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Victor and Yannis wanted me to move in with one of them to keep an eye on me. And as much as I would love to do that, I can't leave my bestie hanging. I figured I would make the move next week once Bree officially moves in with her boyfriend. I don't want to leave her alone.

We binge watched 007 movies all day and ate junk food. Bria always took my mind off of the crazy things that may be going on in my life and being around her made me feel normal again.

Numerous times, I thought about telling her everything but then that would just make her worry and get involve. So since she's moving in with Mike next week, I figure I'll just hold off until then.

I felt bad that I missed her birthday last week so I wanted to make it up to her this weekend.

"Hurry up, Mani, the next movie is about to come on!" Bria yelled from the living room.

"I'm coming!"

She's going to love these!

I was in my room getting her gift box out of my closet. I got her some black stiletto back ladder boots. She's been wanting these boots forever.

"Don't start the movie yet Bree!" I came out of the room holding the black box with the gold bow. I'm so excited to see her reaction.

"Happy Birthday, Bree!"

"'s her birthday?....That's too bad."

The woman with the spiky hair stood in front of me wiping the blood of my best friend off on her jeans. Bree was on the couch, her head tilted back....her throat slit open.

A scream that didn't sound like myself came out of my mouth. I dropped the box and ran toward my room, locking the door. I ran to my was kind of a far jump.

There was a knock on the door and the sound of the woman humming a song.

"Open the door little butterfly so I can pluck your pretty wings."

I shook deep in my core....then there was silence.

I waited to hear something else then there was a loud bang. Flight or fight response, I began to climb out the window but then I heard Victor call my name. He grabbed me and I collapsed in his arms. I squeezed his arm then remembered my best friend.

I jumped up and ran back into the living room. I saw Bria again...."She's really dead?"

Victor stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my body. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry."

He let go and I walked over and sat next to her. All I could do was hug her and tell her I'm sorry. Her body was still warm...the tears flowed down my face as the smell of her blood filled my nose.

This is all my fault.....This is all my fault.....

Yannis walked into the house. "They caught her."

"Tell them to take her to the warehouse," Victor responded.

"Already done."

I felt my body vibrate and a calmness came over me. The vibration caused a steady humming noise to fill my ears. Eventhough I was sitting, my body felt like it was floating. I hugged her tighter as if she would disappear.

"Imani?.....Sweetheart?" I heard Yanni and Victor's voices, then I looked at them.

Both he and Victor were staring directly at Bree. When I moved to look at her......Bria was looking at me. I freaked out and ran towards them.

"Imani, what is going on? What is this on me?" She stood up from the couch.

"B-Bree?...You're alive...Oh my God!" My legs got weak.

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