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Imani had a million scenarios running through her mind about what could have happened to little Carly.

The gate immediately opened with Victor waiting for her. He jumped in her car and she drove to their Medical Center.

"Victor, what happened?"

"We were attacked by rogues. Carly got knocked out of Carrie's arms, hitting her head on the ground. Carrie suffered deep slash wounds across her back trying to protect her."

"Oh no, is Carrie okay?"

"She's alive, but not only is Carly not breathing on her own, Carrie had a miscarriage."

Imani's heart broke for her.

Once inside the Medical Center, she was amazed at how efficient everything looked. Although it was smaller than a regular hospital, it still functioned the same.

Imani walked down the hall where Yannis stood with his head leaned against the wall and his foot tapping the floor.


Yannis immediately moved at the sight of her and didn't look like himself. His eyes were red and puffy and his hair was disheveled. He hugged and thanked Imani for coming, then led her to Carly's room.

"She's in here.."

When Imani walked in, she saw Carly's little body laying still with bandages wrapped around her head and an oxygen mask. Her eyes were swollen shut and beeps of the machines echoed in Imani's ears. She ran to her, breaking down in tears.

Sweet babygirl, everything's going to be okay.

Imani picked Carly up and held her, putting her little head on her shoulder as she slowly rocked back and forth.

"What is she doing!?" Carmen shouted, coming in after.

Her intentions were to attack Imani but Victor slammed her back against the wall by her neck, telling her to be quiet and she did instantly in fear.

Imani's eyes closed as the feeling of floating came over her and the humming sound filled her ears as her hand moved in a circular motion, rubbing Carly's back. Her body glowed and soon Carly's did too.

There was a cough and her little arms hugged Imani, holding onto her.

Victor and Carmen stared in awe and Yannis walked toward Imani.

"Hi, Carly. You wanna go to Daddy?" Imani placed her hand on Carly's chest, feeling her heart beating.

"Hi, pretty girl..." Yannis said and she reached for him.

He held onto Carly tightly as Victor and Carmen touched and talked to her. Doctors and nurses came into the room to check her vital signs.

Imani got up, no longer feeling comfortable knowing Carmen was there. She quietly walked past them while they all were occupied and left the Medical Center.


The joy that filled my heart was unexplainable. I was so happy I was able to help Carly, she is such a sweet little girl. Soon I worried about Carrie and wanted to go see her but I also wanted her to rest, especially after the day she's had.

Walking toward my car, my phone buzzed and I immediately answered knowing it was Nathan.

"Hi, honey."

"Hi Kitty, how are you?"

His voice sent shivers down my spine, I don't think my smile could get any bigger.

"I'm fine, heading home."

"Oh, so you're headed to our mansion?"

I giggled. "Babe, no I'm going to my temporary home. I need to get some clothes."

"Temporary, huh? Nice save....I've made a reservation for Gusto D'Italia. Will you be ready by 8?"

"Yes, Sir...I will."

"Say that again..."

"Why?" I asked, laughing.

"You can say it now or scream it later."

I stopped in front of my car, biting my bottom lip. "Yes, Sir...I will."

I knew how intense Nathan could get and how he gets pleasure from inflicting sexual pain. I'm not gonna lie and say I don't enjoy it but my mind and body wasn't ready for that tonight.

"Good Kitty. I'll be leaving my meeting in a few minutes...."

"Aaaaah! What was that!?"

I screamed, feeling something quickly run past behind me. Slowly, I looked around, straining my eyes toward the dark areas around me.

"Are you ok?" Nathan asked.

"Y-Yeah, I'm ok. Probably a stray cat or something. I'll see you later, baby."

"Can't wait."

He hung up and I blushed all over my body. Then a growl remained behind me causing me to look over my shoulder. A huge tan brown wolf with his canines showing and red eyes lasering in on me, slowly creeped towards me.

Is he part of this pack? Is this the rogue that attacked them earlier?

My mind and heart raced trying to think of my next move. I faced the wolf and backed towards my car slowly. Pressing the car remote, I unlocked the door. When I moved, so did he and I felt my legs begin to tremble. Slowly touching the car door, his growl turned into snarls and snapping teeth.

I can't out run him...but I can't just stand here and let him attack me. I'm not going to have enough time to open this car door before he gets me.

Without warning, I ran to the other side of the car. Teeth snapped at my heels and I screamed but kept running back toward the Medical Center.

Tears filled my eyes, thinking this was my last day alive. In my view, I saw Victor and Yanni running towards me with glowing red eyes. Canines hung out their mouths and claws spiked from their fingers.

Victor grabbed me, putting me behind him. A member from the pack grabbed my hand pulling me toward their home for safety.

Two more wolves started to run towards them and Richard arrived to join the fight.

I went into the home as the woman locked the doors and turned off the lights.

"I'm Darla," she whispered to me.

"Imani.....thank you for helping me."

Peeking through the window, I saw Yanni, Victor and Richard throw those wolves around like rag dolls.

"More is coming, their surrounding the house!" Darla's husband shouted.

Oh no! Please no.....

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