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"I'll make sure to let you know Victor's upcoming schedule," Beta Richard said to Carmen as he got dressed.

She sat looking at him with a smile on her face.

He isn't as good as Victor but still got the job done.

She got up naked and walked over to him. "Richie, this stays between us right?"

He grabbed Carmen and kissed her passionately then let go.

"Of course....I'll see you later."

He walked out and she grabbed her phone, deciding to call Estelle. This was VJ's first-time staying over with his grandmother and Carmen didn't want Estelle to think she was taking advantage.

"Good Morning, Carmen." Estelle answered after the first ring.

This woman's voice alone puts me on edge. Carmen thought to herself.

"Good Morning, Estelle. Is VJ ready for me to pick up?"

"He is awake, but you should come get him a little later."

"Oh, you must be having a lot of fun with your grandson."

"Absolutely, but I also don't want him smelling another male's scent on his mother....I'm sure you'll be ready to get him later this evening. I'll see you then."

She hung up and Carmen felt her stomach drop.

Fuck! She must have seen Richard come over last night or she has someone watching the house.

She ran to the bathroom, turning the shower on.

I hope she doesn't tell Victor.

Carmen felt herself begin to panic. All the possible scenarios of how Victor would react if he knew played in her head. She leaned on the sink dreading to hear Victor telling her to get out.

But what was I supposed to do? He hasn't touched me in over a month!

Carmen became angry thinking of the times he rejected her advances. But as she thought about it more, she figured this could be a good thing.

Maybe if Victor knows that he's not the only one I want....he'll appreciate me more. Richard might be hurt in the process but I'll have Victor fighting to have me all to himself.....I am his mate.

That's all she ever wanted, was for him to want and desire her the way she did him.

Carmen, it's time to start living how you want....Let's see what else I can get into.


"Are you judging me, Imani?"

"N-No, Nathan...that's not what I meant. I just know that werewolves have natural mates. It's like a magnetic force that you guys can't control or something."

"I take it you know this from experience?"

"Yes, well not me. I'm not a werewolf."

"I know you're not...." he smiled, staring at her lips.

I'm trying to concentrate....Imani get yourself together. She tried to ignore her body.

"I dated a werewolf or two and that's what happened."

"So, you've concluded that all werewolves are the same?"

Imani looked down at her hands. Nathan lifted her chin towards him and looked into her eyes.

"I understand your worry, but werewolf mating is surface level. I can only be claimed if I let a female werewolf mark me and even then I don't have to accept it."

"Well, you can't control urges when female wolves go in heat."

"Many male and female wolves can't control their urges during mating periods...... I'm not one of them."

"But you still need to find your destined mate, Nathan."

"I know....I'm looking at her right now."

He touched her lower back and traced his fingers up and down her spine. Imani whimpered, feeling the tingles increase from his touch.

"That's what that tingle feeling is from.....that's how I was able to find you at the party."

Imani's eyes widened. "What?"

"Do you feel it right now?" He asked, then moved his fingers away.

"Yes, I felt it that night before you spoke. Do you feel it too?"

"Yes and I also hear a low vibrating sound when you become...."

Nathan stopped his words as the tip of his finger touched her lips then traced down to her neck....Imani could feel the vibration from his finger as he moved it lower. Once he went past her chest toward her stomach, she squeezed her legs together. Her core was pulsating and she realized what he was talking about.

"You're different from....." Imani stopped, trying to understand what was happening.

"Because you belong to me."

"You don't know that, Nathan. You're probably just using some hidden power or something." Imani laughed nervously.

"No Kitty, I know you belong to me. Your body told me that night and it's still telling me right now."

What is it with me and werewolves?!

Imani thought to herself as she closed her eyes and exhaled.

Follow your instinct, Imani. It won't steer you wrong. Imani could hear Palesa's voice.

She looked at Nathan then kissed him softly and the surge was undeniable. It was more powerful than what she felt from Victor and Yannis.....she never thought it could be possible.

Oh my God.....he's right! But I thought...Victor and Yanni...

You're a Crescian, Imani. Our soul responds to who fits our energy...You already helped Yannis and Victor fulfill their purpose.

Palesa interrupted her thoughts again.

Now I have to help Nathan fulfill his? Imani asked.

You are Nathan's purpose, Imani.

She sat in shock, hearing Palesa's words. Then a calmness slowly came over her.

Nathan sat back, letting Imani's mind accept what he just told her and what she just felt.

He knew she was his mate when he first heard her name.

"Are we still going on our date?" She asked softly while touching the ends of his hair.

He kissed her again then smiled. "Whatever you want, Kitty."

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