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Without hesitation, Victor removed himself from his shirt and pants while kissing Imani on her neck slowly and rubbing her soft clit. She stared at the tattoo on his neck down to his muscular chest and arms, sending her want for him into overdrive.

With her panties pulled to the side, he slowly entered her. Imani cried out at his invasion and wrapped her arms around his neck to brace herself.

What am I doing? I love Yanni...I can't do this!

She thought to herself as her body slowly tried to adjust to Victor and went against her thoughts.

Imani began to pull back, and Victor could feel her tense up again, so he took her into the bedroom.

Once he laid her down, his thrust went deeper and faster, causing Imani's cries to get louder and her flower to drip in surrender.

"Victor! Ah! Victor!" She dug her nails into his back as he pounded into her tight wetness. His intensity was overwhelming her.

"I know, sweetheart... but I want it all. You feel so good." He said before removing her pajama shirt and sucking her nipples.

Soon, Imani came in waves, and Victor followed with a final thrust that sent her body over the edge. He smiled as he kissed her neck and waited for her body to calm from shaking. When he sat up, she stared at him with glossy eyes.

Wow, he's big like wonder it was painful at first.

"Are you ok?"

Imani snapped out her thoughts... She nodded.


"Yes, darling?"

"I don't need to go to Yannis' place right away, but I need to get my things and my phone to call my family," she said softly.

"As you wish." Victor smiled, pulling her soaked panties off, then lowering his face between her legs.


Imani sat in the back of the BMW, waiting to pull up to her destination. Victor bought her a dress, shoes and other things to wear so she wouldn't be walking around him with Yannis' t-shirt on. He had already thrown it into the fireplace when she went to take a shower.

Victor sat next to her with his hand on her thigh. His blonde hair glistened in the sun's glare while his ice blue gray eyes stared out the window.

Imani didn't know what she would say once she saw Yannis. Her heart was beating faster thinking about what might happen when he saw Victor with her.

I'm supposed to be his girlfriend, and I just slept with his brother... his enemy. Imani's hands began to shake as her eyes watered from guilt.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Victor asked.

"He's gonna hate me. This is my first time being someone's girlfriend, and I slept with his brother. I'm an awful person." Imani began to cry.

She's been crying so much lately and just wanted to get back to her normal life. But she knew it was too late.

Victor wiped her tears. "Darling, it's not a big deal. You're mine now anyway... he'll have no choice but to get over it."

"But, I should've waited....he's going to flip!"

"Do you really think I would let him hurt you?" Relief fell over her body as she looked into his eyes. She shook her head.

"Did you enjoy being with me?" Victor asked.


Victor leaned in and kissed her softly. "Then wipe your tears, and let's go get your things."

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