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Victor's words replayed in Imani's mind...she was hesitant to do as he said although her body screamed otherwise.

She's nervous but that's to be expected. Victor mind linked Yannis.

Yes and she should be. Yannis smirked.

"I need to go check on the baby." She grinned trying to walk away but was stopped.

"I'll check on the little guy." Victor began to lift her tank top over her head. "You get in the tub and relax." He unbuckled her shorts and pulled them down.

Fuck...she's beautiful. Yannis looked at her up and down.

Imani stepped out of her shorts looking at Yannis.

"Come here, Canelle."

She slowly moved toward the tub as Yannis stood up. His body was built to perfection and her mouth watered looking at his chest and arms. Yannis put out his hand to help her into the tub but she was frozen once her eyes met his huge shaft.

I can't believe I lost my virginity to this man.

Yannis smiled. "What's wrong, Canelle? You've seen me naked before."

Imani snapped out of her stare and grabbed his hand, slowly getting into the warm water. She exhaled while the heat soothed her body. Once their bodies were submerged, Imani leaned back against Yannis' chest. She closed her eyes, letting his touch and the water's lavender scent take over her senses.

So much for staying to myself... she began to let go.

Yannis gently let the water fall from the washcloth onto her chest. When Imani opened her eyes, Victor was sitting on the edge of the other side of the tub...only his lower legs were in the water. He stared at her as he took a sip from a glass of red wine...the steam caused his muscular chest and abs to glisten. Imani's eyes went directly to the huge member hanging between Victor's legs.

It's been so long since I've seen them both naked and I'm loving what I see....I've missed them so much.

"Go ahead....go to him." Yannis massaged her breast.

Imani leaned forward then looked back at him. She moved through the water towards Victor as he stared at her. He leaned down, kissing her lips, she immediately put his hardness inside her mouth. After licking the precum off the tip, Imani put as much as she could past her tongue. Her hands and the slippery wetness of her mouth moved together causing groans to pull from his gut.

"Yes...just like that, baby." Victor leaned back.

Yannis watched Imani's backside sway in the bubbling water and he was brick hard hearing her little moans while she pleased his brother. Moving right behind her, Yannis rubbed her opening with the tip of his erection.

Imani continued to suck until Victor's head tilted back and he pumped back and forth, releasing inside her mouth.

"Uuuh! Imani...." He groaned in pleasure.

With one final jerk of Victor's hips, Yannis plunged deep inside of Imani, causing her to yell as some of Victor's cum spilled from her lips.

Her cries were instant and loud as Yannis moved in and out of her slowly, letting her flower adjust to him.

"Damn Canelle, you feel amazing." He squeezed her round soft bottom.

Victor sat in the water and smiled, wiping his juices from her mouth. He kissed her and reached underneath, playing with her clit.

Yannis' pace quickened causing Imani's eyes to roll back. Her climax was near and Victor bit his lip at the look on her face.

"Go ahead baby, be a good girl and cum," Victor said, continuing to rub her pearl.

"Ah! Yes! Fuuuck yesss!!" Imani came, shaking and holding on to Victor as Yannis groaned, releasing inside of her.

Victor got out of the tub and helped Imani out as well. Once he dried her off...Her bed was where they both continued to devour her body. Imani laid on her back with her knees pushed toward her as Victor thrusted into her dripping center while Yannis held down her arms and licked her nipples.

"Victor!! Baybeee...I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum! Aah!" They both smiled as she trembled and arched her back, releasing again....Victor followed soon after.

Sweat glistened on her brown skin as Yannis took Victor's place. The sounds of Imani's moans and his hips slapping against her filled the room. Imani dug her nails into his back as that familiar euphoric sensation began to build up inside of her again.

"Oh my God!..Yanniiiiii!" She called out his name as they both came hard. Her sounds were music to Yannis and Victor's ears as they looked at each other pleased.

We finally got her again.... Victor grinned, mind linking his brother.

Yannis stared at Imani. And this time we're not letting her go.

Victor nodded in agreement while Imani laid satisfied in between them breathing heavily.

That was mind blowing....I can't feel my legs.

Her body hummed, easing her soreness. Then the sounds of the baby crying came through the monitor.

"Back to reality..." Imani slowly got herself up.


I sat on the porch, holding Ethan while he drank from his bottle. As disappointed as I wanted to be with myself, the satisfaction I felt wouldn't let me. Victor and Yanni were a good thing...a great thing and I was going to enjoy their company while they were here.

"Chicken or beef?" Victor asked.

"Shrimp..." I smiled and he kissed my forehead.

"As you wish, darling." He winked his eye and went back inside.

Yanni came out and sat next to me. "So, have you thought about our living arrangement?"

I looked at him then back at Ethan as he held on to my pinky and ring finger.

"I thought about it and it sounds nice."

Yanni moved his chair closer to me. I looked into his eyes and the emotions that I pushed away for Nathan were stirring and boiling to the surface. I love Yanni and Victor....I never stopped, I just put them in another part of my heart.

"I love you with everything in me, Imani. I just want you to be happy...even if it's not with me."

"I know....but I am happy with you."

He smiled and kissed my lips and I melted once again like a teenage girl kissing her crush.

We sat outside enjoying the breeze while Yanni held Ethan and made him laugh. He's such a happy baby.

"Food is ready." Victor's voice echoed from the house.

We went inside and ate, laughing and planning my future move with them. It made sense and felt right being with them and I figured, why not....I'm my own woman and I can do as I please.

"You're going to love the new house, we left all the major rooms empty so you'll have full decorative control." Victor smiled.

I got excited at the thought of starting all over. I know I can take care of myself but knowing I would have Victor and Yanni there to protect me and Ethan...felt secure and put my mind at ease.

"Thank you, Victor." I kissed his lips.

"Anything for you, Imani. I love you."

"I love you too.."

There was a bright light that fluttered through the windows. Victor and Yanni went to see what it was and I stood back to protect my son.


My heart dropped at what I heard and I got up and walked toward the window.

Nathan is here and Hasani is with him.....

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