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The Lake House was now permanently my home, I felt safe and carefree with no worries at all. Ethan was growing fast and I had to remind myself that his father wasn't human.

I talked to Nathan a few times to keep him updated on the baby but had to keep the conversation short or my urges would lead to him being in my bed. I was sticking to my plan of being alone for a while and I could feel my healing power grow stronger day by day.

Meditating every night before bed opened up my senses and allowed me to connect with Feloya without physically being there. Last night the power I felt pulsing inside of me frightened me a little and I wondered how far my powers could go.

For some reason I kept having dreams about the country style home I shared with Yanni and Victor. The dreams were so peaceful and calm, it instantly put a smile on my face at the thought of them.

Ethan sat in his bouncy chair, examining the little gadgets sitting in front of his face. I smiled at his curiosity as the gadgets started blinking and making noise.

I covered the roots of the last flower I was planting with soil then got up and watered them all, enjoying the cool breeze.

"Looks good."

I jumped and shrieked in surprise as Victor and Yanni stood smiling at me.

How did they find me?

Both had on dark jeans and boots, Yanni a black t-shirt and Victor a white one. They were so big and felt like I hadn't seen them in ages and I stood there frozen not knowing what to say.

"Did you miss us, sweetheart?" Victor smiled as his long blonde hair fell over his shoulders.

Yanni walked closer to me and I got flashbacks of the first time I saw him. His jet black hair and tattooed covered arms made my heart race.

Oh my goodness they look gorgeous...amazing...or maybe it's just my hormones.

The more I meditate and clear my mind every night, not only do I wake up with more energy, I wake up with sexual urges that I have to take care of myself.

I stared at Victor's blonde hair that grew more since the last time I saw him. "How did you two find me?"

"We have our ways of locating you...can't give all our secrets away." Victor smiled.

I shook my head. "Okay, why are you two here?"

"Of course to see you. You look delicious by the way." Yanni touched my cheek and bit his bottom lip.

My knees were a little shaky as his ice blue gray eyes stared into my eyes then trailed over my body. I suddenly felt self conscious of my cut off shorts and tank top that showed my new belly button piercing.

"Hey little guy." Victor walked over to Ethan.

Something was different about the two of them. Their energy seemed lighter as if nothing was worrying them.

Victor picked up Ethan then looked at me. "We need to talk, Sweetheart."

Ethan's baby laugh caused Victor to smile. Yanni grabbed my hand and we all went into the house.

"We want you and Ethan to come live with us. We signed over our rights to the Guardian pack to Richard and we purchased a big home for us to live in....the kids and us. We'll hire nannies for the kids and that'll give us plenty of free time for ourselves." Victor kissed my cheek and I felt myself blush.


Yanni cut me off. "Yes, we know Nathan is Ethan's father and you can schedule their time together."

"Carrie and Carmen?"

They looked at each. "They're no longer with us."

I was confused and they could tell.

"They're dead, Canelle."


"It's a long story, we would rather not talk about it. Please's been hard and we're trying to move on."

I listened to Yanni's words and held back my questions. My heart broke for VJ and Carly and I wondered if they understood what was going on or what happened to their mothers.

"Listen, you don't have to move right'll be baby steps. Right, little guy." Victor tickled Ethan.

Ethan began to yawn and I decided to get him ready for his nap while Victor and Yanni made themselves comfortable. It was obvious they weren't planning on leaving anytime soon so I just made the best of it....which wasn't hard at all.


All three of us sat talking about the fun we used to have and of course, they wanted to discuss future activities they wanted to experience with me.

Listening to them talk and laugh was such a sweet feeling. This was what I missed about Yanni and Victor, the way we felt like a family, just living life in our own world. It felt safe, pure and filled with love.

Victor's phone rang and he went to take the call. I went to check on Ethan as usual, then got distracted putting my newly washed and dried clothes away in my bedroom.

I didn't want to say anything but there was another thing different about them too. Victor and Yannis have always been confident men who always went for what they wanted in life. I never had any reason to fear them but my senses had me on guard. My lack of being around them for a few months may have something to do with that but I highly doubt that reasoning. I've gone years without being around them before and never felt this level of fear when seeing them again.

It wasn't a fear of harm but a fear of them having control over me. I was working hard reclaiming my peace and self reliance...the last thing I needed was these two detouring my plans.

This energy they are giving is very different. Getting close to them sends a vibration through me and I don't know where it's coming from.

"This is a beautiful home...very peaceful and quiet." Victor walked into my room.

"Thanks, it's my sanctuary and my little piece of heaven. Sometimes it gets too quiet and I have to listen to some music."

Victor walked towards me. "I'm sure we can make it noisy around here."

"I don't think I want the noise you're speaking about." I laughed and he smiled.

Without warning he kissed me and it felt nice. Victor always took kisses from me when I least expected it...but I never mind.

"Hey, I got something for you...I mean, we got something for you."

I looked at him with excitement as he took out a long jewelry box. I opened it with nervous hands and a gorgeous white gold necklace with a heart charm sparkled in the light.

Victor put it on me and when I opened the heart charm...the inside read.....Où que tu ailles, je te suivrai.

"This is beautiful, Victor...What does it mean?"

"Wherever you go, I will follow."

I smiled at Victor and gave him a hug. "Where's Yanni so I can thank him too?"

"Follow me."

I walked behind Victor towards the bathroom down the hall. I walked in and Yanni was inside the jacuzzi tub. His muscular chest and tattooed arms glistened from the water.

"Thank you for my necklace. It's beautiful."

Yanni smirked as the smell of lavender pleasantly filled my nose.

"You're welcome, Canelle."

I felt Victor's lips touch my neck then his voice whisper in my ear.

"You should join him, Sweetheart."

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