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A few weeks later, Allison walked up to Imani's country style home. She loved the clean white exterior with a wrap-around porch. It also had a dark gray roof and bright yellow and pink flowers in hanging baskets around the porch, it made the house very inviting. She knocked on the door as a mixture of being nervous and excited washed over her.

Ok, Allison, here goes nothing.

She knocked on the door and Imani's bright smile greeted her first.
They hugged and Allison was introduced to Bria, who shook her hand with a smile.

An hour later, the three ladies ate and chatted while sipping red wine. Laughter was the memo for all of them as they enjoyed each other's company and conversations.

Allison was so happy to have Imani as a friend and hoped that her and Bria would become good friends too. She finally felt normal and most importantly...free.

Yannis walked through the door and Imani followed him to another area to properly greet him with a kiss. Bria was unaware that Imani was with Yannis also and Imani wasn't comfortable yet to tell her.

Imani came back into the room to a smiling Allison who knew the situation. The ladies took their conversation into the living room and the laughter and drinks continued.

"Hey sweetheart, how's everyone doing?" Victor said, walking into the living room.

"Hey Vic, what's up?" Bria greeted him.

Allison turned her face but realized it was too late to hide.

"Hello Victor."

Victor's face changed from inviting to angry.

"What the hell is she doing here?"

Bria looked at Imani confused but remained silent.

"Honey, this is my co-worker, Allison. Remember I told you about her?"

"I want you out of my house now."

Imani got up, confused. "Victor what's wrong?"

Allison got up and walked toward Imani. "Imani, I'm so sorry. I should have told you but I was just trying to move on with my life and be happy."

"What are you saying Allison?"

"She was my mate and the reason I left Crestmont." Victor stared at Allison with disgust.

He still hates me....he still hates me! The words kept playing in Allison's mind.

"What?" Imani looked at Allison.

"I'm sorry, Imani. I'm going to go..." Allison immediately grabbed her things and ran out of the house.

"A mate? You mean like an ex?" Bria asked.

Victor walked away to calm down and Imani sat on the sofa feeling embarrassed.

Why didn't I put two and two together? How could I be so stupid?

Bria got up from the sofa. "Well, I'm gonna go. You should go talk to Victor."

Bria gave her a hug and made her way out of the door. Imani immediately walked into the entertainment room. Victor was sitting in one of the reclining chairs.

She stood in front of him. "I'm sorry."

He looked at her and pulled her in, to sit on his lap.

"It's ok. You didn't know what she looked like. But now that you do..."

"She's no longer welcomed and I will keep to myself," Imani interrupted.

Victor nodded, giving her a grin.

"I love you, Victor."

"I love you more."

He kissed her lips softly and they began to get lost in each other's mouths. Imani pulled away to catch her breath then she got off of his lap and got on her knees in front of him.

She rubbed his bulge through his pants and removed him from its enclosure. Victor bit his bottom lip as she licked then sucked the tip of his erection.

Imani closed her eyes as if she was tasting something delicious for the first time. Her mouth moistened his shaft as her head moved up and down, in sync with both of her hands.

Victor's head went back as a groan left his lips. She picked up her pace and he slightly lifted his hips upward. Soft moans and groans of enjoyment danced in the air while his warm juices filled her mouth, gliding down her throat.

Imani wiped her lips and Victor stared at her in awe. "You're amazing, you know that?"

"I'm alright." Imani giggled and got off her knees.

Victor grabbed her then sat her in the chair, kneeling in front of her.

"My turn."


The next day, while Yannis and Imani were out, Victor decided to plan a week-long vacation to a secluded tropical island for him and Imani. Her 23rd birthday just past and he wanted her all to himself for a few days.

There was a knock on the door and he got up to answer. When he opened, his day was officially ruined.

"Allison, why the hell are you here?"

She looked like she'd been crying for days.

"Victor, why can't you forgive me? I'm just trying to move on with my life and be a better person. I really cherish Imani's friendship and I wouldn't do anything to hurt her."

"You need to leave."

"No, I need you to please hear me out...please Victor."

Victor turned his back with his hand rubbing over his hair, trying to keep his anger from taking over.

Maybe if I let her say what she needs to say, she'll leave me alone.

Before he could agree, she began to talk.

"Victor, I am so sorry. Everyday I regret what I did to you and I understand why you hate me. I'm sorry and I hope one day that you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

Victor lifted his nose in the air then turned around to face Allison. A heat rushed throughout his body as his eyes began to change to yellow. Allison's breathing grew heavy as her skin felt hot to the touch and the smell of her arousal grew stronger.

Oh no......She's in heat.


Yannis carried Imani on his back once she got out of the car.

"I can walk, you know." She laughed.

"You won't be able to later."

Imani giggled, tapping his hard chest. "Baby, be nice."

Yannis laughed, giving her thighs a squeeze.

"Whose car is this?"

Yannis shrugged. "I guess we'll find out."

He put her down and walked into the house. Some things were knocked over and Yannis immediately smelled the air.

"Are we being robbed?" Imani asked, shaken up.

"Stay here." Yannis said then made his way through the living room.

The smell grew stronger and Yannis could feel himself start to warm up.

Once he reached the dining area, Yannis' eyes widened as he watched Victor, who was naked from the waist down, taking Allison from behind.

Before he could say anything, he heard a scream. Imani stood there with her hand covering her heart and tears filling her eyes.

Victor immediately stopped from the sound as if he was snapped out of a trance. He immediately backed away from Allison and pulled his pants up, looking confused.

Imani ran toward her room and locked herself inside.

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