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Max continued to squeeze as he watched the light slowly leave Imani's eyes.

Suddenly he was snatched up by his throat. Alpha Steven's eyes glowed yellow. Imani gasped for air but felt too groggy to move. With his feet dangling off the ground, Max struggled to speak.

"A-Alpha, she tried to escape. I was stopping her."

Steven growled. "By taking her life?"

Before Max could answer, his neck was broken and his body was thrown toward the hard trunk of a tree, snapping his spine.

Alpha Steven kneeled down towards Imani. He saw that she was breathing and picked her up. He ignored his surroundings as he ran back toward the main house.

Loud growls began to interrupt his tunnel vision. He stopped and slowly turned around to see two massive wolves walking slowly towards him. Steven's wolf was great in size but not compared to Victor and Yannis.

He immediately knew who they were. "I see you finally arrived. I take it you both aren't here for a friendly chat."

The wolves both growled and snarled showing their huge fangs.

Steven slowly put Imani on the grass and instantly shifted into his wolf. His brown fur spiked in aggression as he snarled at his opposition.

Soon four other wolves stood behind Victor and Yannis. All four had blood on their fur and mouths.

The constant growls caused Imani to wake fully and get her focus together. Imani's throat was sore and it was painful when she swallowed. She looked to see one huge brown wolf behind her, growling and looking passed her.

Following the stare, she gasped covering her mouth at the sight of one black and one white wolf that were both bigger than the one behind her. They snapped and growled seeing the cut, bruises and bloody lip she wore on her face.

"Yanni.....Victor," she said softly.

Their growling ceased and Imani's body began to vibrate then she closed her eyes and felt her face and insides warm up.

Muscles in her body relaxed as the humming filled her ears. The feeling flowed through her body, healing every ache she felt and didn't feel. Her cut, bruises and split lip healed.

She got on her knees and stretched like a cat as a euphoric moan escaped her lips.

This feels amazing....I feel my blood circulating from my feet to the top of my head.

The wolves all stared at her in a trance as a golden light pulsated around her body.

I definitely want her all to myself. Our offspring will be magnificent.

Opening her eyes, Imani remembered where she was and frantically stood up. She backed away from Steven as he prowled forward.

Imani ducked and Victor and Yannis attacked.

The Gammas and Betas took their turns jumping on the huge Alphas and we're met with claws to their snouts and bodies.
Steven got in a few slices with his paws, using the Betas and Gammas as a shield.

Soon four more wolves who were the same size as Steven's wolf began to run forward.

After easily taking out the Betas and Gammas, Victor and Yannis focused on Steven and the approaching Alpha wolves.

They were the same Alphas they fought years ago before leaving the Zyndale and Crestmont packs. Their scents filled the brothers' noses, causing flashbacks to hit their minds.

A calmness filled Yannis and Victor; they looked over to see Imani sitting cross-legged on the grass. They felt a jolt of energy go through their bodies, causing their fangs and claws to grow longer and a golden light to glow from their eyes.

Imani smiled.

I'm ready to go home.....I missed you two.

Imani's voice echoed in their minds. They both realized Imani was their energy source, a direct rejuvenation and power up.

They turned their focus on the five Alpha wolves in front of them. Victor and Yannis' claws dug into the dirt of the grass as they charged forward with no hesitation.

Yannis went left, Victor went right. It was like a flash as they slashed and ripped pieces of each Alpha wolf effortlessly. Blood painted the grass and seeped within the soil. Imani calmly sat and watched. With every slice or bite her mates received she healed immediately.

Yannis ripped the throat out of the last outside Alpha...then he and Victor focused on Alpha Steven.

The brown wolf backed slowly from them then turned his focus to Imani, who sat with her eyes now closed. The gold glow was still pulsating around her body.

If I can't have her, they won't either.

He made a run towards her with his canines in full view. Victor and Yannis ran after him a few steps behind. His adrenaline pumped as he got closer to her but then he collided with an invisible force that knocked him back.

Imani opened her eyes, feeling a presence behind her. She lifted her eyes toward the sky...

"Hasani?" She softly said.

He was even more gorgeous than she remembered. Hasani's body was sculpted to perfection; his skin matched the night sky and glistened in the moonlight. His gold eyes pierced through the darkness like a reflective light.

He smiled at her then stared at the brown wolf who was growling at him. Hasani lifted his hand and Steven's wolf went flying back, landing right in front of Victor and Yannis.

They both attacked, ripping him in half. Steven's body shifted back to his human form lifeless, his lower half a foot away from his torso.

Imani got up to face Hasani. "How is Palesa?"

"She is well, resting and so is the little one. How are you?" He touched her face.

"I'm fine now. Thank you, Hasani." Imani put her arms around his waist, hugging him. Then she let go looking up to him again.

"Anytime." Hasani looked toward Yannis and Victor's wolves. They stood back watching his interaction with Imani.

He returned his focus to her. "I doubt you will but if you ever get bored, you should visit Feloya."

"I would love to visit Palesa and the baby."

Hasani smiled. "Oh, it's not to see them." He gave Imani a wink.

"Hasani, stop." She giggled and blushed.

There were a few growls coming from behind her. She followed the sound, Yannis and Victor's wolves stood closer rubbing their wet noses on her.

She looked toward Hasani and he was gone. Yannis nudged her and Victor helped her on to Yannis' back. Imani looked back and kissed Victor's snout. She looked forward and gripped Yannis' fur.

"I'm ready," Imani said, holding on tight.

And like lightning they ran back through the woods to the truck.

Victor pulled off as Yannis sat in the back seat holding Imani as she fell asleep.

He looked in his rear view and saw Allison reaching out limping behind them.....Victor pressed harder on the gas.

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