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Imani got dressed, putting on some black leggings, a cream v-neck shirt and black flats. After pulling her hair into a puff, her attention went to the window.

She saw Steven and his men make their way into the woods ahead.

Checking the she expected, it was locked. Imani paced the room thinking of how to escape. Climbing out the window was too risky and far up for her to jump.

Then she heard a gun blast. She screamed falling to the floor covering herself from the broken pieces of the door.

"Imani, hurry and follow me."

Imani looked up at the female voice.

It's the woman with the sad eyes.

The woman put her hand out. "I'm Allison, Victor and Yannis are waiting for you."

Is she telling the truth?

"Hurry, we don't have much time."

Imani grabbed the woman's hand and was led out of the prison of Steven's bedroom.

The rooms and hall were quiet as they ran through. Once they were at the steps, they slowly stepped down, one by one. Allison pulled Imani toward the back entrance, when the front door burst open.

"Allison, stop!" Gamma Scott called out.

He walked slowly toward them, his focus was now on Imani.

"Imani, Alpha sent me here to protect you and get you to a safe place. My name is Scott...come with me."

Allison stood in front of her. "Not happening, Scott. Just let us by..."

"You know I can't do that, why are you going against your Alpha?" He asked.

"He is not my Alpha. He is a tyrant and treats his pack horribly. Why are you being ignorant to our treatment? He treats you like trash too!" Allison shouted.

The look in Scott's eyes showed her words to be true. Before he could respond, two guards ran through the door.

"Run!!" Allison pushed Imani.

She ran but looked back at Allison...."Imani, go!"

Gun shots went off as Imani ran. Allison risked her life for me.

Imani thought about the sadness that filled Allison's eyes when she first saw her, Imani's heart broke for her.

More gunfire went off and snapped her back into her own situation. She felt her adrenaline kick in as she ran through the open grass. Her heart pounded inside her chest, she was terrified but the hope of seeing Victor and Yannis made her feet continue to move.

She got further from the main house, all she saw were woods ahead. It was dark with a little light from the moon sprinkled among the trees.

Where should I go? What if Alpha Steven sees me?

Imani slowed down and checked her surroundings.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Imani felt a chill run down her spine. She turned to see Max standing in front of her. He was shorter than Victor but muscular. His ear length, curly, reddish hair fell over his face.

"Stay away from me.." Imani began to back away.

Max grinned. "That's not gonna happen."

He ran towards her and Imani screamed as he tackled her to the ground. Max straddle her then slapped her.

The sting on her face caused tears to form in her eyes. She screamed and he raised his hand again...but stopped as if he noticed something.

"I used to wonder what was it about you that made Victor so obsessed with you." He leaned down and licked her face.

"I don't see it.....but I'd still love to try it and see for myself." Max said putting his hand underneath Imani's shirt, squeezing her breast.

Imani struggled and screamed then she heard a click. Max held a knife to her throat.

"I'll make it quick if you don't fight." He kissed her lips and Imani bit down on his bottom half, drawing blood.

"AHH YOU BITCH!" He sliced her face and slapped her again.

Imani became dizzy from the impact and felt his hand connect again. Blood filled her mouth.

"You're gonna die whore.." Max began to squeeze his hands around her neck.

Imani kicked her legs, digged at his eyes and hit his face. She felt her swings and kicks get weaker....her sight slowly began to fade to black.


Yannis and Victor fought in the woods picking off Steven's guards one by one. Three of the pack members shifted into wolves taking out the other men.

"The main house is a mile or two ahead. Keep going forward." One of the unshifted pack members spoke through the two-way radio.

Victor walked forward, his instincts caused him to move to the side as an axe flew passed his head, impaling a tree in front of him. He looked and saw six more men come from the trees.

"Those men aren't from our pack." The two way radio echoed.

Growls filled the air as wolves jumped on the men attacking from all sides. Some cries could be heard from one of the wolves being injured.

Victor picked off two of the men with a clear shot then continued to run with his gun drawn.

After a few steps Yannis felt pains in his chest as if he couldn't breathe...he looked over to his brother who seemed to be in the same pain.

"Imani...." they both said in unison.

Then a howl ripped from Victor's mouth as his eyes glowed red and he began to shift. It's been seven years since he completely shifted. The pain of his bones breaking and stretching almost sent him into shock.

Victor's white fur showed through the dark woods as the moon put a spotlight on him.

Yannis followed suit shifting with ease as his fully black wolf stood next to his brother.

The pack members stared in awe at the mighty size of Yannis and Victor's wolves. They completely towered over the pack....these were their true Alphas.

Victor and Yannis both howled toward the sky causing the rest of the pack to howl in admiration and submission.

Their focus went forward as they ran at full speed causing the ground to shake as the pack followed behind them.

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