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The energy that coarsed through Victor and Yannis' bodies gave them nostalgia. Memories of the Celtic rush and the pain they endured during that war was forever pierced in their hearts. But the victory they received that day was also putting a smile on their faces.

The darkness they felt from the Blood Moon Spirit was euphoric yet dangerous and could completely take over their being if they weren't careful.

Everything happened quietly and quickly. One by one Dade pack members and traitors from the Guardian were taken out. Once VJ and Carly were handed off to Estelle and Gavin...the brother's made their way to Bradley and Allison.

I can't believe how fucking easy this was...Yannis smirked, mind linking his brother.

It's called dealing with amateurs, dear brother.

They walked into Yannis' home and instantly heard the moans of pleasure coming from his room. Richard stood behind them, wanting to confront his brother.

Victor was the first to enter. "Bravo! I see you've gotten better at riding dick," Victor said, grabbing a naked Allison by the hair off of his cousin.

She struggled and swung her arms. "Get off of me!"

Allison noticed the blood red in Victor's eyes and it shook her to the core. He gripped her hair tighter and she yelped in pain.

"Now it's time to end your obsession with me, darling." With those words, Victor snapped Allison's head completely off her body.

Bradley yelled in horror as her body fell to the floor, painting it in blood. The looks in both his cousins' eyes caused him to shake in confusion.

They look like monsters...

Victor dropped Allison's head then looked in Bradley's direction.

"Oh...did you want to say goodbye first?"

Yannis laughed hard while Bradley's bravado no longer showed its face and the fear continued to grow at Victor and Yannis' coldness and blood red eyes.

"I only did this because of her. She treated me like a man and believed in me," Bradley sobbed in confession.

Richard stood next to the bed, looking at his brother in disgust. "I'll take it from here gentlemen."

Yannis and Victor walked out and a loud gun pop went off. When they looked into the room, Bradley lay lifeless with a bullet between his eyes as Richard sat on the bed crying.

The Blood Moon Spirit that saturated Yannis and Victor's soul left them oblivious to the pain felt by Richard. No remorse was felt as they walked around the dead bodies left in their wrath.


After giving his advice to Yannis and Victor, Hasani continued staring at his earth map. Palesa still stood next to him.

"Okay, I confess....maybe I've been hiding from you a little."

"Why?" He looked confused.

"I think the Queen may want to experience her King."

"I highly doubt that...Ebele is loyal to my brother Kazeem and will not allow anyone else to touch her."

Hasani always respected his brother and would never demand that Ebele be with him sexually. He also respected Ebele and assumed his duties as King were limited to her.

Palesa stood behind him and put her arms around his waist.

"I have touched her.....Have you even tried to touch your Queen?"

"No, I assumed she wouldn't want me to."

Palesa grabbed his hand and walked down the long hall of the King and Queen's home. They stood in front of the large gold double doors leading to Ebele's room.

"Wait right here..." Palesa said then walked through the doors.

There Ebele stood in her sheer flowing nightgown with her locks hanging to her waist. She smiled when she saw Palesa and walked towards her.

"Palesa, my love. You are here early to see me."

"Yes, my Queen....I couldn't stop thinking about you."

Ebele embraced Palesa in a warm hug, then pulled away. She kissed her lips and in no time Palesa took over, kissing her neck and squeezing her behind.

Palesa whispered in her ear. "My Queen, close your eyes."

Ebele did as she was told while Palesa went and got Hasani. He walked inside then stood behind the Queen.

"Keep them closed, my love." Palesa stood in front of her.

Ebele gave a nod. Palesa kissed her lips then Hasani kissed her shoulders. Quickly Ebele opened her eyes.

"What is going on?"

"We are both here to make our Queen feel good. Isn't that right, my King?"

"Yes." Hasani and Palesa switched places. "Can I make you feel good?"

Without words Queen Ebele kissed Hasani as if she longed for this moment and Palesa smiled as they both pleasured their Queen.

The new moon shone through the window of Ebele's room as they slept. Hasani couldn't get any rest, due to Imani being on his mind. He dressed and made his way into his room and watched the sparkling purple dot that pinpointed where Imani was staying. He touched the area then closed his eyes to take a closer look.

Hasani watched her planting flowers, he smiled at how happy she looked making her land beautiful. Then he felt a strong presence lingering a distance from her. The energy wasn't human, werewolf or vampire. Then he realized it was more than one...the energies weren't demonic but still dark and strong. He couldn't see what or who they were.

He opened his eyes. "What the hell are they?"

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