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"Sweetie, dinner is ready."

Carrie set the table waiting for Carly. She ran up and sat in her chair and immediately started eating her food with no cares.

Before Carrie could dial Yannis' cell number, Carmen came into the dining room with a big smile on her face.

"Mmmm Carrie, it smells amazing in here."

"Thanks Carm, you're in an exceptionally happy mood."

"I'm always in a happy mood."

Carrie stopped, giving her a doubtful stare.

"What?" Carmen asked.

"Anyway, are you staying for dinner?"

"No, since they're coming back today from their business trip, I have a wonderful evening planned for Victor."

"Oh, that's great."

"I think I'm ready for another baby."

Carrie looked at Carmen, wondering where this was coming from.

"Another baby, already?"

"I don't think it's too soon. Besides, that's what alpha mates are have lots of babies."

"Is everything ok, Carm?"

Carmen rolled her eyes. "Why do you always think something is wrong?"

"You've been really clingy with Victor lately, it's not like you."

Carmen sat quiet for a minute. It's been a month since Imani left and Victor hasn't touched her. He still speaks and spends time with her and VJ, but his mind constantly wanders.

Even after warning her, Victor's sex that night was so ruff and intense, it sent Carmen into pure bliss. After that day it's been nothing.

I'm so happy that human is finally gone. But since shes left, it's like his heart left with her along with his sex drive.

Carmen looked at Carrie. "I just miss him, that's all. He's been so busy lately."

"I understand, but having a baby isn't going to solve whatever issue you two are having, Carm. You know that, right?"

"Yeah, I know. Do you and Yannis still have sex?"

"Not as much as we used to. With him working, me taking care of Carly and making sure the school runs's not top priority. We still slip quickie's in there from time to time."

She winked and Carmen smiled.

"You and Victor aren't having sex?"

"Not as often...I remember we used to like 5 or 6 times a day, even when I was pregnant with VJ."

"Yeah, that Alpha sex drive is crazy." They both laughed.

"Excuse me, ladies. The Alphas had an emergency in France, they won't be back until Thursday," Beta Richard informed them.

"Ugh, three more days?! Come on...." Carmen whined.

"Sorry to ruin your evening with bad news."

"It's not your fault, Richard. Thanks for letting us know," Carrie answered and Carmen began to walk out.

"I'll catch you later, Carrie. Movie night tomorrow?"

"You bet!"

Carmen walked out and headed to her home, Estelle had VJ tonight.

Another night without does Carrie do it?

She watched Richard as he walked past her. The times she saw him, he was always too serious. Just like the rest of the family he was very attractive but a little too uptight for Carmen's liking.

"Enjoy your evening, Richard."

He stopped and turned in her direction. "Thank you, you also Carmen." He gave her a smile.

"Hey Richie, wait. Do you have somewhere to be right now?"


"Do any of you have any questions?" Victor asked.

The peace treaty summit was going well. He sat at the head of the conference table with Yannis as ten other Alphas looked in their direction.

Everyone remained silent.

"Well, thank you gentlemen for coming and we appreciate your time. Safe journeys home."

All the men began to get up from their seats, shaking hands and talking among each other.

Four of the Alphas agreed to be Victor and Yannis' allies and vice versa. The other six were still determining the stability of the Guardian Gated Community, which the brothers understood.

This summit went better than expected. Yannis mind linked Victor and he nodded.

Soon one of the allies of Victor and Yannis approached them.

"This was a much needed conference. Well done, Alphas."

"Thank you, Alpha Yamato. We appreciate you taking a chance on us by being allies," Victor said.

"Well, it was the right thing to do. The visit to your territory really sealed the deal for me and my beta. You guys are doing very well and your pack looks healthy, happy and productive."

Hearing those words from Yamato was a big deal for them. He's had his pack for more than 25 years with no attacks or violence.

"Thank you." They both shook his hand.

Yannis walked to the side answering his phone, it was Estelle.

"Hello Son, I just received your text. How did everything go?"

"It went better than expected. It's a good thing we met with the council before having this summit. I think the higher ups backing us, put the Guardian in good standing."

"Oh absolutely. Although it can be a hassle, it's always good to have the right authority on your side and credentials to back you up."

Yannis always knew they could depend on their mother's influence to get them to the right people. Yes, she was stern, played by the book, judgemental and somewhat classist, but she knew her stuff.

"You were right as usual, mother. We really do appreciate your wisdom and guidance. Thank you."

Estelle smiled on the other end. "No need to thank me. As your mother, it's still my duty to look out for both of you....but you're welcome son and I love you."

She hung up before Yannis could respond. His mother was never the emotional or mushy type. He was used to her professing love then running.

Everyone was now gone except for Alpha Lorenzo, he was one of the Alpha's that did not become an ally.

"I'd say everything was a success, job well done," Lorenzo said out loud.

Yannis walked toward him and Victor.

"Thank you, Alpha," Victor said.

"But I thought I should let you two know the reason you may not have gotten all our allyship."

Victor and Yannis watched as worry formed on Lorenzo's face.

"Okay, what's the reason?" Yannis asked.

"Nathan Spear."

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