melted candy, her body is a new beautiful land I want to conquer and her scent is the most delicious dessert teasing me to come eat her.

"Yes, I'm a werewolf." I leaned in claiming her soft full lips as mine.

Imani received my mouth and tongue, giving me her sweet moan in response. I pulled away letting her catch her breath.

She definitely felt our energy surge, the trembling of her body and look in her eyes let me know.

"Next question....."

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