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The new graduates stood outside of the college campus with their family and friends. Balloons, flowers, stuffed animals, and diplomas are visible all throughout the crowd as families take photos of the graduating class. The heat from the sun bore down, causing many to take refuge underneath umbrellas or the AC of their vehicles.

"We're so proud of you, Imani. Our last baby has finished college. This is such a blessing," Mrs. Lillian James spoke proudly of her youngest.

"Thank you, Mommy." Imani embraced the hug from her mother.

"Well, you know we have an Executive Assistant position available once you finish your summer vacation," Mr. Charles James inclined.

Imani cringed on the inside. "Oh, you do? You know you don't have to do that, Dad. I'm fine for now."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm just letting you know you have options, that's all babygirl." Mr. James kissed Imani on the forehead after giving her a hug.

She knows her parents mean well, and she loved them for always looking out for her. Imani hopes they will accept the path and life that she chooses to follow and support her decision. Seeing the twins walk up, Imani decided to wait until she told her parents her plans for the upcoming fall.

"Little Sis! Congratulations!" Jeremiah hugged Imani, and Miah followed.

Imani beamed with joy seeing how her parents and siblings were so proud of her. She finally felt like she fit in. Bzzz....Bzzz... her small purse vibrated. She looked at her phone and smiled.

"Congratulations, bestie! Sorry I couldn't make it, my niece couldn't wait any longer. We gotta do brunch or dinner when you have off. My treat!! Love you."

Imani smiled and texted back, then put her phone in her purse. Thirty minutes of more photos with her family, and she was ready to go and eat. She made her way to her car, telling her parents she'll meet them at the restaurant they reserved for dinner.

She got in her car and immediately turned on the AC, trying to lower her body temperature. An hour later, she and her family sat in an expensive restaurant, eating and chatting about vacation spots and plans for the next family "get together". Imani enjoyed watching her family interact, laugh, and crack jokes on each other. It was like when they were kids, no responsibilities or worries... just having fun.

Bzzz...Bzzz...Imani went into her purse to retrieve her phone. She looked at the message. It was an unknown contact.

"Congratulations, Imani. Graduating college is a great accomplishment. You should be proud of yourself.-Yannis"

Imani almost dropped her phone... OMG! Yannis just texted me!! How did he get my number? She sat there, and her hands began to shake. Soon, her sister Miah noticed.

"Hey, are you ok?"

Imani looked up. "Uh yea, I'm fine."

"You looked like you saw a ghost," Miah continued.

"No, Bree's sister had the baby." Imani had to think of something. The whole family smiled, doing their 'Awes and how sweet' phrases about the new bundle of joy.

Once dinner was done, Imani made it back to her car, her body still humming from the realization of Yannis sending her a text message. She wondered if a reply would be a good idea and if she replied, what would she say? Imani decided to question how he got her phone number, but....Thank you, what she replied instead.

Her phone buzzed immediately. "It's Yannis, but I like when you call me Yanni."

Blushing, she could hear his voice as she read the text message.

"Thank you, Yanni : )" she replied.

"You are welcome, Imani."

She didn't care how he got her number; she was just happy he had it.

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