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It was nice catching up with Victor and Yanni, it felt like old times minus the explicit part. It was the first time I didn't feel nervous or overly reactive.

I got a text message saying the kids like their toys and I should come to the new playground once it's finished. That would be awesome since I really do love children.

My phone rang and it was Bria's number. I wasn't sure if it was Kenneth so I didn't answer. The voicemail notification went off so I listened.

Hey Mani, I miss you. Please call me.

I immediately called back, praying she would be the one to answer.


"Hey bestie, how have you been?" I asked, unsure of her mood.

There was a pause.

"Did something happen between you and Ken?" She asked.

"What do you mean?"

"He hasn't been answering my calls or answering his door. His car is in the driveway and I even hear his television but he still doesn't answer."

Is this why she called...to talk about Kenneth?

"I figured he must have gotten what he wanted...That's why he's ignoring me," she continued.

"Bria, are you serious right now? Why the heck would I mess with someone like him?"

"You need to relax, Imani...Ken is a great guy. You should be happy someone is so invested in you, even after you treat him like crap."

"What?! He's a creep, Bree. Be with him since you think so highly of him."

"I have been with him...he's just stuck on you for some reason."

I rolled my eyes. "Not my problem..."

"Of course, it isn't. You act so high and mighty but Ken told me about you, Victor and Yannis. All this time, you were being fucked by both of them....Is that what your new friend is doing too...sharing you with his friends?"

My heart broke listening to my best friend and I started to doubt I really was talking to her. Our friendship flashed before my eyes at that moment.

"Why are you saying these things, Bria?"

"Oh stop with the innocent hurt little girl routine. I saw the mean messages you wrote to Ken...you really are a bitch sometimes, you know that?"

The tears fell down my face.

"I saw you and Ken in the restaurant that night and you looked like you were having a really good time with him, so don't act like you don't like him Imani....I know you do, but he's mine...You got it?!"

I hung up the phone, unable to stomach anymore of Bria's words.

Climbing into bed, I cried myself to sleep.


When I opened my eyes, it was night time. That sleep was very needed and I felt so much better after my disaster of a conversation with Bria.

She must really love Kenneth. Maybe that's why she acted that way towards me.

I sorta felt bad for her, she's in love with a man that doesn't feel the same way.

Tired of the bad vibes, I shook off my Bria thoughts and took a shower. As if I was being watched, my phone buzzed as soon as I walked out of the bathroom.

Be ready in 20 minutes, I already sent a car to pick you up.

My stomach did flips....It was Nathan.

Not hesitating, I threw on a short black pleated skirt, a yellow v-neck shirt and some comfortable black flats.

Whoa, that's a lot of cleavage...I should change my shirt.

I thought to myself as I looked in my mirror, then I heard a knock on my front door. I went downstairs and opened it....there was a short older man in a driver uniform...hat included, standing on my step.

"Good evening, Ms. James. I am Oliver, your driver for the night. Are you ready?"

"Hello, Mr. Oliver. Yes, let me grab my purse."

He nodded and made his way back to the car and opened the backseat door.

I closed my house door, locked it and hurried to the car. My body was charged from the excitement. Thinking about seeing Nathan had me giddy as I sat feeling the cool leather seat on the back of my thighs.

Deciding I wanted to make peace with my best friend, I texted Bria.

I don't want to fight, Bria. I don't want Kenneth, all I want is my best friend. Love you.

I pressed send and let it go. If she wants to make amends...great. If not, I'm moving on.

It was an hour drive before we arrived. The car pulled up to a huge black gate, it slowly began to open. My mind took in everything my eyes could capture. A stunning mansion stood ahead of us, surrounded by acres of neatly kept grass.

This place is beautiful.

We parked and Mr. Oliver opened my door.

"Thank you."

"My pleasure."

I followed him inside and my eyes were in awe. The decor was so regal with masculine colors, a touch of modern influence and elegance. Everything was so fancy, I started feeling underdressed.

Walking down the hall of black marble flooring, tingles took over my body letting me know Nathan was near.

Oliver led me into the great room to double doors that opened up to a balcony. The view was breathtaking.

"Here you are, Ms. James.....Mr. Spear will be with you shortly."

I nodded and immediately focused on the scenery. The balcony was facing the back of the mansion and there was a lake in the distance. The moon and stars felt like they were shining just for me.

I felt his strong arms wrap around me tightly from behind and lips kissing my neck. An undeniable need for him claimed me and a raw desire pulsed within my core.

Nathan's deep voice vibrated through me with one word.


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