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Yannis decided to give Imani one of his cars to drive. He didn't want the packs tracking her using her car's VIN number and he knew they were going to try and get her when she's alone.

Unbeknown to her, Yannis also had a few hidden cameras put in and outside her home that connected to his security system. He kept track of it on his phone. Thankfully, Imani's best friend frequently stays at her boyfriend's place, that allowed him to get in and out quickly.

Yannis knew if he told Imani, it would just make her worry more and that's the last thing he wanted her to do.

He gave Victor the security code for emergency purposes and Victor kept his men on high alert.

The night they both went to their mothers, she had informed them the current status of their former packs and why they were searching for a Crescian.

Estelle, looking like she never aged, walked into her great room where they waited for her. She wore a deep red flowy dress that overpowered her porcelain skin and her long jet black hair was tied up into a bun. Estelle's ice blue gray eyes mirrored her sons.

"Bonjour..." She greeted them and they did the same.

"Is the Crescian safe?" She asked.

"Her name is Imani and yes," Yannis answered.

"Good. You both should know the pack's rank positions have been changed. Gamma Ian moved up to Crestmont Beta and Gamma Rick moved up to Zyndale Beta." Estelle sat on her lounge chair.

"And why is that?" Yannis asked.

"Donovan was killed during his challenge with the now Alpha Steven. And Monty...." She looked at Victor.

"So Steven replaced Donovan....who replaced Monty?" Victor asked.

"No one.....Steven has taken over as Alpha of both packs."

Yannis looked surprised. "And everyone is cool with that?"

"Of course not, but no one has the balls to go against him."

"So why are they searching for a Crescian?" Victor asked.

"A year after you two left...the pack began to experience low birth rates and a lot of illnesses among pack members. Alpha Steven noticed the pattern since Allison and many of the other females haven't been able to conceive after being with him numerous times."

Estelle sipped her drink. "Then one of the elders brought up the witch trial that took place years ago. How she cursed the packs and what could reverse the curse. He was told what a Crescian was but for many years there was no sign of one walking among us."

"Until?" Victor asked.

"When did you come into contact with Imani?" Estelle asked Yannis.

"How would they sense that? My bond link has been broken with them for years."

"None of them accepted your rejections. You can block them of course, which you have been doing. But the link is still there."

"Well, we did put up a block..they still shouldn't be able to get through," Victor said.

"Not when you're intimate with her."

"What?" They both said in unison.

Estelle shook her head. "This woman is your safe are at your most vulnerable when you're with her. Naturally you let your guards down in her presence. Plus, it helps with your healings."

"Healings? Mother, what are you talking about?" Yannis asked, confused.

"I'm not saying anything else, you need to talk to Palesa and she'll explain it to you. Besides, she's the one that asked her Goddess Mother to create Imani specifically for you two." Estelle got up and went into her kitchen.

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