PURPOSE part 2

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Imani made her way to bed so she could have her talk with Palesa. Victor and Yannis were gone and the house was surrounded with a few of Victor's men.

She closed her eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep. When she awoke she was in Feloya, once again laying on Palesa's silk covered round bed.

They greeted each other with hugs and after a while Imani stood brushing Palesa's long black cloud of hair. The breeze from the opening of her room whisk over their bodies like soft feathers.

"I was so afraid when I saw my friend dead. Never in a million years would I have thought I could bring her back."

Palesa smiled. "I already said you come from healing Crescian women."

"I know but I thought I would have to go through some sort of ritual or something."

"I understand. The love you have for your friend healed her..it will only happen with natural unforced emotions." Palesa got up and walked towards the window.

"Imani, do you know what your purpose is?"

Imani sat and thought for a minute. "To help people and make them happy."

"To help people and make yourself  happy. Whatever doesn't feel right in your heart and soul...walk away. You just being alive makes a lot of people happy...do you know that?"

Imani looked down, playing with her fingers.

"You're the only person that I've seen Yannis and Victor cooperate and agree on. Wouldn't even know they've killed each other numerous times before," Palesa said and Imani snickered.

"You're going to go through many things that you're not going to understand at first but don't be discouraged. Everything happens for a reason."

"I'm scared, Palesa."

"Oh honey, you're supposed to be....you're human. That's what makes you so pure."

Imani felt nervous at the thought of her purpose. "I just want to do a good job, I don't want to fail anyone."

"Then don't fail yourself. I'm also leaving Victor and Yannis Crestmont in your hands."

Imani looked confused.

Palesa smiled. "They changed their last names after leaving their packs. They wanted to dissociate themselves from each other....typical Victor and Yannis behavior. But I do see a change in them since you've come along."

Imani smiled. "Thank you, Palesa."

"No, thank you, sweet girl. I'm going to be having a new member coming soon." She rubbed her stomach.

"Oh my goodness...Palesa you're having a little one?!" Imani asked with excitement.

"Yes. It's time to breed. Hasani has waited a very long time for this."

"I'm so happy for you two. I hope I can meet the little one some day."

"Oh you will. I'm always around, Imani. I may not answer all of the time, but I will when it matters."

With those words, Imani began to feel tired but not the usual sleepy tired....she felt like she was high and fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up feeling groggy.

Looking around, I realized I was in a place other than my usual. It was a big bedroom with hardwood floors, dark walls and deer heads hanging on the walls.

Oh God...where am I?

My throat felt like I swallowed sand and my eyes felt dry. I got out of the huge bed and walked into what looked like a bathroom on my left.

I wet my eyes and my dry mouth thanked me when I took a drink from the faucet. The cool water felt good going down my throat.

I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes looked red and the side of my neck had a swollen mark. I touched it and winced from the pain.

"You're finally awake."

I jumped at the deep voice and cringed when he smiled at me. He was huge in height and muscle with long brown hair and a beard. His eyes were brown but seemed to lighten when he smiled.

"Come here, Imani."

I didn't move. "Where am I?"

"Come and I'll tell you."

I walked out of the bathroom and he quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me into him. He painfully squeezed my arm and I couldn't move.

"You're gonna learn to come when I call...do you understand?"

"Yes Sir," my voice trembled.

"Good Girl."

He forced me to sit on the bed and he pulled a chair and sat in front of me...completely invading my space.

"I'm Alpha Steven of the Crestdale pack, formerly known as Zyndale and Crestmont. You're in my room to keep you safe."

I don't feel safe at all.

"I've waited a long time to meet you and I'm happy you're finally here. "

He put his hand on my thigh. Please don't...please

"You're very pretty, Imani." He touched my hair and I slightly pulled away.

I was terrified but gave a soft smile. "Thank you."

"I'm going to make sure you enjoy your new home. As long as you're with me, no one will harm you." He had a serious look on his face.

New home? I don't want to stay here.

He continued to talk to me as if we were good friends and I wanted to scream every time he smiled at me.

The whole time he talked, I was so far gone in my head, that it was too late once I felt his hand strike my face.

In shock, I scrambled across the bed to the other side of the room, trying to hide in the corner.

My face stung and I felt dizzy from the blow...he walked towards me and I screamed, crouching down as tears ran down my face.

"Imani, if you want us to get along, you're going to have to pay more attention. I don't tolerate disrespect nor ignorance...whether purposely done or not."

I held my face as he squatted down to talk to me. My body shook uncontrollably and I felt like I was going to throw up.

"I don't want to hurt you, darling. As my mate, I want us to get along. Everything will hurt a lot less if you cooperate...ok?"

My stomach sank and my tears continued to flow. I flinched when he touched my chin.

He stood up and left me in the corner.

"I'll have someone come and get you for dinner. We're having a delicious meal prepared by Chef Manuel. You'll love it."

He walked out the room and I heard the click of the lock.

My sobs relentlessly shook my body.

Yanni...Victor...Palesa.....somebody please help me.

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