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"Sister, I think this is the place. I can feel a strong presence from all the way out here."

Danzi got out of the car to stretch her arms and legs. Melinda, got out staring at the Mansion in the distance and Sesha sat in the backseat smiling at the thought of meeting the hybrid.

The crystal was swirling in yellow sparkles with hints of red. Her excitement was building with every passing minute.

As the sisters stood afar, they noticed a black BMW pull up towards the gates. Yannis and Victor got out and closed the doors. The sisters ducked behind their car but continued watching.

"Mmmm, I smell werewolves," Melinda said, staring at the tall, big beautiful men.

Yannis and Victor easily jumped over the gate, then ran toward the mansion.

"What do you think they are doing?" Danzi asked.

"We should go find out, maybe we could help." Melinda stood up from hiding and her sisters did the same.

With one quick spell the sisters turned into a black mist and walked through the gates. Once their bodies returned to their original form, they followed where the two men were headed.

Yannis and Victor walked towards the back way. Seeing a balcony in view, they climbed up towards it and Nathan stood waiting for them as they climbed over the railing.

"You gentlemen are very persistent."

"Where's Imani?" Yannis asked.

Nathan turned and casually walked through the double doors. He walked toward a glass cabinet grabbing a bottle of rum. He poured himself a drink and looked at them.

"Why do the both of you need to see my fiancé?" Nathan asked.

"Fiancé?" They asked in unison.

Nathan gave a grin, enjoying the dark energy coming from their bodies. He got excited at the thought of them attacking him...he was ready.

"We want to make sure she is okay and we're not leaving until we see her." Victor walked closer to Nathan.

"I'm fine, guys. You didn't have to come."

Yannis and Victor looked in Imani's direction as the smell of cinnamon and apples filled their noses. When she got closer both of their eyes widened.

Sh-She's pregnant...Victor mind linked his brother, who stood next to him speechless.

"There's my Kitty. I was just about to tell them that you were resting." Imani stood on the tips of her toes, giving Nathan a kiss as he leaned down.

The sapphire ring glistened on her left hand that was on Nathan's stomach. Yannis and Victor stood staring at her in shock, causing Imani to become self conscious.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

Victor snapped out of his daze. "N-Nothing's wrong."

"Canelle, you look absolutely beautiful."

Yannis had many dreams of Imani carrying his child but seeing her pregnant in real time was nothing like his dream, it was better. He just wished it was his child growing inside of her.

"Kitty, why don't you go get Oliver for me. I need to have a talk with them alone," Nathan said then kissed her forehead.

Imani walked away and Nathan looked in their direction.

"You two are starting to become a nuisance. I don't think I'm going to be able to keep my deal with Estelle."

Nathan drank the rest of his rum then crushed the glass in his hand. His eyes turned pitch black as his fangs grew longer with his claws. Yannis and Victor followed right after ready for whatever he had coming.

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