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"You told Nathan about Imani, didn't you?" Yannis asked Estelle.

Both brothers sat in Victor's office talking to their mother. Her nonchalant response was beginning to agitate them.

"I had to keep him distracted and occupied with her. The last thing this pack needs is another confrontation."

"Distracted? You talk about her as if she's a chew toy. Why do you speak about Imani the way you do?" Victor asked.

Estelle sat staring at her sons.

"That woman has been a problem since the beginning of time, coming in and out of your lives. She is the reason you two have had so many reincarnates, the fall of your pack, why you two can't stay focus on your mates and why Carmen is fucking your beta."

Unbothered, Victor gave a smirk at his mother's words.

"Mother, everything we've done in our lives was our choice, you blaming Palesa is just lazy."

"If you never would have dealt with her or atleast put her in her place, none of those things would have happened. You two letting things go when people disrespect our name is not Alpha behavior."

Victor and Yannis knew how their mother was, knowing she would never back down on her beliefs. They knew she was right about many of their situations, but Imani was off limits.

"Imani is not Palesa and doesn't deserve the harsh judgement that you give her. She is not a pawn in your really put her in danger and I will never forgive you if something happens to her," Yannis said.

"Oh...Just like you haven't forgiven me for being with Victor's father after he killed yours?"

Yannis looked away. "That was a different life cycle, it's no longer my history."

"It's the origin of your life,Yannis....your father's blood still runs through your veins."

"Stop deflecting, Mother. You put Imani in harm's way and Goddess Mother will punish our bloodline if something happens to her," Victor interrupted.

"Nothing will happen to Imani. Nathan is smitten with her just as you were and still are....the hold that girl has on you two is powerful. I underestimated you two's weaknesses as Alphas."

Estelle's words made Victor clench his teeth. Yannis just shook his head.

"Your words are meant to hurt us and make you right in the situation, but you're wrong and you know it. We did research on Nathan...the man is pure evil and you literally sicced a beast on a defenseless woman, he's no better than his brother. Imani doesn't know what she's getting herself into."

Estelle grinned.

"She looked very cozy and comfortable in his arms to me. This has nothing to do with your worry of what Goddess Mother will do to our bloodline, I doubt you both even care. Your egos won't allow you to accept that Imani is in love with Nathan and that she is officially over you two."

This stung their hearts and made them sit in silence for a few seconds. The knock on the door broke them out of their thoughts.

"Come in," Victor answered.

"I have Nathan's location," Richard said.

Estelle looked at her son's in worry. "What are you two about to do?"

Both of them grinned as their eyes glowed yellow.


There was a thick fog that covered the town of Witches Cavern with miles and miles of misty rain and cold air. Every day was the same for the three sisters, Melinda, Danzi and Sesha, which also included their obsession for a hybrid...half Vampire, half Werewolf.

The dark haired sisters believe the consumption of a hybrid's heart or blood would make them immortal. No physical evidence of such claims exists but all they needed were their beliefs to continue their search.

Sesha the youngest came into the Cavern excited. "Sisters, it is true, it is true! A hybrid is alive and well. He lives five hours outside of our town."

"He?" Danzi smiled.

"Yes! I'm so excited I want to meet him...we should go as soon as possible!"

Melinda sighed. "Relax, need to rush. We have to plan things out."

Sesha began to pout. "What is there to plan? We find his whereabouts, which should be easy and we have a fun-filled girls trip."

"Maybe he'll have some cute friends," Danzi added.

Melinda scoffed. "Ugh, you know I despise Vampires..."

"But not werewolves." Danzi smirked.

A smile crept onto Melinda's face as a flashback or two came to mind of many lustful encounters she's had with the different beasts of the night.

"Question little sister, how do you know the Hybrid is alive?" Danzi asked.

Sesha went into her book bag and pulled out a clear crystal stone. She gave it to Danzi who held it with curiosity.

"Where did you get this from?" Danzi asked.

"Sir Damion..."

"The Vampire hunter? What the hell were you doing around him?!" Melinda asked, upset.

Sesha's eyes showed fear at her sister's anger. Danzi touched Melinda's shoulder to calm her down.

"I told you that man is pure evil, Sesha. Why are you so determined to learn the hard way?"

"He gave it to me as a gift, so we will have a heads up of the hybrid's existence."

Melinda sighed at her sister's naiveness and decided to change the subject.

"So what does this thing do?" She asked.

Before Sesha could answer the crystal began to swirl colors of red and yellow soon black completely took over. Danzi and Melinda stared at the crystal mesmerized.

"He must have fully shifted only does that when he's in his ultimate form."

Melinda took the stone from Danzi and sat at their dining room table. She placed the stone on top of a sheer black cloth as her sisters sat at the table on each side of her.

"Give me your hands."

They all held hands with their eyes closed as chanting words left their lips in unison. The vision of bodies being ripped apart and the sounds of screams permeated their minds. Adrenaline made their hearts race and the image of the most beautiful man they have ever seen put smiles on all of their faces.

Aaah...that feels so good...Hah!

The sound of women's pleasure mixed in with the sounds of anguish, agony and pain. Suddenly, they all felt a warm sensation as a gold light and humming sound took over their senses. Their eyes began to water at the sight of a woman appearing from the glow. Her energy was so inviting, pure and peaceful, giving them the urge to reach out and touch her.

Then eyes black as death blocked their view of the woman and the loud shattering sound of glass snapped them out of their trance. The chandelier sat on the table in front of them in pieces.

Melinda sat back with the same look of lust, hunger and curiosity on her face as her sisters.

"Who was that woman?" Danzi sat amazed.

Melinda leaned forward, picking up the stone. "We should get packed for our girls trip ladies....we'll leave tomorrow at 6am sharp."

Her sisters smiled in excitement.

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