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"We'll be done before morning comes," a thin man with glasses said, while five other men walked into the door with different equipment and supplies.

Victor gave the clean up man two thick envelopes. "Thank you, Elden."

"As's my pleasure."

Yannis and Victor jumped into the truck and drove off to find Imani.

All evidence pointed to Alpha Steven...who else would want to take her? Yannis thought to himself.

The frustration of not knowing if she was okay drilled into their hearts as they sped down the highway. Everything was planned as the sky began to darken in their view.

Victor and Yannis knew once they got there it was going to be a difficult fight but they learned from their past mistakes. A bag of weapons sat on the back seat already locked and loaded.

Yannis phone began to was their mother.

"I take it, you both are going to get her back?" She said in a stern voice.

"Of course, why would you ask that?" Yannis asked.

"I'm just making sure you both are doing this together. Two heads are better than one and..." Her voice began to tremble, "please be careful."

Estelle hung up before Yannis could respond.

After crossing the interstate, they both felt a sudden rush of fear that seeped deep within their bones.

Somebody please help me.

A sudden wave of heat hit both their chest. Victor's eyes began to water. "She's been hurt."

Yannis gripped the steering wheel and pressed his foot on the gas.


After driving for almost two hours, they pulled up to the familiar land.

Nostalgia came over them as they looked around the forest. Before everything went sour, Yannis and Victor had great times there and enjoyed being the Alphas. But that feeling was always short lived with the memory of why they left.

There were a few new trees along the border but everything else was the same. Yannis and Victor got out of the truck aware of their surroundings.

"I smell them approaching," Yannis said, looking in front of him.

Victor sensed three wolves on his side and Yannis sensed two. They stood their ground ready for an attack when five pairs of glowing eyes moved forward towards them.

One of the wolves shifted back into human was a woman.

"Victor? Is that really you?"

He looked at the familiar but different face. He hasn't seen Allison in over seven years. She began to walk closer.

"Stay where you are if you want to live," Victor said, causing her to step back.

Yannis stood next to his brother. "There must be a reason why you all are here. If it's to fight, let's get this over with."

Another wolf shifted and walked forward. "We mean you no harm. We know where the Crescian is located and want to help in an exchange for our freedom."

Yannis and Victor looked at each other.

"And why should we trust any of you?" Victor asked.

"Because we are an abused pack and we know if we don't help your mate she will suffer the same fate....if she hasn't already."

Allison spoke with despair as she stared hopelessly into Victor's eyes. "I smelled your scent all over her and for once I finally felt some hope. Knowing you would come to save her, I promised myself I would help."

"The Alpha thinks he will end the curse by claiming her as his mate and doesn't realize the union has to be mutual. We fear this is going to bring more misfortune to our pack if Alpha Steven harms her," said another pack member.

"If he knows you all betrayed all are as good as dead. Do you understand?" Yannis stared at them.

"Death would be better than being here," one of them answered.

With those words Victor and Yannis set their plans to save Imani.


I never wanted something so bad before in my life.....Imani was starting to have an affect on me.

At first she was just a tool to fix whatever curse is on my pack but me striking her earlier bothered me more than I'd like to admit.

Being a good Alpha is having no fear, giving no mercy and protecting what's yours. I have no room for emotions and feelings....but this woman is causing me to have something I didn't know I had.....compassion.

I just wanted to use her body for my release and move on from there. Now I'm becoming more self conscious about pleasing her and getting her to want me in return.

The scent of those other Alphas continues to take over her body and it's causing my insecurities and jealousy to rear it's ugly heads.

It's not like I haven't fucked already claimed females before...I actually took pleasure in devouring other males mates and sending them home with my scent all over them.

But this is different.....I knew those Alphas were going to come for her and I want Imani all to myself. I'm willing to fight to the end to have her.

Once I defeat them, this hold they have on her will diminish and she'll realize just how much she needs me.

Everytime I look into her eyes, I see pure fear. I'm used to people fearing me but her fear turns me on....I'm getting hard thinking about it right now.

Fucking her until she passes out is all I want to do.....but those damn Alphas scents just won't go the hell away.

As soon as I smell them, I get completely turned off...but more intrigued and possessive of her.

Knock, knock....

"What do you want?!" I yelled out to the person behind the door. My frustration from my dilemma was taking its toll on me.

"Alpha Steven, we detected some movement on the north side of our border. Some outsiders are roaming around."

I don't have time for this...

"Did you send the guards to go check?" I asked.

"Yes, but that was two hours ago. None of them have returned or answered their two-way radios."

"I'm on my way...make sure you inform my Beta's and prepare for a possible attack."

I got up to get dressed then went into the bathroom where Imani was drying off. Damn, I want her.

"Change of plans, darling. I need to take care of some pack business but we'll finish this later."

I approached her and kissed her soft lips. A soft whimper came from her and my manhood twitched. Then I heard gun fire....

"Stay here okay."

I left and locked the bedroom door behind me...ready to kill for what I want.

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