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After receiving a lesson on Yannis and Victor's history, Imani stood up, walking toward the window. "Where am I?"

"Feloya, the land of healing." Palesa got up and stood next to Imani sharing the view.

"Goddess Mother created my people from the land. Our bodies are made from the soil, waters, and sky of our world. That's why when we die, we are reborn again."

"You are so beautiful....this place is beautiful." Imani looked at Palesa, then looked out at the beauty before her.

The sky was the bluest that Imani had ever seen. Stars fill the sky while the sun still shines in the distance. The land below was covered in a variety of colorful flowers that seemed to bloom in grand size. Big multicolor butterflies floated among the flowers as sparkles shimmered off their wings.

Gorgeous dark naked bodies roamed the land below, some laying amongst the flowers and others taking a stroll through the trail of blissful mahogany bark trees with purple leaves. Imani's heart filled with joy as she watched the little ones run amongst the flowers in laughter, playing with each other.

Soon, someone entered the room. Imani watched as a man who was as beautiful as the people outside below walk towards Palesa. He was very tall with the same beautiful dark, smooth skin and small locs that touched his shoulders. He wore a gold wrap around his waist while his muscular chest and abs were uncovered. He stopped as Palesa ran into his arms and pressed her lips against his. Imani felt like she was intruding but couldn't look away. They were mesmerising.

"Hasani, I missed you so much," Palesa said as she caressed his face.

He smiled, then looked in Imani's direction. "I see you have a guest."

His voice was deep, calm, and soothing. Imani felt like she was in a trance as he looked into her eyes.

"Yes, my love. This is Imani. She is here to seek the truth." Palesa smiled at her with pride.

Hasani walked towards Imani, towering over her. "She is so fragile and innocent."

"Yes, she is the purest form of my soul. Isn't she beautiful?" Palesa stood behind Imani, wrapping her in an embrace.

She felt so peaceful in Palesa's arms. She closed her eyes and smiled, enjoying her touch. Then, at the caress of Hasani's hand on her cheek, she slowly opened her eyes. His touch sent a vibration through her, causing her head to fall back onto Palesa's shoulder.

"Yes, beautiful and very sensitive," Hasani answered, watching Imani react to his touch. His eyes glowed, and Palesa smiled.

"You want her...don't you, my love?" She asked.

Hasani liked seeing Palesa's reincarnates. They all were different shapes, colors, and sizes, but he could always tell it was her. This was the first time he felt a desire and connection with someone other than Palesa....he was magnetized to Imani.

"Yes, I do," Hasani answered, smiling at Imani's eyes widening at his response.

"Can I have her now?" He asked.

"WHAT?!" Imani turned towards Palesa and wrapped her arms around her waist.

He laughed at her reaction. "She's so adorable."

"Now, now, don't be frightened....he's just teasing. You're scaring her, Hasani." Palesa comforted her.

"Imani, you're going to wake up soon, and I want you to not be afraid of Victor, ok? He will never harm you, but please let him and Yannis handle their quarrels by themselves. Any questions you have the answers will be right here," Palesa touched the space over Imani's heart.

"Will I see you again?" Imani asked.

"Yes, if you desire to. You have a great and powerful purpose, greater than you could ever imagine."

Imani looked confused. "What is my purpose?"

Palesa smiled. "When Goddess Mother feels you are ready, you will know. For now, just sit back and enjoy.....no regrets."

Hasani smiled at Imani, and she blushed.

"No regrets."Imani repeated and began to feel sleepy.

She laid back down on the round silk covered bed, and the weightless feeling took over her body once again. When she opened her eyes, it was dark in the room. The only light shining was from the moon.

"I must've been asleep for a long time."

She noticed there was some more light coming from the bedroom door....it was cracked open.

Not knowing what was on the other side of the door made Imani's heart pound through her chest.

Opening the door slowly, the smell of gunpowder instantly filled her nose. Fog filled the air, and the further she went, the smell of blood made her stomach turn. She placed her hand over her mouth, trying to hold down her vomit. Further into the living room, she could see a few lifeless bodies laying on the floor.

Imani's body began to shake in fear....she needed to get out of there fast. The exit was down the hall, tunnel vision filled her eyes, and she began to run toward her destination.

She made it to the door, but hands quickly intercepted her escape. Imani screamed at the sudden attack, but a familiar voice whispered into her ear.

"Shhhh...my sweet Imani. Calm down, I'm going to get you out of here."

She began to relax at the sound of Victor's voice, then turned to face him. He grabbed her face and kissed her lips...he was so happy she was ok.

His meeting with the Triads and Irish Mob got heated and led to an all-out fight and shoot out between the two gangs, and some of his men got caught in the crossfire.

Victor's black turtleneck and gray slacks looked untouched until Imani touched his arm. Red wetness soaked her fingers, and a hole obviously from a bullet indented his arm.

"Victor, you're hurt!"

He smiled. "It's just a graze, sweetheart. I will be fine. Let me get you out of here."

Seeing the blood from Victor made her worry increase tenfold. Once they got into the backseat of the BMW, the driver sped off, and Imani couldn't focus on anything but Victor's arm.

"You need to see a doctor," she said softly.

"I already told you it's a graze....it'll be fine." Victor leaned back with his eyes closed.

Imani made the hole in the sleeve bigger. "Do you have any tissue or napkins up there?"

The driver took some from the glove compartment. When she began to pat the blood away, the gunshot wound was no longer there.

His arm had a freaking hole in it... where did it go?!

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